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Quality Management

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1 Quality Management

2 Six Sigma Quality management tools and methods used in Six Sigma 1 Within the individual phases of a DMAIC or DMADV project, Six Sigma utilizes many established quality-management tools that are also used outside Six Sigma. The following table shows an overview of the main methods used.

3 Quality management 1 Quality management therefore uses quality assurance and control of processes as well as products to achieve more consistent quality.

4 Quality management - Quality management evolution 1 Henry Ford was also important in bringing process and quality management practices into operation in his assembly lines

5 Quality management - Quality management evolution 1 Walter A. Shewhart made a major step in the evolution towards quality management by creating a method for quality control for production, using statistical methods, first proposed in 1924. This became the foundation for his ongoing work on statistical quality control. W. Edwards Deming later applied statistical process control methods in the United States during World War II, thereby successfully improving quality in the manufacture of munitions and other strategically important products.

6 Quality management - Quality management evolution 1 Quality leadership from a national perspective has changed over the past five to six decades

7 Quality management - Quality management evolution 1 Management should learn their responsibilities, and take on leadership

8 Quality management - Quality management evolution 1 Supervision should be to help people and machines and gadgets to do a better job

9 Quality management - Quality management evolution 1 Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service

10 Quality management - Quality management evolution 1 Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement

11 Quality management - Quality management evolution 1 In the 1950s and 1960s, Japanese goods were synonymous with cheapness and low quality, but over time their quality initiatives began to be successful, with Japan achieving very high levels of quality in products from the 1970s onward

12 Quality management - Quality management evolution 1 The ISO 9000 series of standards are probably the best known International standards for quality management.

13 Quality management - Quality management evolution 1 There are a huge number of books available on quality management. In recent times some themes have become more significant including quality culture, the importance of knowledge management, and the role of leadership in promoting and achieving high quality. Disciplines like systems thinking are bringing more holistic approaches to quality so that people, process and products are considered together rather than independent factors in quality management.

14 Quality management - Quality management evolution 1 The influence of quality thinking has spread to non-traditional applications outside of walls of manufacturing, extending into service sectors and into areas such as sales, marketing and customer service.

15 Quality management - Principles 1 The International Standard for Quality management (ISO 9001:2008) adopts a number of management principles that can be used by top management to guide their organizations towards improved performance. The principles include:

16 Quality management - Customer focus 1 Since the organizations depend on their customers, they should understand current and future customer needs, should meet customer requirements and should try to exceed the expectations of customers. An organization attains customer focus when all people in the organization know both the internal and external customers and also what customer requirements must be met to ensure that both the internal and external customers are satisfied.

17 Quality management - Leadership 1 Leaders of an organization establish unity of purpose and direction of it. They should go for creation and maintenance of such an internal environment, in which people can become fully involved in achieving the organization's quality objective.

18 Quality management - Involvement of people 1 People at all levels of an organization are the essence of it. Their complete involvement enables their abilities to be used for the benefit of the organization.

19 Quality management - Process approach 1 The desired result can be achieved when activities and related resources are managed in an organization as process.this may also affect it

20 Quality management - System approach to management 1 An organization's effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its quality objectives are contributed by identifying, understanding and managing all interrelated processes as a system. Quality Control involves checking transformed and transforming resources in all stages of production process.

21 Quality management - Continual improvement 1 One of the permanent quality objectives of an organization should be the continual improvement of its overall performance.

22 Quality management - Mutually beneficial supplier relationships 1 Since an organization and its suppliers are interdependent, therefore a mutually beneficial relationship between them increases the ability of both to add value.

23 Quality management - Mutually beneficial supplier relationships 1 These eight principles form the basis for the quality management system standard ISO 9001:2008.

24 Quality management - Quality improvement 1 There are many methods for quality improvement. These cover product improvement, process improvement and people based improvement. In the following list are methods of quality management and techniques that incorporate and drive quality improvement:

25 Quality management - Quality improvement 1 ISO 9004:2008 — guidelines for performance improvement.

26 Quality management - Quality improvement 1 ISO 15504-4: 2005 — information technology — process assessment — Part 4: Guidance on use for process improvement and process capability determination.

27 Quality management - Quality improvement 1 QFD — quality function deployment, also known as the house of quality approach.

28 Quality management - Quality improvement 1 Kaizen — 改善, Japanese for change for the better; the common English term is continuous improvement.

29 Quality management - Quality improvement 1 Zero Defect Program — created by NEC Corporation of Japan, based upon statistical process control and one of the inputs for the inventors of Six Sigma.

30 Quality management - Quality improvement 1 Six Sigma — 6σ, Six Sigma combines established methods such as statistical process control, design of experiments and failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) in an overall framework.

31 Quality management - Quality improvement 1 PDCA — plan, do, check, act cycle for quality control purposes. (Six Sigma's DMAIC method (define, measure, analyze, improve, control) may be viewed as a particular implementation of this.)

32 Quality management - Quality improvement 1 Quality circle — a group (people oriented) approach to improvement.

33 Quality management - Quality improvement 1 Taguchi methods — statistical oriented methods including quality robustness, quality loss function, and target specifications.

34 Quality management - Quality improvement 1 The Toyota Production System — reworked in the west into lean manufacturing.

35 Quality management - Quality improvement 1 Kansei Engineering — an approach that focuses on capturing customer emotional feedback about products to drive improvement.

36 Quality management - Quality improvement 1 TQM — total quality management is a management strategy aimed at embedding awareness of quality in all organizational processes. First promoted in Japan with the Deming prize which was adopted and adapted in USA as the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and in Europe as the European Foundation for Quality Management award (each with their own variations).

37 Quality management - Quality improvement 1 BPR — business process reengineering, a management approach aiming at optimizing the workflows and processes within an organisation.

38 Quality management - Quality improvement 1 OQRM — Object-oriented Quality and Risk Management, a model for quality and risk management.

39 Quality management - Quality improvement 1 EcoMobility SHIFT, a tool to assess, audit and label urban transport performance in cities.

