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Historical Narrative Drafting.

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1 Historical Narrative Drafting

2 Prompt In a historical narrative, you tell about a historical event, blending facts with imagined characters and situations. When you write a historical narrative, you combine fiction with nonfiction. Use text-based evidence from your Reading Log (notes from PowerPoints, preliminary assignments, etc.) and the texts read in class to help support your thesis. Plan and write a narrative “mini essay” in which you adequately address the prompt.

3 Role: You are a Jewish teenager during the Holocaust
Role: You are a Jewish teenager during the Holocaust. Choose whether your family is in hiding or has been taken to the concentration camps. Goal: Write a narrative telling the story of your experiences during this tragic time in history. Although you must make this story “your own,” it must contain accurate facts from our reading, showing that you connect with the reading material and empathize with those who were affected by the events of the Holocaust. Truly imagine your own unique experience, backing it up with information from the reading we have done in class.

4 Reminders accurate historic events and details of actual places
one person’s point of view some characters and circumstances invented by the writer chronological organization

5 Rubric Let’s go over the Rubric

6 What are the elements of narrative?
Characters Setting Plot – Storyline Conflict IMAGERY!

7 What is Imagery?

8 Imagery is… Imagery is writing that uses descriptive language to appeal to the senses. Imagery must create a very vivid, detailed mental picture. It cannot be simply stating facts - it must clearly describe what something looked like, smelled like, sounded like, etc.


10 Imagery is NOT… Matty sniffed dutifully. “Onion,” he said, and shrugged. We can just throw it in.” He took a stick and drew a heart in the dirt on the path beside her garden.” ”I think I hear Ramon’s voice. He’s hoarse.”

11 Ways to incorporate Imagery: Figurative Language
Simile – The terrible news hit us like a tidal wave. Metaphor – The dog’s wagging tail was a welcoming smile. Personification – The sun smiled down on our soccer game.

12 Sensory Details – Words that use the five senses
Sights – the blinding lightning slashing through the dark night Sounds – the crack of the baseball bat as it connected with the ball Smells – the sweet perfume of roses Tastes – the fiery peppers blazing on my tongue Touch/Feel – gritty sandpaper

13 Now… Take our your Prewriting Graphic Organizer, and several sheets of paper.

14 How is your story going to begin? What is the conflict of your story?
At the top of one of your pieces of paper, answer the following questions: How is your story going to begin? What is the conflict of your story? How do you want your story to end?

15 Now get ready to WRITE!

16 We know you can do it!

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