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Understanding quality educational practice in ECD provision ISSA Program Meeting ISSA Definition of Quality Pedagogy: Using Revised Standards as a Tool.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding quality educational practice in ECD provision ISSA Program Meeting ISSA Definition of Quality Pedagogy: Using Revised Standards as a Tool."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding quality educational practice in ECD provision ISSA Program Meeting ISSA Definition of Quality Pedagogy: Using Revised Standards as a Tool for Supporting Cooperation and Promoting Quality Belgrade, December 2008. Zorica Trikić and Vesna Zlatarović CIP-Center for Interactive Pedagogy, Serbia

2 Description of the Seminar CIP has perennial tradition of organizing workshops on annual meetings of professionals working in crèches in cooperation with Association of nurses working in ECD provision. CIP’s voluntary work CIP’s voluntary work to promote values we believe to endorse programs we are doing Last year we presented ESJ program for children Last year we presented ESJ program for children This year new version of ISSA pedagogical standards The one day seminar was organized in 3, one and a half hour sessions. This year new version of ISSA pedagogical standards The one day seminar was organized in 3, one and a half hour sessions.

3 Goals and Outcomes of the Seminar Main goal to get feedback and reflection from practitioners on new version of ISSA standards to get feedback and reflection from practitioners on new version of ISSA standards to open dialogue with them about present situation in their working context. to open dialogue with them about present situation in their working context. Expected outcomes: Defining different aspects of quality, developing respect for different perspectives Defining different aspects of quality, developing respect for different perspectives Awareness raising on importance of dialogue between different stakeholders (including children) in the process of defining what quality is Awareness raising on importance of dialogue between different stakeholders (including children) in the process of defining what quality is Understanding the importance of Standards of quality (in this case ISSA standards) in the process of operationalization of quality Understanding the importance of Standards of quality (in this case ISSA standards) in the process of operationalization of quality Recognizing ISSA standards as a tool for professional development and promotion of profession Recognizing ISSA standards as a tool for professional development and promotion of profession Understanding interdependence between quality and professionalism Understanding interdependence between quality and professionalism

4 Structure of the participants Profile of participants Nurses 41 Preschool teachers 6 Psychologists and Pedagogues 5 Defectologists 1 Methodologists (art, sport, etc) 3 Others 3 TOTAL 59 from 26 towns from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republic Srpska), Montenegro and Serbian enclaves from Kosovo, representing 31 Preschool institutions, some of them from big cities, some from rural or isolated communities. from 26 towns from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republic Srpska), Montenegro and Serbian enclaves from Kosovo, representing 31 Preschool institutions, some of them from big cities, some from rural or isolated communities.

5 I session: What is quality Template presented by Mathias Urban at ISSA Conference in Bratislava. Participants were divided in 7 groups (children, parents, professionals, principles, experts, financiers and Ministry of Education). Participants were divided in 7 groups (children, parents, professionals, principles, experts, financiers and Ministry of Education). Each group had a task to define what quality is from their perspective and to present it to the others. Each group had a task to define what quality is from their perspective and to present it to the others. After presentation we opened the dialogue between all respective groups. The dialogue took following strands: Who is the »owner« of the quality – who is supposed to define it Who is the »owner« of the quality – who is supposed to define it How the image of children, parents and function of crèche influence the definition of quality How the image of children, parents and function of crèche influence the definition of quality Should we talk about quality control or management, or about quality improvement, or about everything, merging it in a category of best interest of the child Should we talk about quality control or management, or about quality improvement, or about everything, merging it in a category of best interest of the child What are the reasons why they do not talk about educational outcomes in early years, why is so difficult for them to think in that terms What are the reasons why they do not talk about educational outcomes in early years, why is so difficult for them to think in that terms

6 During the discussion we offered them areas of understanding (from ESJ) naming, voicing, building allies as a framework Naming - introducing new language and understanding talking about ECD, Voicing – giving professional voice to children and families on importance of quality ECD and right to ECD, and Building allies – connecting with all those who perceive quality in early years education as crucial and undertaking joint action. We also started to talk about CRC as a different perspective on children and their families.

