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Introduction to District Curriculum Mapping

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to District Curriculum Mapping"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to District Curriculum Mapping
August 2010 Written By: The Albuquerque Public Schools Department of Curriculum and Assessment Welcome everyone and introduce presenters. Updated from the Introduction to District Essential Curriculum Mapping by the APS Curriculum Mapping Task Force 1 1

2 Agenda Welcome/Sign-in/Introductions
Overview of APS’ Curriculum Mapping Initiative: What it is and what it isn’t Review goals for today’s & future work Format of District Curriculum Maps and their role as general pacing guides Connections to Assessment & Backward Design Point out sign-in sheets. Direct everyone to sign in as they collect their handouts/folders and find a seat. Place table tents for Elementary (group by grade level, if desired), Middle School and H.S. groups. Welcome everyone. 1- “Here is what we will be covering in today’s session on Curriculum Mapping (review the 2 agenda slides). In a minute we’ll do introductions. 2- ake sure you signed in and got your folders. Everyone should be seated with your same level or content group. 3- Today we are here to learn about curriculum mapping and the work that the district is asking us to do. Many of you have already been doing this work in the last few years and are well on your way to knowing how sharing your instructional questions and ideas with colleagues, as you work to align instruction, helps to build a strong academic program for students. 4- We will end the session with an opportunity for questions, getting your feedback, and providing a chance for reflection on the material we cover. 5- Now let’s do introductions with a quick whip around the room : Tell us your name, grade level (or courses), and what content area you feel is one with your highest expertise in instructional planning and delivery. 4/21/2017 2

3 Agenda Review of Core Content Curriculum Maps
• Big Ideas and Essential Questions • Assessments • Unwrapping the Standards: Content & Skills • Pacing of Performance Standards Guidelines on developing other DCM components Whole group debriefing, questions, & feedback (as time allows) PRESENTERS: Pre-print several District Curriculum Maps to have on tables so that each table group can look over one or more maps as you present information.

4 Group Norms Begin and end on time
Be courteous to colleagues; limit sidebar conversations Use equity of voice Stay on task Turn cell phones to vibrate/step outside to take calls Take care of your own personal needs Here are some norms we want to use for our work today. Read through them and ask if the group needs to add or take away any. Give a general time frame for the session (1.5 hrs). Note that there will not be time for a formal whole-group break, but that people might want to get to restrooms during small group planning time, 4/21/2017 4

5 Objectives Review the purpose and format of District Curriculum Maps (DCMs) Understand pacing and scaffolding of state standards as they link to Big Ideas, Essential Questions, the role of assessment, and instructional planning Focus on next DCM steps for schools, grade levels, and departments Know that your Instructional Coach or another staff member will train you on how to access DCMs via AIMS and Blackboard 1- “The District Curriculum Map’s format provides information from the District to guide instructional planning. This includes guidelines for Big Ideas, Essential Questions, and the pacing of Performance Standards. 2- Assessment information will be provided by Research, Deployment, and Accountability (RDA) and will be aligned with District Benchmark Assessments (DBA) formerly known as A2L, ESSCA, MSSCA, and HSSCA) and the Standards Based Assessments (SBA). 3- Teachers and staff will continue to work on developing other information needed for instructional planning at your school site. 4- Your Instructional Coach or another designated staff member will provide guidance in completing an entire map and helping you access the District Curriculum Maps through AIMS and Blackboard.” 4/21/2017 5

6 What is a District Curriculum Map or “DCM”?
A district planning tool used to map out the pacing of standards-based education by course or content An alignment of instruction and assessments to state standards A teacher resource tool used to communicate standards-based instruction with students, parents and colleagues “A District Curriculum Map (DCM) is designed to align instruction to the District Benchmark Assessment (DBA), the short-cycle assessment. It is an agreement of what we want our students to know and be able to do—through a pacing guide that ensures consistent focus on standards and continuity in terms of expectations. DCMs also help ensure that students with high mobility receive the same pacing of content and skills. Teacher work groups in all core content areas have met and agreed upon WHAT is important to teach, and WHEN. The HOW is left up to teachers. 4/21/2017 6

