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“Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals.” – Jim Rohn.

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Presentation on theme: "“Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals.” – Jim Rohn."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals.” – Jim Rohn

2 2015 HM Handbook & Rules for Rallies What’s New! Then and Now Highlights


4 2014 date changed to 2015 throughout document All 2014 Newsletter changes/corrections done. Uniform Officiation Rules pgs. 10-18 Part 2 were moved to Part 1 and are now pgs. 27-36. (Deleted from Part 2) Index is listed in Table of Contents for each Part 1, 2 and 3. There are three separate indexes. Term ‘centers’ was added throughout document where appropriate. Term ‘rating’ changed to ‘certification’ where appropriate. Increased title font for USPC HM Required Equipment Checklist Amplification Minor spaces or letters left off of type in only a few spots now corrected. Overall Changes to 2015 HM Handbook

5 C+ Turnout Inspections Old: At USPC Rallies, Competitors are evaluated according to their Horse Management certification level, not their Riding certification level. C+ and H-B Competitors will be evaluated according to the C-2 Horse Management standards including Turnout Inspection, bandaging and longeing. HM1–1b Horse Management at USPC Rallies

6 New: At USPC Rallies, Competitors are evaluated according to their Horse Management certification level, not their Riding certification level. H-B Competitors will be evaluated according to the C-2 Horse Management standards. C+ Competitors will be evaluated according to the C-3 standards for turnout, bandaging and longeing. HM1–1b Horse Management at USPC Rallies

7 Turnout Inspection New: Old:

8 Turnout Inspection New: Old:

9 Changed wording for bullet #3 Old: The use of cell phones and other communication devices, such as handheld data managers and computers, is in accordance with the discipline rules for the competition. For example: HM6–6h Communication / Electronic Devices

10 New: Competitors may use electronic devices (e.g., laptop, smartphone, tablet, e-reader) to store and retrieve the HM Rulebook, Discipline Rulebook, and any current newsletters at USPC Rallies. Rulebooks/newsletters must be available for use by all team members at any time. Therefore, readability, mobile data access, device password protection, battery life, and charging capabilities must all be considered by competitors using this type of technology for this purpose. HM6–6h Communication / Electronic Devices

11 Old: The CHMJ will announce any specific expectations regarding leaving the barn area, during the Initial Briefing. Some examples of possible expectations are: Requiring that the team communicate to the discipline’s HM office that the team is leaving Signing out/signing in from the barn area Specific daily barn open and barn closing procedures HM6-6o Leaving the Barn Area During the Competition Day

12 New: The CHMJ will announce any specific expectations regarding leaving the barn area during the Initial Briefing, to include feeding, barn opening and closing procedures. HM6–6o Leaving the Barn Area During the Competition Day

13 HM6–6c Drugs & Medications

14 New: Competitors must wear their pinny or other form of ID designated by the Organizer as well as their Medical Armband (containing their current USPC Medical Card) or Medical Bracelet (see 7b for details). Old: Competitors must wear their pinny or other form of ID designated by the Organizer as well as their Medical Armband containing their current USPC Medical Card. HM6–6i Competitor ID During Rally

15 Old: Medical Armband Members must wear an armband on either upper arm with a copy of their current, complete and signed USPC Medical Card at all times while on competition grounds. HM7-7b General Requirements for Attire at all Times at USPC Activities

16 New: Medical Armband/Bracelet Members must wear an armband or a medical bracelet while on competition grounds. Policy detail: Medical Armbands must include a current completed copy of the individual’s USPC Medical Release. It must be worn on the upper arm. If the member has small arms, he/she may safety pin the armband to his/her upper sleeve. Armbands are available for purchase from HM7-7b General Requirements for Attire at all Times at USPC Activities

17 New: Medical Bracelets must visibly list these five items on them: (a) name and date of birth; (b) emergency contact information; (c) known allergies; (d) current medications; and (e) existing medical conditions. More information is acceptable, but these five items are required to be on the bracelet. HM7-7b (continued)