40 Quality management - Quality improvement 1 Simple one is Process Approach, which forms the basis of ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System standard, duly driven from the 'Eight principles of Quality management', process approach being one of them

41 Quality management - Quality improvement 1 Some of the common differentiators between success and failure include commitment, knowledge and expertise to guide improvement, scope of change/improvement desired (Big Bang type changes tend to fail more often compared to smaller changes) and adaption to enterprise cultures. For example, quality circles do not work well in every enterprise (and are even discouraged by some managers), and relatively few TQM- participating enterprises have won the national quality awards.

42 Quality management - Quality improvement 1 There have been well publicized failures of BPR, as well as Six Sigma. Enterprises therefore need to consider carefully which quality improvement methods to adopt, and certainly should not adopt all those listed here.

43 Quality management - Quality improvement 1 It is important not to underestimate the people factors, such as culture, in selecting a quality improvement approach. Any improvement (change) takes time to implement, gain acceptance and stabilize as accepted practice. Improvement must allow pauses between implementing new changes so that the change is stabilized and assessed as a real improvement, before the next improvement is made (hence continual improvement, not continuous improvement).

44 Quality management - Quality improvement 1 Improvements that change the culture take longer as they have to overcome greater resistance to change. It is easier and often more effective to work within the existing cultural boundaries and make small improvements (that is Kaizen) than to make major transformational changes. Use of Kaizen in Japan was a major reason for the creation of Japanese industrial and economic strength.

45 Quality management - Quality improvement 1 On the other hand, transformational change works best when an enterprise faces a crisis and needs to make major changes in order to survive. In Japan, the land of Kaizen, Carlos Ghosn led a transformational change at Nissan Motor Company which was in a financial and operational crisis. Well organized quality improvement programs take all these factors into account when selecting the quality improvement methods.

46 Quality management - Quality standards 1 The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) created the Quality Management System (QMS) standards in 1987. They were the ISO 9000:1987 series of standards comprising ISO 9001:1987, ISO 9002:1987 and ISO 9003:1987; which were applicable in different types of industries, based on the type of activity or process: designing, production or service delivery.

47 Quality management - Quality standards 1 ISO released a minor revision, ISO 9001:2008 on 14 October 2008. It contains no new requirements. Many of the changes were to improve consistency in grammar, facilitating translation of the standard into other languages for use by over 950,000 certified organisations in the 175 countries (as at Dec 2007) that use the standard.

48 Quality management - Quality standards 1 The ISO 9004:2009 document gives guidelines for performance improvement over and above the basic standard (ISO 9001:2000). This standard provides a measurement framework for improved quality management, similar to and based upon the measurement framework for process assessment.

49 Quality management - Quality standards 1 The Quality Management System standards created by ISO are meant to certify the processes and the system of an organization, not the product or service itself. ISO 9000 standards do not certify the quality of the product or service.

50 Quality management - Quality standards 1 In 2005 the International Organization for Standardization released a standard, ISO 22000, meant for the food industry. This standard covers the values and principles of ISO 9000 and the HACCP standards. It gives one single integrated standard for the food industry and is expected to become more popular in the coming years in such industry.

51 Quality management - Quality standards 1 ISO has also released standards for other industries. For example Technical Standard TS 16949 defines requirements in addition to those in ISO 9001:2008 specifically for the automotive industry.

52 Quality management - Quality standards 1 ISO has a number of standards that support quality management. One group describes processes (including ISO/IEC 12207 & ISO/IEC 15288) and another describes process assessment and improvement ISO 15504.

53 Quality management - Quality standards 1 The Software Engineering Institute has its own process assessment and improvement methods, called CMMi (Capability Maturity Model — integrated) and IDEAL respectively.

54 Quality management - Quality software 1 Quality Management Software is a category of technologies used by organizations to manage the delivery of high quality products

55 Quality management - Quality software 1 Compliance/Audit Management

56 Quality management - Quality software 1 Advanced Product Quality Planning

57 Quality management - Quality software 1 Production Part Approval Process

58 Quality management - Quality software 1 Enterprise Quality Management Software

59 Quality management - Quality software 1 EQMS is a platform for cross-functional communication and collaboration that centralizes, standardizes, and streamlines quality management data from across the value chain

60 Quality management - Quality terms 1 Quality Improvement can be distinguished from Quality Control in that Quality Improvement is the purposeful change of a process to improve the reliability of achieving outcome.

61 Quality management - Quality terms 1 Quality Control is the ongoing effort to maintain the integrity of a process to maintain the reliability of achieving an outcome.

62 Quality management - Quality terms 1 Quality Assurance is the planned or systematic actions necessary to provide enough confidence that a product or service will satisfy the given requirements.

63 Quality management - Academic resources 1 International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, ISSN 1746-6474, Inderscience

64 Quality management - Academic resources 1 International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, ISSN: 0265- 671X, Emerald Publishing Group

65 Quality management - Further reading 1 Juran, Joseph M. and Joseph A. De Feo, "Juran's Quality Handbook", 2010, ISBN 978-0-07-162973-7

66 Quality management - Further reading 1 Nederpelt, Peter van (2012). Object- oriented Quality and Risk Management (OQRM). A practical and generic method to manage quality and risk. MicroData. ISBN 978-1-291-037-35-7.

67 Software quality management - Definitions 1 The aim of Software Quality Management (SQM) is to manage the quality of software and of its development process.

68 Software quality management - Definitions 1 A quality product is one which meets its requirements and satisfies the user

69 Software quality management - Definitions 1 A quality culture is an organizational environment where quality is viewed as everyone’s responsibility.

70 Software quality management - Description 1 The computer scientist Ian Sommerville uses SQM as an umbrella-term that includes the following quality layers:

71 Software quality management - Description 1 Software Quality Assurance (SQA) layer

72 Software quality management - Description 1 Standards, regulations, and procedures to produce, verify, evaluate and confirm work products during the software development lifecycle

73 Software quality management - Description 1 A project level quality plan written by each project for declaring project commitment to follow an applicable set of standards, regulations, procedures and tools during the development lifecycle. In addition, SQP should contain quality goals to be achieved, expected risks and risk management. SQP sources are derived from

74 Software quality management - Description 1 SQA components that are adopted as is or customized to the project's needs

75 Software quality management - Description 1 New procedures, standards and tools complementing missing or not-applicable SQA components that have been written in particular for the project, or imported from outside the organization.