7 What is a Curriculum Map?
A district tool used by all professionals who plan and deliver instruction which includes: Performance Standards, Essential Questions/ Big Ideas, Assessments, Content and Academic Vocabulary, Skills and Learning Activities, and Resources An organizer which supports professional vertical and horizontal articulation A blueprint to be used as a guide to support schools’ development of differentiated course/content planning Mention that a DISTRICT CURRICULUM MAP (DCM) at this point CONTAINS: 1. Big Ideas 2. Essential Questions 3. Placement of state standards aligned to District Assessments and an instructional pacing guide SCHOOLS WILL CONTINUE THEIR OWN CURRICULUM MAPPING WORK TO CREATE SCHOOL CONSENSUS MAPS ON THESE COMPONENTS: 1. Unwrapping the standards 2. Listing content with academic vocabulary 3. Listing skills with appropriate learning activities that are project-based (PROJECT-BASED LEARNING) 4. Developing INDIVIDUAL, GRADE LEVEL, AND CONTENT-BASED COMMON FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS focused on project-based learning 5. Developing and listing resources which support course or content instruction 4/21/2017 7

8 NM State law requirements:
DCM Implementation NM State law requirements: SY : MATH & LANGUAGE ARTS SY : SCIENCE SY : SOCIAL STUDIES APS’ goal is the development of District Curriculum Maps for every APS core course/ content area (K-12). Other content/course maps are also being developed (CTE, drama, fine arts, health/PE & others). As of SY , educators will have online access to District Curriculum Maps through the Albuquerque Instructional Management System (AIMS) “Work on the District Curriculum Maps began during the school year with teacher work groups developing skeleton maps for Algebra I, Algebra II, English 9-12, and middle school math. Maps were then developed for K-12 Language Arts & Elementary Math. “The purpose of the District Curriculum Maps is to ensure continuity across all grade levels to meet state and national requirements. 4/21/2017 8

9 What are the key components of a District Curriculum Map?
The template is on the next slide with all the elements of APS DCM listed. 4/21/2017 9

10 Refer to C&I and RDA Websites
District Curriculum Map Components Essential Components ESSENTIAL COMPONENTS Month: August 1. Big Ideas Student answers to EQs that lead them to the Big Ideas 2. Essential Questions Questions that lead students to Big Ideas. 3. Performance Standards . 4. Assessments To be completed by RDA as available. To be aligned with SBA. The Content (What students need to know – nouns), Skills (What students need to be able to do – verbs), Vocabulary List (Words students need to know to understand concepts), Learning Activities/Lesson Plans (Essential Experiences or Guided Practice), and Resources ARE THE WORK OF THE SCHOOL SITE. Refer to C&I and RDA Websites 5. Content Nouns (What students need to know) to be completed at the school site. 6. Skills Verbs (What students need to be able to do) 7. Vocabulary List (Words students need to know to understand concepts) 8. Leaning Activities/Lesson Plans (Essential Experiences or Guided Practices) 9. Resources Essential Components Intro to District Curriculum Mapping

11 District Curriculum Map Non-negotiables
Consistency across content areas is the key: DCM template format is final Standards are written in entirety (may not be reworded or modified) “Here are some agreements that have already been made. 1- The template is standardized and will remain the same for MOST courses. 2- We need to use the complete standard. We will not rewrite or take only parts of a standard when writing our CMs. 3- The pacing of performance standards is designed to meet District testing (Elementary School Short Cycle Assessment: ESSCA; Middle School Short Cycle Assessment: MSSCA; and High School Short Cycle Assessment: HSSCA). 4/21/2017 11

12 Refer to C&I and RDA Websites
District Curriculum Map Components Essential Components ESSENTIAL COMPONENTS Month: August 1. Big Ideas Student answers to EQs that lead them to the Big Ideas 2. Essential Questions Questions that lead students to Big Ideas. 3. Performance Standards . 4. Assessments To be completed by RDA as available. To be aligned with SBA. The Content (What students need to know – nouns), Skills (What students need to be able to do – verbs), Vocabulary List (Words students need to know to understand concepts), Learning Activities/Lesson Plans (Essential Experiences or Guided Practice), and Resources ARE THE WORK OF THE SCHOOL SITE. Refer to C&I and RDA Websites 5. Content Nouns (What students need to know) to be completed at the school site. 6. Skills Verbs (What students need to be able to do) 7. Vocabulary List (Words students need to know to understand concepts) 8. Leaning Activities/Lesson Plans (Essential Experiences or Guided Practices) 9. Resources Essential Components Intro to District Curriculum Mapping