18 HM7-7i Attire for Turnout Inspection New: Added Navy Blue and Charcoal Gray for Helmets

19 HM7-7i Attire for Turnout Inspection New: Added Off-white Shirt

20 HM7-7i Attire for Turnout Inspection New: Reworded Stock pin/necktie bullet New: Added off-white Gloves

21 New: When buckets are hung, they must be attached securely to the wall. Stall buckets for water must be of rigid construction. Flat-backed buckets require one attachment point to the wall. Old: When buckets are hung, they must be attached securely to the wall. Flat-backed buckets require one attachment point to the wall. HM11–11d Buckets and Feed

22 New: All equipment must be clearly labeled in such a way that it is easy to identify the owner, so the item(s) can easily be returned. For example: All Individual Equipment (HMH pg. 31) must be labeled with the Competitor's name or number. Old: Individual equipment items must be labeled with the Competitor’s name or number. HM12–12d Labeling Equipment

23 New: The minimum requirements at USPC Rallies are: One-day Rally: 1 – five gallon bucket (or the equivalent) Overnight Rally: 2 – five gallon buckets (or the equivalent) Old: The minimum requirements at USPC Rallies are: One-day Rally: 1 – five gallon bucket Overnight Rally: 2 – five gallon buckets (or the equivalent) HM13–13b Water

24 New: All mounts within each discipline will be judged using the same procedure per current discipline rulebook: Old: All mounts within each discipline will be judged using the same procedure: HM15–15a Horse Inspection Procedures

25 New: 17b. Horse Management Scoring Inquiries Old: 17b. Scoring Inquiries HM17– 17b Horse Management Scoring Inquiries HM17–17c HM Inquiries New: 17c. HM Inquiries Old: 17c. Inquiries

26 New: 17d. HM Protests Old: 17d. Protests HM17– 17d HM Protests HM17–17e HM Appeals – CHAMPIONSHIPS ONLY New: 17e. HM Appeals – CHAMPIONSHIPS ONLY Old: 17e. Appeals

27 New: Uniform Officiation Rules for USPC Rallies Part 2 pages 10-18 have been moved to Part 1 pages 27-36 Old: Uniform Officiation Rules for USPC Rallies Deleted from Part 2 Appendix A: Uniform Officiation Rules for USPC Rallies

28 New: A6 Inquiries, Protests and Appeals (Mounted) 6a. Procedures Section updated. New wording available in 2015 Discipline Newsletters.

29 Appendix F-1 Horse Management Protest Form New: New Form (Pg. 77)

30 Appendix F-2 Protest/Appeal Form- Mounted Competitions New: New Form (Pg. 79)

31 New: A4-4d Chief HM Judge For Championships, the CHMJ is selected by the Discipline Organizer and the Championships HM Organizer, based on criteria set forth in the current HMH. Appendix A: Uniform Officiation Rules for USPC Rallies Old: A4-4d Chief HM Judge For Championships, the CHMJ is selected by the Discipline Organizer.

32 USPC HM Required Equipment Checklist Amplification New: Labeling All Individual Equipment (HMH pg 31) must be labeled with the Competitor’s name or number Old: Labeling All individual equipment must be labeled with the Competitor’s name or number.

33 USPC HM Required Equipment Checklist Amplification New: References Current USPC Manual of Horsemanship: Advanced Horsemanship – H-B - A Levels, Susan E. Harris Old: References Current USPC Manual of Horsemanship: Advanced Horsemanship – B, HA, A Levels, Susan E. Harris

34 USPC HM Required Equipment Checklist Amplification New: General Instructions Requirements Labeling: The kit container must be labeled with the Competitor’s name or number. Each individual kit item does not need to be labeled, but labeling assists in the return of borrowed or misplaced items. Old: Requirements Labeling: The kit container must be labeled with the Competitor’s name or number. Each individual item does not need to be labeled, but labeling assists in the return of borrowed or misplaced items.