76 Software quality management - Description 1 Any deviation of an SQP from SQA should be justified by the project manager and be confirmed

77 Software quality management - Description 1 Software Quality Control (SQC) layer

78 Software quality management - Description 1 Ensures in-process that both SQA and SQP are being followed by the development teams.

79 Software quality management - Description 1 Mentoring how to produce artifacts, such as well-defined engineering documents using standard templates

80 Software quality management - Description 1 Mentoring how to conduct standard processes, such as quality reviews

81 Software quality management - Description 1 Perform in-process quality reviews to verify, evaluate and confirm artifacts

82 Software quality management - Description 1 Verify and evaluate to improve the use of methods, procedures and adopted software tools

83 Software quality management - SQM Roles 1 to ensure that the required level of quality is achieved in a software product

84 Software quality management - SQM Roles 1 to encourage a company-wide "Quality Culture" where quality is viewed as everyone’s responsibility

85 Software quality management - SQM Roles 1 to reduce the learning curve and help with continuity in case team members change positions within the organization

86 Software quality management - SQM Roles 1 to enable in-process fault avoidance and fault prevention through proper development

87 Software quality management - SQM Roles 1 Many people use the terms SQM and SQA (Software quality assurance) interchangeably.

88 Software quality management - Software quality management and software lifecycle 1 Software quality management can be realized in various ways depending on organization and type of realized project, but it should support whole software development lifecycle, meaning:

89 Software quality management - Software quality management and software lifecycle 1 Collecting requirements and defining scope of IT project, focused on verification if defined requirements will be testable.

90 Software quality management - Software quality management and software lifecycle 1 Designing the solution, focused on planning test process e.g. what type of tests will be performed, how they will be performed in context of test environments and test data.

91 Software quality management - Software quality management and software lifecycle 1 One of the products can be test plan including test schedule.

92 Software quality management - Software quality management and software lifecycle 1 Solution implementation supported by creating test cases and scenarios, executing them and registering defects including coordination of fixing them.

93 Software quality management - Software quality management and software lifecycle 1 Products can be test cases and scenarios, reports from test iteration realization.

94 Software quality management - Software quality management and software lifecycle 1 Change management, supported by verification how planned changes can influence the quality of created solution and eventual change of test plan.

95 Software quality management - Software quality management and software lifecycle 1 One of the products can be changes in test plan, test cases and scenarios.

96 Software quality management - Software quality management and software lifecycle 1 Closing project, supported by realization number of tests focused on complex verification of overall quality of created solution.

97 Software quality management - Software quality management and software lifecycle 1 It can include System Integration Tests, User Acceptance Tests and Operational Acceptance Tests.

98 Software quality management - Software quality management and software lifecycle 1 One of the products can be recommendation about production start of the system.

99 Software quality management - Links to IT methods 1 Software quality management is a topic strongly linked with various project management, development and IT operation methods like:

100 Software quality management - Links to IT methods 1 component „Quality in a project environment”, which describes necessity of double-checked and objective control of created products. It proposes using 4 elements: quality management system, function of quality control, planning quality and quality controls.

101 Software quality management - Links to IT methods 1 "Quality Review Technique" which is focused on verification if created products fulfills defined quality criteria.

102 Software quality management - Links to IT methods 1 Project management method PMBOK 4th edition defines knowledge area Project Quality Management and following processes:

103 Software quality management - Links to IT methods 1 3.5.2. Perform Quality Assurance,

104 Software quality management - Links to IT methods 1 3.6.7. Perform Quality Control

105 Software quality management - Links to IT methods 1 Development method RUP defines discipline testing, which is engaged in all phases starting from Inception, finishing at Transition.

106 Software quality management - Links to IT methods 1 Development method MSF defines tester role and stabilization phase, which focuses mainly on testing a solution.

107 Software quality management - Links to IT methods 1 Agile methods do not defined precisely tester role or mechanisms related to software quality management. The methods define only such techniques as Continuous Integration and Test Driven Development. Nevertheless there appears lastly the publication about agile testing.

108 Software quality management - Links to IT methods 1 Operational method CMMI defines among others process area PPQA "Process and Product Quality Assurance", which is required already at CMMI level 2.

109 Software quality management - Links to IT methods 1 Operational method COBIT defines among others process P08 Manage Quality.

110 Software quality management - Links to IT methods 1 Operational method ITIL is defined among others by publication Continual service improvement.

111 Software quality management - Links to IT methods 1 ISO 9000 – family of standards is related to quality management systems and designed to help organizations ensure that they meet the needs of customers and other stakeholders while meeting statutory and regulatory requirements related to the product.

112 Software quality management - Associations and organizations 1 ISTQB, International Software Testing Qualifications Board is non-profit association registered in Belgium and working world-wide. It manages certification process for software testers. There is already over 200.000 ISTQB® certificates (date: March 2012).

113 Software quality management - Associations and organizations 1 ASQ, American Society for Quality is a knowledge-based global community of quality professionals, with nearly 80,000 members dedicated to the promotion and advancement of quality tools, principles, and practices in their workplaces and in their communities.

114 Quality assurance - Total quality management 1 The quality of products is dependent upon that of the participating constituents, some of which are sustainable and effectively controlled while others are not. The process(es) which are managed with QA pertain to Total Quality Management.

115 Quality assurance - Total quality management 1 If the specification does not reflect the true quality requirements, the product's quality cannot be guaranteed. For instance, the parameters for a pressure vessel should cover not only the material and dimensions but operating, environmental, safety, reliability and maintainability requirements.