13 Linking Performance Standards to Assessments
Performance Standards are aligned to district benchmark (short-cycle) assessments Performance Standards are aligned to classroom formative and summative assessments PRESENTERS WILL NEED TO PRINT OUT SAMPLE MAPS SHOWING gr. 3 EDM, gr. 6 Math, and/or English 8, as pertinent, TO SHARE WITH TEACHER GROUPS. “Our district is integrating curriculum and instruction with assessment. District short-cycle assessments are the Elementary School Short-cycle Assessment (ESSCA), the Middle School Short-cycle Assessment (MSSCA), and the High School Short-cycle Assessment (HSSCA). The SBA is our state assessment. The goal is to make this connection between instruction and assessment seamless. When you have time, look at some DCM sample maps—ones created by our district’s teachers—to see how performance standards were placed (include in folders/handouts: gr. 3 EDM; gr. 6 MATH; ENGLISH 8). 4/21/2017 13

14 Curriculum Map Template
Content Teachers look at the performance standards, and ask what these standards require students to know. The content is written in Noun form. Note that on the District Curriculum Map, academic vocabulary that is required for your content/performance standards also should be compiled. This is important to include because we have found that students are not grasping the academic language during instruction. 4/21/2017 14

15 Content What students need to know
Content includes: Topic written in Noun form An interdisciplinary focus Student-friendly wording/strategies Vocabulary (academic language); words students need to know to understand concepts Read through the slide. 15

16 Content EXAMPLES Linear equations Polynomials
Surface area and volume of basic figures Historically and culturally significant issues and events portrayed in literature Writing strategies and conventions Tools and Resources Frayer Model Teaching and Learning with Text Word Walls Marzano’s Building Academic Vocabulary “Here are some math and Language Arts examples of content which address elementary and middle school standards. You can see that we have listed several resources that can be used to help students gain this knowledge. During the TLwT PD held in and , we used the Frayer model to help student learn new academic Language = vocab. TLwT is a resource for all secondary teachers to help them with literacy strategies across contents. It can be downloaded from: GIVE ADDRESS to PARTICIPANTS: Text2007.pdf Elementary teachers might make use of Word Walls and graphic organizers to help students understand academic language. 4/21/2017 16

17 Refer to OPD, C&A, and RDA Websites
ESSENTIAL COMPONENTS Month: August 1. Big Ideas Student answers to EQs that lead them to the Big Ideas 2. Essential Questions Questions that lead students to Big Ideas. 3. Performance Standards . 4. Assessments To be completed by RDA as available. To be aligned with SBA. The Content (What students need to know – nouns), Skills (What students need to be able to do – verbs), Vocabulary List (Words students need to know to understand concepts), Learning Activities/Lesson Plans (Essential Experiences or Guided Practice), and Resources ARE THE WORK OF THE SCHOOL SITE. Refer to OPD, C&A, and RDA Websites 5. Content Nouns (What students need to know) to be completed at the school site. 6. Skills Verbs (What students need to be able to do) 7. Vocabulary List (Words students need to know to understand concepts) 8. Leaning Activities/Lesson Plans (Essential Experiences or Guided Practices) 9. Resources Skills Skills Intro to District Curriculum Mapping

18 Skills What students need to be able to do Written in Verb form
Specific, not broad-based Measurable Used to develop guided learning activities Based on standards Read through this slide. 4/21/2017 18