35 USPC HM Required Equipment Checklist Amplification New: (updated the following Kits) Equine First Aid Kit Human First Aid Kit Utility Kit Tack Cleaning Kit Requirements Labeling: The kit container must be labeled with the Competitor’s name or number. Each individual kit item does not need to be labeled, but labeling assists in the return of borrowed or misplaced items.

36 USPC HM Required Equipment Checklist Amplification Equine First Aid Kit New: Liniment or Body Wash Isopropyl Alcohol Does not need expiration date. Unacceptable: Bottle less than half full. Old: Shelf Life ALERT! May have shelf life date. Does not need expiration date. Unacceptable: Expired. Bottle less than half full.

37 USPC HM Required Equipment Checklist Amplification New: (Photo Added to Handbook) Water Buckets Unacceptable: “Pickle” buckets, flexible ribbed garden buckets, or buckets less than five gallons. Old: Water Buckets Unacceptable: “Pickle” buckets or buckets less than five gallons.

38 USPC HM Required Equipment Checklist Amplification Old: Extra Equipment Purpose Each team must come to Rally with certain pieces of extra equipment in case a piece of tack breaks or is not safe or suitable at Rally. This means that if a rider breaks a stirrup leather, or if a girth is found to be unsafe, the team must have enough extra equipment to replace the item. Since all the equipment a competitor uses must be in the tack room at the beginning of the Rally, all extra or replacement equipment must be there as well. Every piece of extra equipment could be called into use at a moment’s notice, so it must be Turnout Inspection clean to the highest certified member of the team who would use that piece of equipment.

39 USPC HM Required Equipment Checklist Amplification New: Extra Equipment Purpose It is anticipated that equipment may break or be lost during a competition, and the expectation is that competitors will replace these items with items from the Required Extra Equipment. Therefore, Extra Equipment used to replace items that are lost or broken during the course of a competition will not be penalized. However, equipment that was not brought to the rally and must be replaced with items from the Required Extra Equipment will result in a penalty. Example: If a competitor forgets his/her bridle and has to use the spare = penalty. If the reins break and a competitor has to use the spare = no penalty.

40 Appendix F New:

41 First Check- Set Up & Safety Old:

42 First Check- Set Up & Safety New: Removed number boxes from upper right hand corner, replaced with Mounted Competitor box at the bottom left of form.

43 Required Equipment Check Old:

44 Required Equipment Check New: Removed number boxes from upper right hand corner, replaced with Mounted Competitor box at the bottom left of form.

45 Daily Sheet Old:

46 Daily Sheet New: At the top of the page, new wording after Judges: Points should be attributed to individuals whenever possible.

47 Daily Sheet New: Removed number boxes from upper right hand corner, replaced with Mounted Competitor box at the bottom left of form.

48 Daily Sheet Old:

49 Daily Sheet New: Removed row titled: Discipline Specific

50 Turnout Inspection New: Added Number of ES:_________ to all three forms at bottom left. Corrected the Total penalties to (maximum 80)

51 Cross Country Phase Team Sheet New: Removed one number box from top right of form Title of 3 rd column changed to: Reported to Official after finished XC Added Rider Total column to right hand side of form Removed note to scorers at bottom of form

52 Master Score Sheet New: Simplified

53 Team Challenge Procedure for Breaking Ties in HM New: Updated tiebreakers in Category A (pg. 70) and Category B (pg. 71) to reflect updates in 2015 HM Handbook and Rules for Rallies.

54 Index New: Added Index (Pg. 81)

55 Index New: Added Index (Pg. 82)

56 Index New: Added Index (Pg. 83)

57 Remember that it’s consistency in the small things that make the biggest difference. - Anonymous

58 Horse Management for Championships 1.Position added for Champs HM Organizer. 2.Continue to staff Champs utilizing an all CHMJ HM staff. a.CHMJ may not be Discipline CHMJ in the same discipline back to back years b.CHMJ to be in good standing with HM National level education c.CHMJ must have at least 5 years experience as active CHMJ d.Based on number of entries, utilize Discipline Division CHMJs 3.HMC provided HM template for number of HM staff needed based on 100 competitors in help ensure adequate HM staffing. 4.Discipline CHMJs to create daily duty schedule for HM staff. 5.Revised Master Score Sheet for ease of use by CHMJs and scorers.