116 Total quality management 1 Total quality management

117 Total quality management 1 Total quality management (TQM) consists of organization-wide efforts to install and make permanent a climate in which an organization continuously improves its ability to deliver high-quality products and services to customers

118 Total quality management - History 1 In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the developed countries of North America and Western Europe suffered economically in the face of stiff competition from Japan's ability to produce high-quality goods at competitive cost

119 Total quality management - History 1 The exact origin of the term "total quality management" is uncertain

120 Total quality management - Development in the United States 1 In the spring of 1984, an arm of the United States Navy asked some of its civilian researchers to assess statistical process control and the work of several prominent quality consultants and to make recommendations as to how to apply their approaches to improve the Navy's operational effectiveness. The recommendation was to adopt the teachings of W. Edwards Deming. The Navy branded the effort "Total Quality Management" in 1985.

121 Total quality management - Development in the United States 1 From the Navy, TQM spread throughout the US Federal Government, resulting in the following:

122 Total quality management - Development in the United States 1 The creation of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in August 1987

123 Total quality management - Development in the United States 1 The creation of the Federal Quality Institute in June 1988

124 Total quality management - Development in the United States 1 The adoption of TQM by many elements of government and the armed forces, including the United States Department of Defense, United States Army, and United States Coast Guard

125 Total quality management - Development in the United States 1 The private sector followed suit, flocking to TQM not only as a means to recapture market share from the Japanese, but also to remain competitive when bidding for contracts from the Federal Government since "total quality" requires involving suppliers, not just employees, in process improvement efforts.

126 Total quality management - Features 1 There is no widespread agreement as to what TQM is and what actions it requires of organizations, however a review of the original United States Navy effort gives a rough understanding of what is involved in TQM.

127 Total quality management - Features 1 The key concepts in the TQM effort undertaken by the Navy in the 1980s include:

128 Total quality management - Features 1 "Quality is defined by customers' requirements."

129 Total quality management - Features 1 "Top management has direct responsibility for quality improvement."

130 Total quality management - Features 1 "Increased quality comes from systematic analysis and improvement of work processes."

131 Total quality management - Features 1 "Quality improvement is a continuous effort and conducted throughout the organization."

132 Total quality management - Features 1 The Navy used the following tools and techniques:

133 Total quality management - Features 1 The PDCA cycle to drive issues to resolution

134 Total quality management - Features 1 Ad Hoc cross-functional teams (similar to quality circles) responsible for addressing immediate process issues

135 Total quality management - Features 1 Standing cross-functional teams responsible for the improvement of processes over the long term

136 Total quality management - Features 1 Active management participation through steering committees

137 Total quality management - Features 1 Use of the Seven Basic Tools of Quality to analyze quality-related issues

138 Total quality management - Notable definitions 1 While there is no generally-accepted definition of TQM, several notable organizations have attempted to define it. These include:

139 Total quality management - United States Department of Defense (1988) 1 "Total Quality Management (TQM) in the Department of Defense is a strategy for continuously improving performance at every level, and in all areas of responsibility

140 Total quality management - British Standards Institution standard BS 7850-1:1992 1 "A management philosophy and company practices that aim to harness the human and material resources of an organization in the most effective way to achieve the objectives of the organization."

141 Total quality management - International Organization for Standardization standard ISO 8402:1994 1 "A management approach of an organisation centred on quality, based on the participation of all its members and aiming at long term success through customer satisfaction and benefits to all members of the organisation and society."

142 Total quality management - The American Society for Quality 1 "A term first used to describe a management approach to quality improvement

143 Total quality management - The Chartered Quality Institute 1 "TQM is a philosophy for managing an organisation in a way which enables it to meet stakeholder needs and expectations efficiently and effectively, without compromising ethical values."

144 Total quality management - Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria 1 In the United States, the Baldridge Award, created by Public Law 100-107, annually recognizes American businesses, educational institutions, and healthcare organizations that run high-quality operations. Organizations are judged on criteria from seven categories:

145 Total quality management - Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria 1 Measurement, analysis, and knowledge management

146 Total quality management - Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria 1 How do you obtain information on your customers’ satisfaction relative to their satisfaction with your competitors?

147 Total quality management - Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria 1 How do you select, collect, align, and integrate data and information for tracking daily operations?

148 Total quality management - Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria 1 How do you manage your workforce, its needs, and your needs to ensure continuity, prevent workforce reductions, and minimize the impact of workforce reductions, if they do become necessary?

149 Total quality management - Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria 1 Joseph M. Juran believed the Baldrige Award judging criteria to be the most widely accepted description of what TQM entails.:650

150 Total quality management - Standards 1 During the 1990s, standards bodies in Belgium, France, Germany, Turkey, and the United Kingdom attempted to standardize TQM. While many of these standards have since been explicitly withdrawn, they all are effectively superseded by ISO 9000:

151 Total quality management - Standards 1 Total Quality Management: Guide to Management Principles, London, England: British Standards Institution, 1992, ISBN 9780580211560, OCLC 655881602, BS 7850

152 Total quality management - Standards 1 Electronic Components Committee (1994), Guide to Total Quality Management (TQM) for CECC-Approved Organizations, Brussels, Belgium: European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization, CECC 00 806 Issue 1

153 Total quality management - Standards 1 System zur Zukunftssicherung: Total Quality Management (TQM), Düsseldorf, Germany: Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, 1996, OCLC 632959402, VDI 5500

154 Total quality management - Standards 1 Total Quality and Marketing/Management Tools, Paris, France: AFNOR, 1998, FD X50-680

155 Total quality management - Legacy 1 Interest in TQM as an academic subject peaked around 1993.

156 Total quality management - Legacy 1 The Federal Quality Institute was shuttered in September 1995 as part of the Clinton administration's efforts to streamline government. The European Centre for Total Quality Management closed in August 2009, a casualty of the Great Recession.

157 Total quality management - Legacy 1 TQM as a vaguely-defined quality management approach was largely supplanted by the ISO 9000 collection of standards and their formal certification processes in the 1990s. Business interest in quality improvement under the TQM name also faded as Jack Welch's success attracted attention to Six Sigma and Toyota's success attracted attention to Lean manufacturing, though the three share many of the same tools, techniques, and significant portions of the same philosophy.

