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SA Pome Fruit Overview 2006/2007 Stefan Conradie Product Manager: SA Pome & Stone Fruit August 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "SA Pome Fruit Overview 2006/2007 Stefan Conradie Product Manager: SA Pome & Stone Fruit August 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 SA Pome Fruit Overview 2006/2007 Stefan Conradie Product Manager: SA Pome & Stone Fruit August 2007


3 Total Area Planted

4 Number of Deciduous fruit producers 680 83 228 442 502 Table Grapes (820) Stone Fruit (1075) 48 9 TOTAL = 1992 Pome Fruit (727)

5 SA POME TRENDS South Africa is in a consolidation phase in both apples and pears South Africa is in a consolidation phase in both apples and pears Existing hectares should be very stable in the next 5 years after quite significant reductions in recent years Existing hectares should be very stable in the next 5 years after quite significant reductions in recent years Old orchards in Granny Smith and Golden are being replaced with mainly Pink Lady, Fuji, Royal Gala Old orchards in Granny Smith and Golden are being replaced with mainly Pink Lady, Fuji, Royal Gala Old Packham orchards are being replaced with new orchards of the same variety Old Packham orchards are being replaced with new orchards of the same variety Old Williams BC orchards are being grubbed Old Williams BC orchards are being grubbed Small plantings of Early Williams Bon Chretien are taking place Small plantings of Early Williams Bon Chretien are taking place New Pear plantings are focused on bi-colored pears, mainly Forelle New Pear plantings are focused on bi-colored pears, mainly Forelle The main trend in South Africa is growing towards increased production of bi-colored apples and pears with a reduction in traditional varieties. The main trend in South Africa is growing towards increased production of bi-colored apples and pears with a reduction in traditional varieties.


7 Apples: Area Planted (ha)

8 Ha per Apple Cultivar

9 Apple Orchard Age Distribution 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 0-34-1011-1516-2525+ years

10 Apple orchard Age per cultivar 0510152025 Granny Smith Golden Delicious Royal Gala Braeburn Braestar Pink Lady Fuji Sundowner years

11 Total Apple export estimate - 5,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000 20,000,000 25,000,000 30,000,000 2002-20032003-20042004-20052005-2006Est 2006-2007 12.5kg cartons

12 Total apple export estimate (12.5kg)

13 Apple export estimate per variety (12.5kg)

14 Total Apple production (Tons) Variety20032004200520062007 Braeburn23,45224,00221,29721,07522,888 Fuji24,22224,80123,46525,39527,553 Golden Delicious184,638191,196161,183138,992165,211 Granny Smith225,157233,225193,570162,515160,610 Oregon Spur10,84510,9269,2598,4149,217 Pink Lady47,03648,46543,09142,61046,141 Royal Gala84,36787,18976,92074,41780,486 Starking59,53561,43149,95538,24741,430 Topred53,01354,66545,46739,53642,822 Other80,41283,08678,71385,72692,697 TOTAL792,677818,987702,920636,926689,054

15 Crop Distribution: Apples

16 Apple Export Destinations Eastern Africa 1.15% Central Africa 0.73% Far East 5.79% Indian Ocean Island 3.27% Middle East 4.45% United Kingdom 43.93% United States 0.16% Western Africa 7.54% Asia 10.85% Russia 1.62% Southern Africa 0.01% Southern Europe 0.64% North America (Canada) 0.92% Northern Europe 18.94%


18 Pears: Area Planted (ha)

19 Pear Cultivar - Ha Cultivar200120022003200420052006 Packham's Triumph3,813 3,618 3,486 3,398 3,331 3,301 Williams Bon Chretien3,596 3,235 3,180 2,830 2,625 2,326 Forelle1,867 2,049 2,108 2,261 2,442 2,539 Early Bon Chretien523 649 729 866 979 1,016 Rosemarie711 662 629 517 450 428 Beurre Bosc730 644 629 517 446 412 Abate Fetel169 176 221 260 315 384 Doyenne Du Comice506 431 463 372 314 294 Other1,540 1,448 1,332 1,109 911 848 TOTAL13,455 12,912 12,777 12,130 11,812 11,548

20 Pear Orchard Age Distribution 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 0-34-1011-1516-2525+ years

21 Average Pear orchard Age per cultivar 051015202530 Williams Bon Chretien Beurre Bosc Beurre Hardy Packham's Triumph Doyenne Du Comice Rosemarie Golden Russet Bosc Flamingo Forelle Concorde Bon Rouge years

22 Total Pear export estimate (12.5kg)

23 Pear export estimate (12.5kg)

24 Total Pear production (Tons) Variety20032004200520062007 Beurre Bosc15,70016,16213,46611,55112,843 Doyenne Du Comice11,56011,9019,4558,2558,464 Early Bon Chretien18,20118,73621,67628,48431,203 Forelle52,65454,20358,21871,21078,009 Packham's Triumph87,06889,63288,51592,56897,693 Rosemarie15,70816,17115,91012,00912,313 Williams Bon Chretien79,43581,77373,69065,21682,863 Other38,81839,96035,21234,53935,412 TOTAL319,144328,538316,142323,833358,800

25 Crop Distribution: Pears

26 Pear Export Destinations Asia 4.49% Far East 4.74% Indian Ocean Island 1.70% Central Africa 0.07% Middle East 1.94% North America (Canada) 1.96% Eastern Africa 0.07% Northern Europe 50.26% Southern Africa 0.08% Russia 5.16% Southern Europe 3.86% United Kingdom 23.77% Western Africa 1.24% United States 0.68%

27 Thank you

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