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2 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation This resource was developed in conjunction with the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) Palliative End of Life Project Advisory Committee CASN gratefully acknowledges Ms. Darcee Bidgood, MSN, RN, CHPCN(C) who developed this Palliative and End-of-Life Care Teaching and Learning Nursing Resource Production of this resource has been made possible through a financial contribution from Health Canada. Copyright © Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing, 2012

3 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation Objectives of this Resource in Conjunction with the SBL Faculty Guide  To demonstrate use of the Story-Based Learning pedagogical model using a palliative end-of-life care (PEOLC) story  To guide faculty in facilitating students to learn about PEOLC nursing  To provide a useful resource for faculty to draw upon for further understandings of PEOLC nursing  To ease integration of the PEOLC competencies into curriculum

4 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation What is Story-Based Learning?  Pedagogical model developed from case-and problem- based learning  Rather than a case or problem the model uses a narrative or story  The story draws attention to socioeconomic and political factors and is a non-linear process with 5 phases  Students develop information literacy skills in the process of meeting learning needs Young, L. (2007). Story-Based Learning: Blending Context and Process to Learn Nursing. In Young, L. & Paterson, B. Teaching Nursing: Developing a student-centered learning environment (page 164-188). Lippincott: Philadelphia.

5 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation What is SBL? (Classroom Demonstration) Double click to watch video Click for video

6 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation

7 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation Components of SBL I.Attending to the story II.What is going on here?: What are the BIG questions? III.Recognizing patterns of wholeness and disruption: individual, family, community, society IV.Nursing support: holistic support V.Reflection – praxis: reflecting on practice, biases, assumptions VI.Attending to the story

8 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation Participatory Dialogue  The aim is for students to participate in a dialogue about the story in a way that taps into emotions, feelings, and understandings.  The facilitator invites and supports students to explore meaning in the story by verbal expression, logical argument and authentic engagement.

9 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation SBL Process (Classroom Demonstration) Double click to watch video Click for video

10 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation Attending to the Story  Read aloud at least once  Hear the story from more that one voice  Listen carefully to the story  Refer back to the story throughout the process

11 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation Attending to the Story (Classroom Demonstration) Double click to watch video Click for video

12 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation My patient today is Mary and she has just returned from the recovery room. She had an operation last night to release her bowel obstruction, which was caused by a malignant tumor. Mary came in just before I went off shift yesterday, so I was only able to spend a short time with her. Mary told me that she comes from a small, Aboriginal village far from here and that she required emergency surgery.

13 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation Mary said that she was scared as she spent all of her life in the village, and now feels alone in this big city hospital. Her family only arrived this morning, so she was without their support all night; I think that was very hard for her. Mary said that the cancer in her bowel caused the obstruction. She said that the local doctor made arrangements to fly her out to our hospital for this ‘life- saving’ surgery.

14 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation Last night when I was admitting her to the unit, she asked me if the cancer would be all gone when the surgery was over. Mary said that she had children and grandchildren who needed her and that she did not want to die. I did not know what to say; I did not want to take her hope away, so I just listened and held her hand.

15 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation I have been thinking about that a lot and am worried about what I may say if she asks me this again. I don’t know her customs either. I want to be respectful, but I think she needs to know the truth…that her cancer is still there and that the surgery only bought her some time, and according to the chart, she only has a few short weeks. Oh dear…I need to care for her needs now… vital signs, the IV…

16 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation Reading the Story (Classroom Demonstration) Double click to watch video Click for video

17 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation What is going on here?: What are the BIG questions?

18 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation What is Going on Here? Determining what is going on in the story:  Information, meaning, emotions  Share with each other  Note strengths, concerns, challenges  Develop learning needs; awareness of limits of knowledge and how to expand knowledge  What are the BIG questions?

19 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation What is Going on Here? (Classroom Demonstration) Double click to watch video Click for video

20 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation Recognize Patterns of Wholeness and Disruption  For the individual  For the family (define who ‘family’ is to the individual)  Within the community; in society  Discuss, critique and debate

21 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation Patterns (Classroom Demonstration) Double click to watch video Click for video

22 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation Nursing Support  Envision, critique, debate potential support, including emotional, instrumental, physiological, spiritual, practical, relational, physical, etc.  What are the resources that could be available?  How does advocacy play a role?

23 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation Nursing Support (Classroom Demonstration) Double click to watch video Click for video

24 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation Reflection-Praxis  The learning process  Biases and assumptions  Potential implementation issues

25 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation Reflection-Praxis (Classroom Demonstration) Double click to watch video Click for video

26 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation I love my job as a nurse in this rural community. Since moving here about six months ago, I have come to know the people and their way of life. In my case load, there is an Aboriginal village nearby comprised of about 150 people. Today I am going to see Mary, a 48 year old aboriginal lady who has breast cancer with metastatic spread to several other areas of her body. I have been caring for Mary since she returned from the City Hospital a few weeks ago, where she had emergency bowel surgery.

27 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation Although she recovered from the surgery fine, she is really not improving as she had hoped. Now she finds eating difficult and has low energy. She told me she still needs to care for her family…that they rely on her so this fatigue is really getting her down. Today she has more pain too so I think her disease is progressing faster than the doctors believed. The local physician here is great and I know I can depend on her to provide medications or support for Mary and her family. I know that the healer from the village has also been visiting regularly and Mary says she feels better when he comes.

28 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation I feel so honored to be caring for Mary but I am scared and sad because I know she is dying and I will miss her. I just hope we can keep her here at home and not have to send her back to the city as that would be so hard on her and her family. Well, I will do the best I can and hope I can support her and her family through this. Mary is not the first client that I have cared for who is dying but I feel a special connection with her and think about her a lot, even on my days off. Anyway…I must do an assessment and see how I can support her with the symptoms she is experiencing.

29 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation Repeat Phases  Attending to the story  What is going on here?: What are the BIG questions?  Recognizing patterns of wholeness and disruption: individual, family, community, society  Nursing support: holistic support  Reflection – praxis: reflecting on practice, biases, assumptions  Attending to the story

30 Invest in nursing faculty supply and nursing program infrastructure Foster innovative initiatives to sustain an appropriately prepared nursing workforce Invest in nursing research and knowledge translation Evaluation of Process  What was your experiences of using SBL in PEOLC?  As faculty?  As students?


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