158 Quality management system 1 It is expressed as the organizational structure, policies, procedures, processes and resources needed to implement quality management

159 Quality management system 1 Other QMS, e.g. Natural Step, focus on sustainability issues and assume that other quality problems will be reduced as result of the systematic thinking, transparency, documentation and diagnostic discipline that sustainability focus implies. See sustainability for more on this approach to quality management.

160 Quality management system - Elements of a Quality Management System 1 # Quality Objectives

161 Quality management system - Elements of a Quality Management System 1 # Organizational structure and Responsibilities

162 Quality management system - Elements of a Quality Management System 1 # Processes - including purchasing

163 Quality management system - Elements of a Quality Management System 1 # Resources - including natural resources and human capital

164 Quality management system - Elements of a Quality Management System 1 # Product Quality leading to Customer satisfaction

165 Quality management system - Elements of a Quality Management System 1 # Continuous Improvement including Corrective and preventive action

166 Quality management system - Elements of a Quality Management System 1 # Sustainability - including efficient resource use and responsible environmental operations

167 Quality management system - Concept of quality - historical background 1 The concept of quality as we think of it now first emerged out of the Industrial Revolution

168 Quality management system - Concept of quality - historical background 1 Application of statistical control came later as a result of World War production methods, and were advanced by the work done of W

169 Quality management system - Concept of quality - historical background 1 Quality, as a profession and the managerial process associated with the quality function, was introduced during the second-half of the 20th century, and has evolved since then. Over this period, few other disciplines have seen as many changes as the quality profession.

170 Quality management system - Concept of quality - historical background 1 The quality profession grew from simple control, to engineering, to systems engineering

171 Quality management system - Quality system for medical devices 1 Quality System requirements for medical devices have been internationally recognized as a way to assure product safety and efficacy and customer satisfaction since at least 1983, and were instituted as requirements in a [ final rule published on October 7, 1996]

172 Quality management system - Quality system for medical devices 1 According to current Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), medical device manufacturers have the responsibility to use good judgment when developing their quality system and apply those sections of the FDA Quality System (QS) Regulation that are applicable to their specific products and operations, in [ x_05/21cfr820_05.html Part 820] of the QS regulation

173 Quality management system - Quality system for medical devices 1 The FDA has identified in the QS regulation the essential elements that a quality system shall embody for design, production and distribution, without prescribing specific ways to establish these elements. These elements include:

174 Quality management system - Quality system for medical devices 1 * personnel training and qualification

175 Quality management system - Quality system for medical devices 1 * controlling documentation

176 Quality management system - Quality system for medical devices 1 * product identification and traceability at all stages of production

177 Quality management system - Quality system for medical devices 1 * controlling and defining production and process

178 Quality management system - Quality system for medical devices 1 * defining and controlling inspection, measuring and test equipment

179 Quality management system - Quality system for medical devices 1 * instituting corrective and preventive action when errors occur

180 Quality management system - Quality system for medical devices 1 * handling, storage, distribution and installation

181 Quality management system - Quality system for medical devices 1 all overseen by management and quality audits.

182 Quality management system - Quality system for medical devices 1 Because the QS regulation covers a broad spectrum of devices and production processes, it allows some leeway in the details of quality system elements

183 Quality management system - Quality system for medical devices 1 Drug manufactures are regulated under a different section of the Code of Federal Regulations:

184 Quality management system - Quality management organizations and awards 1 The International Organization for Standardization's ISO 9001|ISO 9001:2008 series describes standards for a QMS addressing the principles and processes surrounding the design, new product development|development and delivery of a general Product (business)|product or Service (economics)|service

185 Quality management system - Quality management organizations and awards 1 (ISO 9000:2005 provides information the fundamentals and vocabulary used in quality management systems. ISO 9004:2009 provides guidance on quality management approach for the sustained success of an organization. Neither of these standards can be used for certification purposes as they provide guidance, not requirements).

186 Quality management system - Quality management organizations and awards 1 The [ Baldrige Performance Excellence Program] educates organizations in performance excellence management and administers the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award

187 Quality management system - Quality management organizations and awards 1 The European Foundation for Quality Management's EFQM Excellence Model supports an award scheme similar to the Baldrige Award for European companies.

188 Quality management system - Quality management organizations and awards 1 In Canada, the [ National Quality Institute] presents the '[ Canada Awards for Excellence]' on an annual basis to organisations that have displayed outstanding performance in the areas of Quality and Workplace Wellness, and have met the Institute's criteria with documented overall achievements and results.

189 Quality management system - Quality management organizations and awards 1 European Quality in Social Services|EQUASS is a sector-specific quality system designed for the social services sector, and addresses quality principles that are specific to service delivery to Social exclusion|vulnerable groups, such as empowerment, rights and Person-centred planning|person- centredness. [ ]

190 Quality management system - Quality management organizations and awards 1 The [ Alliance for Performance Excellence] is a network of state and local organizations that use the [ iteria.cfm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence] at the grassroots level to improve the performance of local organizations and economies. browsers can find Alliance members in their state and get the latest news and events from the Baldrige community.

191 Quality management system - Quality Management System process 1 A QMS process is an element of an organizational QMS. The ISO 9000|ISO9001:2000 standard requires organizations seeking compliance (regulation)|compliance or certification to define the processes which form the QMS and the sequence and interaction of these processes. Butterworth-Heinemann and other publishers have offered several books which provide step-by-step guides to whom seeking the quality certifications of their products,,,,,.

192 Quality management system - Quality Management System process 1 Examples of such processes include:

193 Quality management system - Quality Management System process 1 * Measurement of Product (business)|product/ Service (economics)|service/ Process modeling|process compliant with specified requirements including statistical techniques such as Statistical process control|Statistical Process Control and Measurement Systems Analysis

194 Quality management system - Quality Management System process 1 * Identification, labeling and control of Conformance testing|non conforming Product (business)|product to preclude its inadvertent use, delivery or processing.

195 Quality management system - Quality Management System process 1 * Purchasing and related processes such as Distributor (business)|supplier selection and wikt:monitoring|monitoring

196 Quality management system - Quality Management System process 1 ISO9001 requires that the performance of these processes be measured, analysed and Continuous improvement|continually improved, and the results of this form an input into the management review process.