19 Skills EXAMPLES Creating and analyzing graphs
Applying order of operations Interpreting and drawing three-dimensional objects Responding to, examining, and critiquing literature Writing effectively for different audiences and purposes “Here are some examples of skills that were addressed by teacher groups. These skills are applicable to elementary and middle school content and standards. Let’s discuss some ways to UNWRAP performance standards so that they have meaning for teachers to use as they plan lessons and learning activities in their classrooms. PRESENTERS AT SCHOOL SITES: See next slide. Demonstrate, with one of the above skills examples, listing Content as NOUNS and SKILLS as VERBS. Discuss what they might mean, and how teachers are empowered to define what learning activities would work best to get the concepts and skills across to their students. 4/21/2017 19

20 Course: Grade 4 MATH Unwrapping Content and Skills
AUGUST Content Skills (know/noun) (do/verb) Example use MA identify * = academic language exhibit (an understanding place-value structure) base-ten number system read whole numbers up to 100, model application write * equivalent representations recognize numbers less than generate number line order negative numbers *decompose combine interpret compare “ One way to unwrap standards is to make a T-chart for each month that your group is covering.” “If you use this method of unwrapping, remember to label each T-chart with your course name.” “Label each performance standard with the standard numbers being used on this t-chart. “What do the performance standards say that your students need to know?” “Place these nouns on the left side of your T chart under the “Content” section. “Now what do these standards ask students to do?” “Place the verbs in the right side of your chart under the “Skills” section. “ “For today, work on unwrapping one performance standard. When you take time to meet with colleagues for instructional planning, continue until you have unwrapped the performance standards for one month, and then move on to the next month until you have completed all assigned months.“ Have the Recorder copy this work as groups present their months to the whole content group. Intro to District Curriculum Mapping

21 Let’s try unwrapping some of your performance standards!
Move into your smaller leveled subgroups and take minutes to unwrap 2 performance standards Illustrate your discussion & work on chart paper Select a reporter to share out your work and thoughts on the process with the entire group Pass out different copies of performance standards to participants. Tell them (IF THERE IS TIME) that a 10 minute break can be built into this 30-minute activity: “Now we are going to move into subgroups again, so that Elementary, Middle School, and H.S. teachers will focus on only TWO performance standards on their map.—OR any two selected performance standards at their level. NOTE THAT WE ARE NOT LOOKING AT CROSS-GRADE BENCHMARKS. “Take 15 minutes to work through a process that helps you successfully unwrap two of your performance standards. “Let’s review what this unwrapping process MIGHT look like so you can see one unwrapping strategy on the NEXT SLIDE. “Be prepared to report out, TO THE ENTIRE GROUP (elem, m.s., h.s.) your thoughts on the process of unwrapping and your group’s results.

22 Refer to C&I and RDA Websites
ESSENTIAL COMPONENTS Month: August 1. Big Ideas Student answers to EQs that lead them to the Big Ideas 2. Essential Questions Questions that lead students to Big Ideas. 3. Performance Standards . 4. Assessments To be completed by RDA as available. To be aligned with SBA. The Content (What students need to know – nouns), Skills (What students need to be able to do – verbs), Vocabulary List (Words students need to know to understand concepts), Learning Activities/Lesson Plans (Essential Experiences or Guided Practice), and Resources ARE THE WORK OF THE SCHOOL SITE. Refer to C&I and RDA Websites 5. Content Nouns (What students need to know) to be completed at the school site. 6. Skills Verbs (What students need to be able to do) 7. Vocabulary List (Words students need to know to understand concepts) 8. Leaning Activities/Lesson Plans (Essential Experiences or Guided Practices) 9. Resources Big Ideas Big Ideas Intro to District Curriculum Mapping

23 Big Ideas Students need to make discoveries on their own!
“It is not enough simply to say to students, “Here’s the big idea you need to know” and then proceed to tell them what the big idea is.” Students need to make discoveries on their own! -Larry Ainsworth, 2003, Unwrapping the Power Standards Big Ideas “Larry Ainsworth is a colleague of Dr. Douglas Reeves. APS has used their research to guide our current standards-based system. Read through this slide. Give a moment for participants to reflect on the quotes by Larry Ainsworth, colleague of Dr. Reeves.