59 6.Discipline/Division CHMJs and HM Organizer will meet each night prior to Barn Closing to complete daily scoring and ensure consistency across disciplines. 7.Barns Open at 6am and Close at 6pm, ride times scheduled between 8am and 4pm. Any competitor requests for early arrival or late departure must be approved by Overall Champs Organizer. 8.CHMJs to post HM scores daily by 6:30am, with 30 minute inquiry period. All competitor inquiries MUST be presented within the 30 minute inquiry period. Note: Resolution of each inquiry may not be resolved within the 30 minute inquiry period, CHMJs will strive to resolve before first ride. Competitor order of go may impact order in which inquiries are handled.

60 8.HM Written Protests, including references, must be handed in to designated location (ex, Show Office) within 30 minutes of inquiry resolution. 9.Recommend team Stable Manager be nominated Team Captain to expedite handling of signing off sheets/inquires/protests. Team Captain may be riding member of team. Limited flexibility in delay because of Team Captain rider being unavailable. 10.Tiebreakers. More emphasis on recognizing Exceeds Standards during Turnout Inspections. 11.Night Checks. 8:30-9:00pm, Friday and Saturday nights only. At least one team member must come to water and check horses. No pinnies required but must wear appropriate footwear and medical armband/bracelet. Sign off at the HM Discipline Stall required.

61 “Trust is built with consistency.” - Lincoln Chafee “In any team sport, the best teams have consistency and chemistry.” - Roger Staubach

62 FAQs on the USPC Policy concerning Medical Bracelets (These FAQs are NOT in the 2015 Horse Management Handbook and Rules for Rallies, they can be found in the Safety Section of the USPC website) 1.Which form of medical and contact information can a Pony Club member wear? USPC Policy 0128 states that either a Medical armband or a Medical bracelet are required for ALL USPC events. 2.When are they required to wear either the armband or the bracelet? Pony Club members are required to wear one type or the other for ALL USPC events; including meetings (mounted or unmounted), certifications, and/or competitions.

63 3.Is the Medical Bracelet with the five items of information in violation of HIPAA? No, because the parent voluntarily provided the information and USPC is not a covered medical entity. If the parent is uncomfortable with having the information accessible, they should use the Medical armband. They do have the option of covering everything but the name with tape removable by the EMT or medical personnel. (For more information on health information privacy see the US Department of Health & Human Services website:

64 4.Are all 5 items required to be on the bracelet? Yes, blank information is not acceptable. If there are no known allergies, then that item should read NKA or NKDA (for no known drug allergies). If there are no current medications or existing medical conditions those items should say NONE. 5.What if the Pony Club member does not have either form of medical/contact information? As stated in Policy 0218, “Any member at a USPC affiliated mounted or unmounted activity found not wearing either an armband or bracelet must be removed from the activity until the member conforms to the policy requirements.”

65 6.What types of medical bracelets are available and satisfy the criteria established in USPC Policy? Certain medical bracelets currently available in the equestrian community require internet accessibility. One contains a QR code which is read by a scanner on a smart phone/tablet. A second type uses a numeric identification code that is entered into a website to obtain medical information necessary in an emergency. The USPC policy requires the 5 items to be printed directly on the bracelet even if one of the two types is used. There are more basic bracelets with silicone, nylon web and leather bands, preferably with a breakaway aspect.

66 7.If the parent chooses to cover all but the name on the nameplate of a medical bracelet, who will have access to the information that is hidden by the tape? The first responders, such as an EMT or other medical personnel, should have access to this information. If it were incomplete, missing or wrong they would not have the information necessary to effectively treat the Pony Club member. If a parent chooses to use a medical bracelet, they should make every attempt to have the current and accurate information.


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