7 Outcomes of the first session Key words: quality, dialogue, active participation, right to ECD. Key message: There's no quality without dialogue BENEFIT OF EACH CHILD PROMOTION OF PROFESSION BENEFIT OF SOCIETY IN GENERAL QUALITY PARTICIPANTS LEADING TO Children Parents Professionals Principles Experts Financiers MoE Who else? DIALOGUE

8 Outcomes of the first session (cont.) Key words: understanding, respect, image of the child Key message: There is reciprotial connection between image of the child and importance of ECD. IMAGE OF THE CHILD on personal professional societal level Place for change and dialogue about the role of quality Place for change and dialogue about the role of quality IMPORTANCE OF ECD + INVESMENTS + STATUS

9 II Session How to operationalize what we are talking about Short presentation of ISSA program Initiative on Quality. New ISSA Standards – for majority this was first time to work on this kind of materials New ISSA Standards – for majority this was first time to work on this kind of materials Participants were divided in 7 groups, covering seven focus areas from ISSA standards Each group had chart with one focus area and standards without indicators. In small groups they had task to talk about areas and standards and to try to connect them with their work. When they finished work in small groups, charts were sent in circle so that everybody had chance to see what have been done by their colleagues. They also had opportunity to add. Discussion

10 Outcomes of the second session “ Revelation” – how complex their work is Some of them felt proud, some were worried that they are not capable to combine all the elements from the standards. Some of them felt proud, some were worried that they are not capable to combine all the elements from the standards. They all agreed - they need similar instrument to They all agreed - they need similar instrument to pursue their work pursue their work to promote their profession and To promote importance of ECD “Enjoyment “- complex discussions, building common understanding of the areas and standards they were working on, having opportunity to express themselves. The most valuable in the process was that they started to discuss among each others, leaving facilitators out. “Puzzlement” - it was also difficult to find what is differentia specifica of different focus areas, how in their practical work they merge many things, “Ambivalence” – Focus Area 3 - Diversity, Democracy and Inclusion and Focus Area 1 - Interactions. They think that they are important, but are not sure how to work in these areas. “Challenge - They were also very provoked by area of Assessment, they have difficulties to think about doing any kind of assessment in early years.

11 Outcomes of the second session (cont.) Focus area INTERACTIONS Key words: encouragement, respect, involvement, support and approval Key words: encouragement, respect, involvement, support and approval Focus area FAMILIES AND COMMUNITIES Key words: adaptation, communication, exchanging information, cooperation Key words: adaptation, communication, exchanging information, cooperation Focus area INCLUSION, DIVERSITY, VALUES of DEMOCRATISATION Key words: equality, respect and tolerance Key words: equality, respect and tolerance

12 Outcomes of the second session (cont.) Focus area: ASSESMENT AND PLANNING Key words: observation, planning, evaluation Key words: observation, planning, evaluation Focus area: TEACHING STRATEGIES Key words: encouragement, choice, respect Key words: encouragement, choice, respect Focus area: LEARNING ENVIROMENT Key words: exploration, team, stimulation, cooperative effort Focus area: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Key words: improvement, deepening, participation Key words: improvement, deepening, participation

13 III Session Building new image of profession Mini lecture and reflection How to connect all this with the image of profession? Outcomes: They strive for respect and autonomy They need support and tools to promote their work

14 Evaluation and reflection Participants stated that: They have enjoyed in the opportunity to discuss about quality practice and importance of work in early years. They have enjoyed in the opportunity to discuss about quality practice and importance of work in early years. They felt stimulated and empowered, and these activities contributed to development of their positive self image as professionals. They felt stimulated and empowered, and these activities contributed to development of their positive self image as professionals. They liked idea of changing image of the child They liked idea of changing image of the child They also think that Standards (adapted ones) can make their position stronger in the process of defining their role in the educational system. They also think that Standards (adapted ones) can make their position stronger in the process of defining their role in the educational system. They would like to have standards, and to use them, but mostly for mentoring process or some kind of self evaluation. They would like to have standards, and to use them, but mostly for mentoring process or some kind of self evaluation. They will like to have standards to share it with parents and colleagues and to talk with them about concrete work in crashes. They will like to have standards to share it with parents and colleagues and to talk with them about concrete work in crashes.

15 Evaluation and reflection our perspective We as facilitators were very happy and content ( and surprised) with the whole process and outcomes. Participants were engaged in discussion, they had so many questions and comments, high level of “Involvement” and “wellbeing”. We were afraid that “there was too much of everything in this seminar”, but it seems that it was useful regarding outcomes – some questions were posed and at least we managed to make one step beyond traditional way of perceiving most important issues in ECD, especially image of the child. For us it was also a learning process, we were not aware how low self-esteem is among professionals working in early age, and how poor is their pre-service education.

16 Evaluation and reflection our perspective(cont.) Interesting ideas for the future work and advocacy using standards Image of the child – from passive to active Image of the child – from passive to active Image of professionals – from passive to active – constructing their profession Image of professionals – from passive to active – constructing their profession Big question – how standards of quality can/would influence pre/in service professional development

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