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Fall 2012 Conference Southeastern Pennsylvania College Health Nurses Association Hosted by: November 1, 2012, 6pm-9pm Sweet Dreams & Bon Voyage Directions.

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Presentation on theme: "Fall 2012 Conference Southeastern Pennsylvania College Health Nurses Association Hosted by: November 1, 2012, 6pm-9pm Sweet Dreams & Bon Voyage Directions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall 2012 Conference Southeastern Pennsylvania College Health Nurses Association Hosted by: November 1, 2012, 6pm-9pm Sweet Dreams & Bon Voyage Directions From 95N/S; 76E and 676W Exit from 95 onto 676W (towards Central Phila) Follow signs for I-76E. Keep right at fork for I- 76E. Take Exit 345 off of I-76E towards 30 th Street Station (stay to far right on exit) Turn right onto Arch Street off the ramp. Turn right onto Market Street. SEPTA Options Take Regional Rail Trains to 30 th Street Station. Take the Market Frankford Blue Line to 34 th Street. Walk west (away from City Hall) towards 36 th street along Market. From 76W Take exit 345 towards 30 th Street. Continue straight onto Schuylkill Ave West. Turn left onto Market Street. Continue on Market Westbound until 36 th. 3535 will be on the right, on the corner of 36 th and Market. Take the elevators to the first floor. Parking Parking is available in the UPenn and Drexel U. lots for $7. To access turn right off Market onto 34 th Street. On street parking may also be available. Exit parking garages and walk west on Market to the corner of 36 th. Purpose of this activity is to provide educational opportunity focusing on best practices and new challenges that are prevalent among college students in the areas of sleep disorders and preparation for travel aboard. Targeted Population: This program is targeted for Nursing professionals working in college health services Objectives: Sweet Dreams 1.Discuss the negative impact sleep problems have on college students 2.Describe the components of sleep hygiene 3.List co-morbid conditions of sleep disorders Bon Voyage 1.Describe a travel consultation appointment in the college health setting 2.List common problems encountered by the overseas traveler and frequently used interventions to prevent or mitigate risks 3.List resources to find the current vaccine recommendations for a specific travel destination 4.Demonstrate a Mock travel Consultation Application for approval has been applied for through the Pennsylvania State Nurses Association. PSNA is approved by the American Nurses’ Credentialing Center Commission on Accreditation as an approver of nursing contact hours. 215-746-0828

2 Program Schedule 5:30-5:50 – Registration 6:00 – Welcome Debby Mathis 6:10 - Build-your-own salad buffet 6:30 – “Sweet Dreams” Amanda Swain, MD 7:30 – “An Ounce of Prevention” Liz Manai, BFA, RN, CTH Lisa Keogh, BSN, RN, CTH 8:30 -9:00 Business meeting Robyn Spragins Sweet Dreams: Helping students with sleep issues Sleep is a key component of academic success. Sleep affects health, brain and emotional functioning and safety. Insufficient sleep can contribute to increased stress, difficulty concentrating, trouble accomplishing daily life tasks and poorly handling of minor irritants. Sleep loss can impair memory, learning and logical reasoning, contribute to mistakes or poor productivity at school or work and lead to tense interpersonal relationships. 90.3% of respondents from the spring 2012 NACHA- ACHA survey reported having problems with sleepiness in the past 7 days. Sleep issues are a major problem on today's college campuses. This program will address many of these topics and offer ways to help students deal with these problems with diet, developing a routine, exercise and breaking bad habits. An Ounce of Prevention: Helping students Prepare for Foreign Travel Today's college students travel for a variety of reasons: study abroad, volunteering, clinical or leadership experience, vacation and adventure. Their destinations range from the old cities of Western Europe to developing countries of Africa to remote uninhabited natural wonders of South America. Student health services need to offer travel consultations to student travelers to provide travel, health care and risk reduction advice. The students meet with a health care provider, frequently a nurse, to assess risk based on the traveler’s health, planned activities, destination, and length of stay. Even the political climate may be considered. A post- travel health assessment my be recommended for longer stays abroad. Travel consultations reduce risk while preserving the traveler’s adventure and personal growth, and are encouraged for all travelers regardless of experience traveling, destination, or length of the trip. This lecture will provide a more thorough understanding of travel risks and reduction measures, immunizations, and consultation procedures. Registration Fee Members………………$25 Non-Members………$35 Late Fee……………….$10 (after 10/24/12) Register on line at by 10/24/12 Registration

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