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Presenter: Justin Vega Sales Focus Areas. The Theory Everyone connected to NES has equal opportunity to sell The more you sell the more percentage you.

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Presentation on theme: "Presenter: Justin Vega Sales Focus Areas. The Theory Everyone connected to NES has equal opportunity to sell The more you sell the more percentage you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenter: Justin Vega Sales Focus Areas

2 The Theory Everyone connected to NES has equal opportunity to sell The more you sell the more percentage you make The longer you sell, the more residuals you make Stay active with NES, and earn residuals for as long as you wish

3 The New Comp Plan Through commissions paid on one’s sales of The Total WellNES System directly to Qualified Healthcare Practitioners Through Residual Commissions paid on one’s sales of ‘Recurring Income Products’ directly to Qualified Healthcare Practitioners. Through Expansion Commissions by sales of Total Wellness systems by Sales Partners one tier down in the Sales Partners sales network, AND by sales of Total Wellness System by Practitioners one tier down in the Sales Partners sales network.

4 Expansion Bonus The Sales Partner will receive a 5% expansion bonus on any Total Wellness system sold by one of their practitioners, one tier down from the Sales Partner. The referring Sales Partner will be paid 5% on the upfront purchase price of a Total WellNES System sold by the recruited Sales Agent to a new Qualified Healthcare Practitioner which is not subsequently cancelled during the refund period allowable by the Purchase Agreement. Expansion bonuses are earned on sales made during the first 12 months effective from the date of the newly hired Sales Partner signed contract. Paid quarterly, AND after 60 day trial has passed

5 Residuals A Sales Partner will earn ongoing residual commissions based on the following scale: 5% = 10 Sales to date 10% = 25 Sales to date 15% = 50 Sales to date 20% = 100+ Sales to date WHEN DOES THE COUNT START?

6 Residual “Count” will Start… WHEN YOU WERE HIRED!!!

7 Residuals Qualification Nine (9) unique new practitioners are sold the Total WellNES System by the Sales Partner in each calendar year to continue to earn the Residual Commission Sales Partners are to PASS to a HIGH STANDARD the Quantum Health Training modules. This will include submission of case histories, receiving a “thumbs up” approval from proctors, as well as receiving a passing grade on all Sales Training Modules. o For new Sales Partners starting on or after June 1 st, 2015, it is expected that this training will be completed within six (6) months of start date. The Sales Partner’s position with the company will be re-evaluated if this expectation is not met six months after start date. o For Sales Partners who have been with the company prior to June 1 st 2015, completing the above training will be required to earn residual commissions on commencement of Q4 2015, or October 1 st, 2015. Attend the four day practicum training, or have attended prior iterations of in-person training.

8 What Are Residuals Paid On? Recurring Income Products NES Infoceuticals Choice Point course client miHealth client Scanner Professional miHealth devices additional copies of NES Provision software Residual commissions are not paid on NES conferences, or NES additional training.

9 Changes to Cost of Ownership TWS is now $15,000 outright backend method of $6,000 upfront, $300 a month We are focusing on outright purchases. Deincentivizing value of Installment Plan. Will cost $300mo/48 mos Will receive same commission if you sell outright, or over time. Backend payments have same points

10 On direct Commission # of sales% of sale 1,225 3,430 5+35 Paid Monthly…

11 Changes to Purchase Agreement Trial period is now 60 days as compared to past was 90 days MiHealth will be $3500 from $3000 Training increased to $2500 from $1500

12 Animal Wellness System Animal Wellness System is currently available for sale on the Portal A sales partner needs to decide which they are going to sell… Animal… OR …Human There will be no training on animal wellness system, you either live and breath animals, or you continue with Human TWS. If you wish to switch over from Human to Animal, their will be an interview process, and documentation needs to demonstrate your skills with animals. We are ensuring that we do not dilute the significance of this technology by investing into a sales demonstration of someone who doesn't know horse vs human vs dog anatomy. We set you up for success… putting your foot into your mouth is “No Bueno” If you have an AWS demo in hand, you are an AWS sales rep, if not… Human TWS

13 Proper Closing of Sale SIGNED AGREEMENT FIRST Credit Card Number is run by the sales agent Office gets involved LAST

14 Question and Answer

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