24 Defining a Big Idea Statement derived from a deep understanding of the concepts or content Open-ended, enduring idea that can apply to more than one area of study Students develop an understanding of skills and concepts expressed in the standard Student responses to the Essential Questions are the Big Ideas Teachers create Big Ideas (concepts) that they want students to leave with. The District has provided guidelines you may use, or you may want to create your own or modify what is provided.

25 More reflections on a Big Idea
Derived from Standards Light Bulb Moments Aha’s…“Oh, I get it.” Big Picture Enduring Understandings/central themes Personally worded statements Students reach them on their own Realizations, discoveries & conclusions Read through this slide.

26 Examples of Big Ideas Graphs and quadratic equations can be used to solve real-life problems. Data can be organized and interpreted with graphs, equations, and charts. In real life we need to know how to find area, perimeter, and volume (architecture, cooking, purchasing supplies). Recognition of societal issues can impact changes in political systems. People’s perceptions are influenced by media and opinion. Many recurring themes found in literature are timeless. Read through examples. “Here are some examples for math and language arts. Note that several of these Big Ideas are applicable to elementary and middle school math and language arts content.

27 Refer to OPD, C&A, and RDA Websites
ESSENTIAL COMPONENTS Month: August 1. Big Ideas Student answers to EQs that lead them to the Big Ideas 2. Essential Questions Questions that lead students to Big Ideas. 3. Performance Standards . 4. Assessments To be completed by RDA as available. To be aligned with SBA. The Content (What students need to know – nouns), Skills (What students need to be able to do – verbs), Vocabulary List (Words students need to know to understand concepts), Learning Activities/Lesson Plans (Essential Experiences or Guided Practice), and Resources ARE THE WORK OF THE SCHOOL SITE. Refer to OPD, C&A, and RDA Websites 5. Content Nouns (What students need to know) to be completed at the school site. 6. Skills Verbs (What students need to be able to do) 7. Vocabulary List (Words students need to know to understand concepts) 8. Leaning Activities/Lesson Plans (Essential Experiences or Guided Practices) 9. Resources Essential Questions Essential Questions Intro to District Curriculum Mapping

28 Big Ideas Build the Essential Questions
Essential Questions are posed to students at the inception of a unit The learning goals students are expected to meet are advertised up front As students move through the lessons and activities, they develop their own understanding of concepts and skills expressed in the standard and formulate their response to the Essential Question = Big Idea “EQs are posed at the beginning of a unit. Students need to know what they are expected to learn! Students formulate the Big Ideas by working through the questions.

29 Essential Questions Essential Questions are powerful, directive, and commit students to the process of critical thinking through inquiry Answers to Essential Questions are a direct measure of student understanding Answers to Essential Questions provide insight into the “bigger picture” and are the Big Ideas Read through the slide.

30 What should Essential Questions do?
Essential questions require at least one of the following thought processes: A question which requires a student to develop a plan or course of action A question which requires a student to make a decision A question which directs the course of student research A question which demands knowledge construction (from lower to higher thinking, based on Bloom’s and Webb’s taxonomies) from students “Good Essential Questions have students actively engaged! Students make personal connections to their learning.” Read through and emphasize each point. Indicate that these four points can be used as a checklist to guide discussion as teachers create EQs.

31 Essential Questions EXAMPLES
In what ways can the graph of a quadratic equation help us answer questions about the height of an object? How can data be represented, organized, or interpreted? How are the basic skills for geometry and measurement applied in everyday life? How does literature serve as a vehicle for social change? How are we influenced by what others write? Why are the works of Shakespeare still contemporary? Read through the examples. 4/21/2017 31

32 What is a strong EQ? “okay” . . . “stronger” . . . What is obesity?
What plan could you develop that would reduce your likelihood of becoming obese? Encourages plagiarism (Students copy low-level information directly to paper.) Encourages deeper thinking (Students are required to develop a plan.) “Let’s take a look at how to develop a strong Essential Question. “The question on the left side of the slide is a good question, but the rewording on the right is a STRONGER EQ. Reasons for this are on the slide; share the information.

33 Students copy information directly from text
What is a Strong EQ? “okay” How do you define and represent functions? Asks for a definition and example Students copy information directly from text “stronger” What are the relative strengths of the different representations of functions? Requires making a decision and crafting a response that involves analytical knowledge construction Students need to apply previous knowledge and make connections Review the slide: The EQ on the left is a weaker question than the one on the right side of the slide.

