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WHAT DO WE NEED? 2 stands electric engine plastic propeller voltmeter vacuum cleaner hair dryer cellotape plastic plate scissors.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT DO WE NEED? 2 stands electric engine plastic propeller voltmeter vacuum cleaner hair dryer cellotape plastic plate scissors."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT DO WE NEED? 2 stands electric engine plastic propeller voltmeter vacuum cleaner hair dryer cellotape plastic plate scissors

3 WHAT NEXT? Fasten the electric engine to the first stand. Fasten a hose from the vacuum cleaner to the second stand, because the dryer doesn‘t spin the propeller. Attach the engine to the voltmeter

4 EXPERIMENT 1- TWO-BLADES- PROPELLER NEEDS: a plastic propeller with two blades several sheets of rough paper INSTRUCTIONS: Make two pinwheels blades /size 19x6 cm/ from rough paper Then fasten the pinwheels blades to the first propeller.

5 1) We attached the two-blades-propeller to the engine. 2) After that we set a vacuum cleaner according to the table. And now we will find the voltage…

6 EXPERIMENT 2 – THREE-BLADES- PROPELLER NEEDS : plastic propeller with three blades plastic plate INSTRUCTIONS: Three propeller blades measuring 19x6 cm were made of rough paper. After that we fastened the propeller blades to the original ones.

7 1) We attached the three-blades-propeller to the electric motor. 2) After that we set a vacuum cleaner according to the table. Does the size Voltage chance?

8 EXPERIMENT 3 - PINWHEEL NEEDS: an aluminium plate winders shears a ruler a pencil a vacuum cleener

9 INSTRUCTIONS: Cut the square from the aluminium plate measuring 33.4 cm. Draw diagonals and cut them into 3 / 4. Attach corners to the center and bound them by a screw. Join a vane to the engine. Switch on a vacuum cleaner.

10 CONCLUSION The voltage is getting bigger with larger area, with higher number of blades and with stronger airflow. The voltage is changing depending on the distance and the angle.


12 THIS PROJECT MADE BY: Beránková Nikola Jenčíková Veronika Kosová Michaela Krčilová Monika Křikavová Petra Svobodová Jaroslava and Mrs. Jandová 17. 12. 2009 – 21. 12. 2009

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