197 Organizational behavior management - Quality Management 1 The parallel between OBM tools and the process and procedures common to the so-called Quality Movement (SPC, Deming, Quality Circles, ISO, etc) was documented by Wikoff in his ISPI Article of the Year, The quality movement meets performance technology,.

198 Chief audit executive - Quality management 1 The CAE is responsible for assuring that appropriate engagement letter|engagement supervision is provided. Supervisor|Supervision is a process begins with planning and continues throughout the examination, evaluation, communication, and follow-up phases of the engagement.

199 Chief audit executive - Quality management 1 *Develop and maintain a quality assurance and improvement program that covers all aspects of the internal audit function, and continuously monitor its effectiveness.

200 Chief audit executive - Quality management 1 *In collaboration with the audit committee, ensure that a practice inspection or other external review of the internal audit function is conducted at least every 3 years, by a qualified, independent external review team, and that the results of this external assessment are communicated to the audit committee.

201 Chief audit executive - Quality management 1 * Ensure that professional internal auditing standards are followed (e.g. Institute of Internal Auditors|IIA standards or local standards).

202 Chief audit executive - Quality management 1 NB: Generally accepted auditing standards and International Standards on Auditing are external audit standards.

203 Chief audit executive - Quality management 1 * Report at least annually to the audit committee on the internal audit function's conformance with professional internal auditing Accounting standards|standards.

204 Fuel economy in automobiles - Fuel economy as part of quality management regimes 1 Environmental management systems EMAS as well as good fleet management includes record keeping of the fleet fuel consumption. Quality management uses those figures to steer the measures acting on the fleets. This is a way to check whether procurement, driving, and maintenance in total have contributed to changes in the fleet's overall consumption.

205 Common Cause Variation - Importance to industrial and quality management 1 A special-cause failure is a failure that can be corrected by changing a component or process, whereas a common-cause failure is equivalent to noise in the system and specific actions cannot be made to prevent the failure.

206 Common Cause Variation - Importance to industrial and quality management 1 : A riot occurs in a certain prison. Officials and sociologists turn out a detailed report about the prison, with a full explanation of why and how it happened here, ignoring the fact that the causes were common to a majority of prisons, and that the riot could have happened anywhere.

207 Common Cause Variation - Importance to industrial and quality management 1 The quote recognises that there is a temptation to react to an extreme outcome and to see it as significant, even where its causes are common to many situations and the distinctive circumstances surrounding its occurrence, the results of mere chance. Such behaviour has many implications within management, often leading to ad-hoc interventions that merely increase the level of variation and frequency of undesirable outcomes.

208 Common Cause Variation - Importance to industrial and quality management 1 W. Edwards Deming|Deming and Walter A. Shewhart|Shewhart both advocated the control chart as a means of managing a business process in an economically efficient manner.

209 Quality improvement - 'Quality management evolution' 1 Quality leadership from a national perspective has changed over the past five to six decades

210 Quality improvement - 'Quality management evolution' 1 * Management should learn their responsibilities, and take on leadership

211 Quality improvement - 'Quality management evolution' 1 * Supervision should be to help people and machines and gadgets to do a better job

212 Quality improvement - 'Quality management evolution' 1 * Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service

213 Quality improvement - 'Quality management evolution' 1 * Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement

214 Small-scale project management - Quality Management 1 A level which does not overburden the project with unnecessary administration and does not commit scarce resources to a quality management approach that constricts the ability to be creative and innovate

215 Zero Defects - Absolutes of Quality Management 1 According to Crosby, there are four Absolutes:

216 Nortel Proactive Voice Quality Management 1 'Avaya Unified Communications Management' in computer networking is the name of a collection of GUI software programs from Avaya utilizing a service- oriented architecture (SOA) that serves as a foundation for unifying configuration and monitoring of Avaya Unified Communications Servers and data systems.

217 Nortel Proactive Voice Quality Management - Capabilities 1 The products in the Unified Communications Management (UCM) suite integrate into the same SOA based Web Services framework to provide a comprehensive

218 Nortel Proactive Voice Quality Management - Capabilities 1 set of management capabilities all available through a web browser

219 Nortel Proactive Voice Quality Management - Capabilities 1 sessions of the Unified Communications Management Suite use HTTP Secure sessions to provide access to the UCM Home Page. From the UCM Home page each user can access any of the UCM applications by clicking on the application link from the navigation bar on the left hand side of the page.

220 European Foundation for Quality Management 1 The 'EFQM Excellence Model' is a non- prescriptive wiktionary:framework|framework for organizational management systems, promoted by EFQM (formerly known as the 'European Foundation for Quality Management') and designed for helping organizations in their drive towards being more competitive. The Model is regularly reviewed and refined: the last update was published in 2013.

221 European Foundation for Quality Management 1 Regardless of sector, size, structure or maturity, organizations need to establish appropriate management systems in order to be successful. The EFQM Excellence Model is a practical tool to help organizations do this by measuring where they are on the path to excellence; helping them understand the gaps; and then stimulating solutions.

222 European Foundation for Quality Management - History 1 Over the years a number of research studies have investigated the correlation between the adoption of holistic Models, such as OIQ, Organizational Integrated Quality and EFQM Excellence Model, and improved organizational results

223 European Foundation for Quality Management - Purpose 1 The EFQM Model provides a framework allowing organisations to determine their current “level of excellence” and where they need to focus improvement efforts. Moreover, the Model helps to ensure that business decisions incorporate the needs of all stakeholders and are aligned with the organisation’s objectives.

224 European Foundation for Quality Management - Purpose 1 The EFQM Model acts as a common reference tool helping organisations move towards Excellence. Thus, the Model provides its users with a set of performance improvement tools in order for them to achieve and sustain results and Excellence. The Model is regularly reviewed to incorporate new ideas, concepts and learning. The last revision was published in 2013.EFQM Excellence Model 2013, multiple authors, EFQM

225 European Foundation for Quality Management - Predominance 1 The EFQM Excellence Model is a widely used organisational framework in Europe, with about 30 000 organisations using it. In recent years, more and more countries started implementing the Model, especially across Middle East and South America.