34 What Makes a Great Essential Question?
Does the question ask students to: Develop a plan or course of action Make a decision Direct the course of student research Craft a response that involves knowledge construction PRESENTERS: Allow minutes for this activity to be conducted at school site. Refer to the table tents of this slide which should be placed on group tables. Give participants minutes to look over their examples of gr. Level or content Curriculum Maps (elem = 3rd grade EDM; m.s. = 6th grade math; h.s. = English 8). Divide each level group into trimesters or semesters (or other assigned months, depending on group size) to examine the EQs and Big Ideas that are already listed on their maps. Each subgroup will participate in the process of crafting strongly worded EQs and Big Ideas, offering suggestions, coming to group consensus on their agreed-upon EQs, and reporting out their “aha’s on the process and their decisions to the larger level group. As a table group, review your grade level Essential Question(s) and edit one or more to make them GREAT (or stronger)!

35 Refer to C&I and RDA Websites
ESSENTIAL COMPONENTS Month: August 1. Big Ideas Student answers to EQs that lead them to the Big Ideas 2. Essential Questions Questions that lead students to Big Ideas. 3. Performance Standards . 4. Assessments To be completed by RDA as available. To be aligned with SBA. The Content (What students need to know – nouns), Skills (What students need to be able to do – verbs), Vocabulary List (Words students need to know to understand concepts), Learning Activities/Lesson Plans (Essential Experiences or Guided Practice), and Resources ARE THE WORK OF THE SCHOOL SITE. Refer to C&I and RDA Websites 5. Content Nouns (What students need to know) to be completed at the school site. 6. Skills Verbs (What students need to be able to do) 7. Vocabulary List (Words students need to know to understand concepts) 8. Leaning Activities/Lesson Plans (Essential Experiences or Guided Practices) 9. Resources Assessments Assessments Intro to District Curriculum Mapping

36 Summative assessments Formative assessments
Products or performances that demonstrate student learning Summative assessments Provide evidence of mastery of standards at specific points-in-time Are graded assessments at the end of the unit of study Formative assessments Guide instruction Inform the need for differentiation Provide feedback to students Read through this slide. Note that both summative and formative assessments are based on Performance Standards and are important. “There are actually 3 types of assessments: 1- diagnostic = before instruction 2- formative = for learning, during learning 3- summative = evaluative; after instruction 36 36

37 Assessment Brainstorm
Formative Assessment: Summative Assessment: “This is how your Curric Map links to Differentiated Instruction and Assessment. Think about what you do to assess what students know and can do in your own class. Put your ideas into the context of elem or m.s. math or language arts, or another content/course you teach. “Take 3 minutes to write down all the examples of formative and summative assessments that you can (on post-it notes with one idea per note OR on participants’ own paper). Try to come up with as many ideas for each type of assessment as you can. Pair—”With an elbow partner, share your ideas and continue building your list. Star your favorites. Share—”Share your ideas as a table group (4 minutes). Then post your list of assessments. Intro to District Curriculum Mapping

38 Formative Assessments
are assessments FOR learning Occur during instruction Guide instruction to improve learning Help inform decisions for differentiation Build student motivation to succeed EXAMPLES Student demonstrations Group research project-checks along the way Pretest; KWL; Quiz A2L Checking for Understanding Exit Slips Multiple Intelligence/Interest Inventory Peer or Self-review (on rubrics) Formative – guides instruction & differentiation “This is assessment FOR learning. Most of these assessments are not recorded, but you may choose to document various formative assessments to maintain a record that reveals student understanding and work habits over time . . . 4/21/2017 38

39 Summative Assessments
are assessments OF learning What students have learned at the end of instruction (mid-point checks are ok, too!) - Evaluative - Reported as a score or grade - Provide current evidence of understanding/mastery Examples Tests/Quiz Performance Tasks Final Exams Culminating Projects Work Portfolios Read through this slide. “This is a familiar way of assessing.” Intro to District Curriculum Mapping

