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Performance Evaluation Review & Planning Process

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1 Performance Evaluation Review & Planning Process
Supervisor Training

2 What Our Policy Says: Every Employee will have an annual performance evaluations conducted by his/her Supervisor DUE MARCH 31. Results of the Performance Evaluation will be used to inform employees How they are performing Recognize strengths Make decisions about rehiring promotion, transfer, probation, or termination Question: Why do we dread conducting Employee Evaluations? Employees get upset, they argue Some don’t agree with the form or rating Process is time consuming Lots of Paperwork Involved NO ONE PAYS ATTENTION TO THE APPRAISALS AFTER THERE DONE The list goes on and on The reason we call it Review vs Evaluation is B/C Evaluation sometmes can mean its taking judgment out. Its not just about changing the term, its also about changing the concept. Its not just about evaluating and rating someone Its looking at Past performance, and discussing the employee’s development to ENHANCE Future performance DISCUSSING = THIS IS A TWO WAY STREET

3 The Personnel-Management Cycle
Job Description The Performance Review Ongoing Feedback and Training

4 Reasons for Performance Review
Benefits to Employees: Provides a chance for employees to ask questions and tell you their sense of what they’ve accomplished Lets employee know his/her strengths and areas that need improvement Allows employees to take responsibility for their performance Lets employees know what’s expected of them; creates mutual understand of job duties Our Goal is to make this process a productive and hopefully Pain Free There will still be a lot of work, however by discussing the employee’s development to ENHANCE Future performance, will not only keep us in compliance but also help the Organization Performance out in the long run.

5 Reasons for Performance Review
Benefits to Employers: Helps to improve employee relations and productivity Serves as an effective retention tool Provides a paper trail for addressing performance or disciplinary problems Demonstrates organization’s commitment to employee success Provides valuable feedback for managers

6 Key Elements of a Performance Review
Managements involvement in the process Employee involvement in the process Common performance measures An emphasis on coaching and feedback

7 Organizations with Successful Performance Review System
Foster open communication among employees about what really counts Measure what really matters Ensure that performance standards reflect key areas of employees responsibilities and duties as indicated in Job Description. MEASURABLE OBSERVABLE BEHAVIOR

8 Common Problems Failure to prepare Failure to listen (80-20 ratio)
Failure to maintain objectivity Failure to provide feedback—positive and/or corrective Failure to follow-up Failure to document performance – both good and bad

9 Common Problems Misusing the performance review process to address a disciplinary problem Element of surprise Relying on impressions/rumors, rather than facts Performance Ratings are often inflated/deflated Holding employees responsible for events/problems beyond their control

10 Common Rater Biases Halo/horns effect Contrast effect
Primary Error (First Impression) Similar-to-me effect Leniency or Strictness tendency Central Tendency Error Recency effect

11 Performance Review Process
Step 1: Prepare for the Meeting Step 2: Conduct the Meeting Step 3: Follow-up

12 Performance Review Process
Step 1: Prepare for the Meeting

13 Prepare for the Meeting
Review the job description Gather and review any documentation Complete the performance appraisal form or narrative for the employee Review your appraisal to be sure it is objective Give the employee at least a week’s notice

14 Evaluation/Rating Form

15 Performance Review Process
Step 2: Conduct the Meeting

16 Conduct the Meeting Control the environment; avoid an atmosphere of stress State the purpose of the discussion Allow the employee to give their assessment of their performance Provide your own review of the employee’s performance Employee’s Expectations (6)

17 Conduct the Meeting Give specific examples of strengths and areas for improvement Ask open-ended questions Be calm and objective; don’t blame or attack Focus on the performance, not the person Listen Set specific goals and timelines; action plan Close the discussion

18 Avoid Discriminatory Behavior
Base the review on job-related criteria Base judgments on factual data instead of general impressions Give all employees a clear understanding of their performance standards Maintain good, accurate documentation Be consistent

19 Things to Remember Focus on measurable observable behavior & give specific examples Behavior vs. Attitude Be aware of nonverbals – yours and the employee’s Don’t be afraid of silence Avoid arguments; allow the employee to save face Say what you mean

20 Four Generations in the Workforce
Years Born Numbers (in millions) Age/% of Workforce Traditionalists 27.9 62-73/10% Baby Boomers 76.7 43-61/46% Generation X 49.1 31-42/29% Generation Y 73.5 13-30/15%

21 Four Generations at a Glance
Characteristics Stereotyped as Traditionalists Hardworking & dedicated Respectful of rules and authority Conservative & traditional Old-fashioned, behind the times Rigid/Autocratic Change/Risk averse Baby Boomers Youthful self-identity Optimistic, Team Player Competitive Self-centered Unrealistic, Political Power-driven workaholic Generation X Balanced work/life Self-reliant, pragmatic Slacker, selfish Impatient, cynical Generation Y Fast pace/multitasking Fun-seeking, technologically savvy Short attention span Spoiled, disrespectful Technology dependent

22 The Defensive/Hostile Employee
Don’t object to the employee’s reaction and become defensive Use restatement to reflect his/her negative comments Never accept abuse from an employee under any conditions Postpone the interview Have the employee prepare a written summary of his/her complaints

23 Performance Review Process
Step 3: Follow-up

24 Follow-up Provide frequent communication and feedback (positive and corrective) Maintain written records (positive and negative) Respond promptly to requests for help Conduct non-formal reviews throughout the year Review goals/action plans and timelines Evaluate your own performance and its effect on your employees

25 360 Management Review

26 360 Management Review WHAT IS A 360 DEGREE FEEDBACK?? Process to receive confidential, anonymous feedback from the people who work around you. ie. You managers, peers, and direct reports

27 360 Management Review What it Measures What it does not Measure
Measures behaviors & competencies Not a way to measure employee performance objectives Provide feedback on how others perceive an employee Not a way to determine whether an employee is meeting basic job requirements Addresses skills such as listening, planning, and goal-setting Is not focused on basic technical or job-specific skills Focuses on subjective areas such as teamwork, character and leadership effectiveness Should not be used to measure strictly objective things such as attendance, performance violations, etc.

28 Prepare for the Meeting

29 Deadlines Objective Due Date Responsible
Performance Management Training 2/23/2012 HR, Rating Officials Self Evaluations 2/22 – 2/29 All Employees PR’s completed online 2/27- 3/21 Rating Officials PM Meeting w/ Employee 3/26 – 3/30 Rating Official & Direct Report Recommendations to Rehire to HR 4/2/ /13/2012 Rehire Meeting with Personnel 5/1 – 5/2/2012 Personnel, Grantee, HR 360 Feedback Review (online) 4/16 – 5/7/2012 Direct Report, Peers, Board Recommendations to the Board/Policy 5/16/2012 Board, HR, Admin Professional Development Plan Meetings/Rehire Meeting 5/14/2012 – 6/1/2012 Supervisor & Direct Report Letters to Employees 7/1/2012 Human Resources 5/18 Last Day of HS Children & Floaters 5/24 Last Day for EHS Kids 5/21 Last Day for Bus Staff 5/25 Last Day for EHS Staff 5/22 Last Day for All other HS Staff

30 Summary Prepare for the appraisal discussion
Discuss employee’s dreams, goals Set mutual goals; put them in writing Give positive and corrective feedback Evaluate your performance Involve the employee in the discussion Be open, candid and specific Evaluate performance—not personality Sincerely care about your employees

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