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Four Nations, One History? A Curriculum Fit For A Society Struggling Out Of Conflict? Alan McCully University of Ulster.

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Presentation on theme: "Four Nations, One History? A Curriculum Fit For A Society Struggling Out Of Conflict? Alan McCully University of Ulster."— Presentation transcript:

1 Four Nations, One History? A Curriculum Fit For A Society Struggling Out Of Conflict? Alan McCully University of Ulster

2 NI Curriculum: The ‘Big Picture’

3 The aspiration over time is to enhance and deepen [students’] capacity to understand complex issues relevant to their lives – especially in living in Northern Ireland – and to be able to access and manage information effectively. To be critical of evidence, to think flexibly and creatively, to solve problems, and make reasoned and responsible judgments and decisions based on weighing up the evidence available. Carmel Gallagher, ex CCEA.

4 Social Democracy Critical Thinking Relevance to 21 C. Inter- connected learning Active Pedagogy

5 Investigate the long and short term causes and consequences of the partition of Ireland and how it has influenced Northern Ireland today including key events and turning points

6 Investigate how history has been selectively interpreted to create stereotypical perceptions and to justify view and actions Slavery? Apartheid? Holocaust? Distancing The NI Troubles?

7 Investigate individuals who are considered to have taken a significant moral stand and examine their motivation and legacy Mandela? Gandhi? King? Sands? Paisley? Hume? Trimble?

8 Investigate critical issues in history of historical figures who have behaved ethically or unethically Atomic bomb? Appeasement? The final solution? Use of terror / guerrilla war?

9 Emerging Issues Too radical? Relevance interpreted as activity Blurring with Citizenship Distance as avoidance Teacher deficit

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