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1 Chapter 5 Cram Jam Session Sherry Woods, Caywood Elementary School Lexington, TN.

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1 1 Chapter 5 Cram Jam Session Sherry Woods, Caywood Elementary School Lexington, TN

2 2 Free Enterprise An economic system in which businesses have the freedom to offer for sale many kinds of goods and services. An economic system in which businesses have the freedom to offer for sale many kinds of goods and services.

3 3 Capital Resources Money needed to run a business. Money needed to run a business.

4 4 Entrepreneur Person who takes a chance by opening up a business Person who takes a chance by opening up a business

5 5 hub City where many trains and planes make stops on their way to different destinations City where many trains and planes make stops on their way to different destinations

6 6 prejudice Feeling some people have that makes them dislike members of a different race or culture Feeling some people have that makes them dislike members of a different race or culture

7 7 invest To buy stock in a company in hopes of making a profit To buy stock in a company in hopes of making a profit

8 8 tenements Crowded and poorly built apartment house Crowded and poorly built apartment house

9 9 monopoly Nearly complete control of an industry Nearly complete control of an industry

10 10 Ellis Island Entry place into the United States for most immigrants from Europe Entry place into the United States for most immigrants from Europe

11 11 naturalization Steps that immigrants take to become United States citizens Steps that immigrants take to become United States citizens

12 12 Angel Island Entry place into the United States for most immigrants from Asia Entry place into the United States for most immigrants from Asia

13 13 Jane Addams Founded a settlement house that helped people living in Chicago Founded a settlement house that helped people living in Chicago

14 14 Andrew Carnegie Made the production of steel a major industry in the United States. Made the production of steel a major industry in the United States.

15 15 John D. Rockefeller Formed the Standard Oil Company and gained almost complete control of the oil business. Formed the Standard Oil Company and gained almost complete control of the oil business.

16 16 Samuel Gompers Organized groups of skilled workers into the American Federation of Labor AFL Organized groups of skilled workers into the American Federation of Labor AFL

17 17 Jacob Lawrence wrote a book about African Americans moving from northern cities from the South. wrote a book about African Americans moving from northern cities from the South.

18 18 Jacob Riis Wrote a book about poor living conditions in New York City tenements. Wrote a book about poor living conditions in New York City tenements.

19 19 William Jenney Built the world’s first skyscraper, in Chicago. Built the world’s first skyscraper, in Chicago.

20 20 Samuel F.B. Morse Invented the telegraph, a way of carrying messages along wires Invented the telegraph, a way of carrying messages along wires

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