226 European Foundation for Quality Management - Predominance 1 All European organisations, both in the public and private sectors, are facing new challenges

227 European Foundation for Quality Management - Practice 1 The Model can be used to understand the relations of cause and effects between what organisations do and the results they get. There are 3 components of the Model:

228 European Foundation for Quality Management - Practice 1 * Fundamental concepts, representing eight core values or key management principles that drive sustainable success

229 European Foundation for Quality Management - Practice 1 * Nine criteria, separated in to categories of enablers and results

230 European Foundation for Quality Management - Practice 1 * RADAR logic, continuous improvement cycle used by EFQM. It was originally derived from the PDCA cycle.

231 European Foundation for Quality Management - EFQM Excellence Award 1 The EFQM Excellence Award is run annually by EFQM. It is designed to recognize organizations that have achieved an outstanding level of sustainable excellence, based on assessment against the EFQM Excellence Model.

232 Quality engineering - Total quality management 1 The quality of products is dependent upon that of the participating constituents, some of which are sustainable and effectively controlled while others are not. The process(es) which are managed with QA pertain to Total Quality Management.

233 Clinical Quality Management System 1 A 'Clinical Quality Management System (CQMS)' allows an entire practice staff to take part in increasing the quality of care delivered to their patients

234 Quality system - Quality management organizations and awards 1 The [ Baldrige Performance Excellence Program] educates organizations in performance excellence management and administers the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award

235 Quality system - Quality management organizations and awards 1 In Canada, the [ National Quality Institute] presents the '[ Canada Awards for Excellence]' on an annual basis to organisations that have displayed outstanding performance in the areas of Quality and Workplace Wellness, and have met the Institute's criteria with documented overall achievements and results.

236 Quality system - Quality management organizations and awards 1 The [ Alliance for Performance Excellence] is a network of state and local organizations that use the [ ia.cfm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence] at the grassroots level to improve the performance of local organizations and economies. browsers can find Alliance members in their state and get the latest news and events from the Baldrige community.

237 Quality management framework 1 'Quality Management Framework' or 'QMF' is a tool to aid in the successful delivery of products and services across the enterprise.

238 Quality management framework 1 The QMF standardises processes, allowing for increased efficiencies (faster and less cost) in bringing new products to the market place. These processes strengthen supplier management techniques in addition to robust cost control, thereby improving our overall profit. And by implementing the QMF we ensure PCI and security compliance across a project lifecycle.

239 Quality management framework 1 First coined by William Hill (bookmaker), it was developed by utilising the benefits of TQM and pre-defined security policies, as defined by IEEE

240 Quality management framework 1 By adopting the QMF and utilising the artefacts designed for a robust security policy it is expected that improvements will be achieved. This report shall show the result of this investigation and the ease of its implementation and will highlight:-

241 Quality management framework 1resolutions made on security policy;

242 Quality management framework 1the robustness of the solution to be scaled across IS projects;

243 Quality management framework 1 Based on the iTQM (integrated total quality management system) which shows that research into this field is “about how to design a top-down orchestrated serviced oriented architecture to integrate TQM element cores into a whole system supported by advanced information technology, data mining, service policies, forced training and governance” (WANG 2008).Integrated Total Quality Management Wang, Wu The University of Sussex 2008 Focusing heavily on quality and process improvements these systems rely on separate processes to realise a robust security policy

244 Quality management framework 1 There is also a large amount of research in the area of security within IS Delivery and in improving security standards within those defined by IEEE that can help to “en-sure that security is analyzed during the early stages of the software development lifecycle” (MCCARTHY 2007).Specifying security requirements improvement for IEEE Standard 830 McCarthy, Jacob, D 2007 By utilising the research within these areas I believe we can incorporate this into the sQMF for improved IS Project Delivery

245 Bay Area Air Quality Management District 1 The 'Bay Area Air Quality Management District' ('BAAQMD') is a public agency that regulates the stationary sources of air pollution in the nine counties of California's San Francisco Bay Area: Alameda County, California|Alameda, Contra Costa County, California|Contra Costa, Marin County, California|Marin, Napa County, California|Napa, San Francisco, California|San Francisco, San Mateo County, California|San Mateo, Santa Clara County, California|Santa Clara, southwestern Solano County, California|Solano, and southern Sonoma County, California|Sonoma

246 Bay Area Air Quality Management District - History 1 The first meeting of the 'Bay Area Air Pollution Control District' (as it was initially known) board of directors was on November 16, 1955, possessing the duty of regulating the sources of stationary air pollution in the San Francisco Bay Area, that is, most sources of air pollution with the exception of automobiles and aircraft

247 Bay Area Air Quality Management District - History 1 The Bay Area Air Pollution Control District changed its name to the Bay Area Air Quality Management district three years later

248 Bay Area Air Quality Management District - History 1 In July 2008, the Board passed a law that makes the previously voluntary compliance with wood burning regulations a crime

249 Bay Area Air Quality Management District - History 1 Spare the Air Alerts are predictive in nature and are called when there is a chance of exceeding the limits. This was made apparent during the fall of 2009 there was a ban on burning on both Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. This resulted in public outcry. 57.html

250 Bay Area Air Quality Management District - History 1 There are exceptions that allow wood burning fires during the Spare the Air alerts. For example, if the fire is your only source of heat you are exempt. Also according to the website Fires for cooking are not prohibited during Winter Spare the Air Alerts, but we ask the public to be mindful of air quality, and recommend the use of gas and propane barbecues rather than wood or charcoal-fired cooking devices on these days.

251 Bay Area Air Quality Management District - Uses of data 1 BAAQMD oversees regional data on air pollution and has the authority to declare Spare the Air Days, when residents should take extra precautions when going outside and may be prohibited from engaging in activities such as burning. 511 Contra Costa built an RSS feed using these data, and released an iPhone application to alert people with allergies or other environmental sensitivities about air quality alerts.

252 Bay Area Air Quality Management District - Divisions 1 Communications Outreach: and-Outreach.aspx

253 Bay Area Air Quality Management District - Divisions 1 Human Resources: /Divisions/Human- Resources.aspx

254 Bay Area Air Quality Management District - Divisions 1 Planning, Rules Research: Research.aspx

255 Bay Area Air Quality Management District - Notable facilities in jurisdiction 1 Some example stationary sources in the BAAQMD jurisdiction are:

256 Bay Area Air Quality Management District - Notable facilities in jurisdiction 1 *The Shaw Group waste ponds, Martinez

257 Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points - Water Quality Management 1 The use of HACCP for water quality management was first proposed nearly 20 years ago (Havelaar, A.H

258 Cover crop - Soil quality management 1 Cover crops can also improve soil quality by increasing soil organic matter levels through the input of cover crop biomass over time. Increased soil organic matter enhances soil structure, as well as the water and nutrient holding and buffering capacity of soil (Patrick et al. 1957). It can also lead to increased soil carbon sequestration, which has been promoted as a strategy to help offset the rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels (Kuo et al. 1997, Sainju et al. 2002, Lal 2003).

259 Cover crop - Soil quality management 1 Soil quality is managed to produce optimum circumstances for crops to flourish. The principal factors of soil quality are soil salination, pH, microorganism balance and the prevention of soil contamination.

260 Information Quality Management 1 'Information Quality Management' is an information technology (IT) management discipline, which encompasses the COBIT Information Criteria of efficiency, effectiveness, confidentiality, integrity, availability, compliance, and reliability. The idea is for companies to have the risks of using a program diminished to protect private and sensitive information.

261 Information Quality Management 1 It is held by some that the separation of software engineering, infrastructure management, and information security management leads to difficulties and failures. These failures occur especially when communication is needed between these two sectors

262 Information Quality Management - The future 1 Thus, leading edge companies are starting to integrate these information quality management disciplines along with the discipline of information risk management. These two disciplines ensure that Software Engineering Frameworks of the future have established information security controls in place before the project commences.

263 Redundancy (total quality management) 1 'Total quality management' ('TQM') consists of organization-wide efforts to install and make permanent a climate in which an organization continuously improves its ability to deliver high-quality products and services to customers

264 Redundancy (total quality management) - History 1 In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the developed countries of North America and Western Europe Early 1980s recession|suffered economically in the face of stiff competition from Japan's Japanese post-war economic miracle|ability to produce high-quality goods at competitive cost

265 Redundancy (total quality management) - History 1 The exact origin of the term total quality management is uncertain

266 Redundancy (total quality management) - Development in the United States 1 *The creation of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in August 1987

267 Redundancy (total quality management) - Development in the United States 1 *The creation of the Federal Quality Institute in June 1988

268 Redundancy (total quality management) - Development in the United States 1 *The adoption of TQM by many elements of government and the armed forces, including the United States Department of Defense, United States Army, and United States Coast Guard

269 Redundancy (total quality management) - Development in the United States 1 The private sector followed suit, flocking to TQM principles not only as a means to recapture market share from the Japanese, but also to remain competitive when bidding for contracts from the Federal Government since total quality requires involving suppliers, not just employees, in process improvement efforts.

270 Redundancy (total quality management) - Features 1 *Quality is defined by customers' requirements.

271 Redundancy (total quality management) - Features 1 *Top management has direct responsibility for quality improvement.

272 Redundancy (total quality management) - Features 1 *Increased quality comes from systematic analysis and improvement of work processes.

273 Redundancy (total quality management) - Features 1 *Quality improvement is a continuous effort and conducted throughout the organization.

274 Redundancy (total quality management) - Features 1 *The PDCA cycle to drive issues to resolution

275 Redundancy (total quality management) - Features 1 *Ad hoc cross-functional teams (similar to quality circles) responsible for addressing immediate process issues

276 Redundancy (total quality management) - Features 1 *Standing cross-functional teams responsible for the improvement of processes over the long term

277 Redundancy (total quality management) - Features 1 *Active management participation through steering committees

278 Redundancy (total quality management) - Features 1 *Use of the Seven Basic Tools of Quality to analyze quality-related issues

279 Redundancy (total quality management) - Notable definitions 1 While there is no generally accepted definition of TQM, several notable organizations have attempted to define it. These include:

280 Redundancy (total quality management) - Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria 1 #Measurement, analysis, and knowledge management

281 Redundancy (total quality management) - Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria 1 #Operations focus

282 Redundancy (total quality management) - Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria 1 *How do you obtain information on your customers’ satisfaction relative to their satisfaction with your competitors?

283 Redundancy (total quality management) - Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria 1 *How do you select, collect, align, and integrate data and information for tracking daily operations?

284 Redundancy (total quality management) - Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria 1 *How do you manage your workforce, its needs, and your needs to ensure continuity, prevent workforce reductions, and minimize the impact of workforce reductions, if they do become necessary?

285 Redundancy (total quality management) - Legacy 1 The Federal Quality Institute was shuttered in September 1995 as part of the Presidency of Bill Clinton|Clinton administration's efforts to National Partnership for Reinventing Government#Impact of the National Performance Review|streamline government. The European Centre for Total Quality Management closed in August 2009, a casualty of the Great Recession.

286 Redundancy (total quality management) - Legacy 1 TQM as a vaguely defined quality management approach was largely supplanted by the ISO 9000 collection of standards and their formal certification processes in the 1990s. Business interest in quality improvement under the TQM name also faded as Jack Welch's success attracted attention to Six Sigma and Toyota's success attracted attention to Lean manufacturing, though the three share many of the same tools, techniques, and significant portions of the same philosophy.

287 Redundancy (total quality management) - Legacy 1 TQM lives on in various List of national quality awards|national quality awards around the globe.

288 Total Security Management - Relation to Total Quality Management 1 The TSM name borrows from the management concept Total Quality Management (TQM), an approach made famous by the work of W

289 Total Security Management - Relation to Total Quality Management 1 The now well-accepted theory of Total Quality Management was not initially met with open arms in the United States

290 For More Information, Visit: m/the-quality-management- toolkit.html m/the-quality-management- toolkit.html The Art of Service

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