40 Summative Assessment: Plan with the END in Mind
Create the summative assessment to drive instruction when planning Share assessment plan (rubric, checklist, project, essay test, unit test, presentation) with students at beginning of unit “In a backwards planning model, teachers start by creating summative assessments which will drive their instruction. “We want assessment to be transparent in order to engage students in the learning process. Intro to District Curriculum Mapping

41 Adding Assessments to our Maps
With an elbow partner or small group of colleagues, review the assessments listed for the performance standards, content, and skills on any one of your District Curriculum Maps (10-15 min) On post-it notes, list any additional quality ideas for formative and summative assessments which will allow students to best demonstrate proficiency Mark your best ideas that you want to use and/or refine this year Share out with the whole group (10 min) PRESENTERS DO AT THE SCHOOL SITE. 20-25 minutes total: “Now we are going to take a few minutes to look over the assessments on the map your group is using. 1- Take 10 minutes to review the listed assessments (in semester or trimester groups) at your level. 2- Select a recorder to jot down ideas your group thinks are worth adding to your map—perhaps assessment ideas that have been overlooked by prior teacher groups. 3- At the end of the 10-minute time frame, move back to a larger level group (i.e., all elem subgroups rejoin together) and share out your ideas. Have each RECORDER document their group’s ideas for additional formative and summative assessments. Have groups share out their assessments with each other. Intro to District Curriculum Mapping

42 Refer to C&I and RDA Websites
Curriculum Map Template ESSENTIAL COMPONENTS Month: August 1. Big Ideas Student answers to EQs that lead them to the Big Ideas 2. Essential Questions Questions that lead students to Big Ideas. 3. Performance Standards . 4. Assessments To be completed by RDA as available. To be aligned with SBA. The Content (What students need to know – nouns), Skills (What students need to be able to do – verbs), Vocabulary List (Words students need to know to understand concepts), Learning Activities/Lesson Plans (Essential Experiences or Guided Practice), and Resources ARE THE WORK OF THE SCHOOL SITE. Refer to C&I and RDA Websites 5. Content Nouns (What students need to know) to be completed at the school site. 6. Skills Verbs (What students need to be able to do) 7. Vocabulary List (Words students need to know to understand concepts) 8. Leaning Activities/Lesson Plans (Essential Experiences or Guided Practices) 9. Resources Resources Resources Intro to District Curriculum Mapping

43 Resources to include on a map
- Adopted instructional materials (math, reading, writing programs...) - Technology - Supplemental materials - Links to curricular frameworks and other websites Teachers will put these (resources) on their school consensus maps: TLwT Videos Websites 4/21/2017 43

44 Intro to District Curriculum Mapping
Lesson Cycle for Teachers & Students STUDENTS Review the lesson cycle and different points of entry for teachers and students. “The maps you have are general pacing guides. They were created by content teachers looking at backwards planning and where performance standards should be placed, based on assessments of the standards and their knowledge of content pacing, from August to May. By unwrapping the standards, content and skills were further defined. This is a crucial step that supports instructional planning and developing supportive learning activities. We encourage you to do this as you plan instruction. “HERE we have a visual demonstration of what the standard-driven lesson cycle looks like for both teachers and students. Notice that teachers AND students both interact with the same components, but that the order of interaction is opposite. (Explain that teachers start lesson planning by looking at the standards and then go out from there, while students engage in learning by starting with Essential Questions and ending up at demonstrating how they’ve mastered the performance standard!). The next slide demonstrates this process with words instead of a pictorial graphic. TEACHER Intro to District Curriculum Mapping

45 Rollout of a Standards-Based Lesson
Teacher: Step 1: Identify & unwrap standards Step 2: Plan summative assessment Step 3: Create Big Idea from key concepts & content Step 4: Develop Essential Questions to guide instruction & formative assessments Step 5: Plan lessons and activities to guide students to Big Idea Step 6: Introduce Essential Question and lessons & activities to students Students: Step 1: Engage with Essential Question Step 2: Take pre-test (formative assessment) & inform of assessment plan Step 3: Complete lessons, activities, and other formative assessments Step 4: Discuss the Essential Question throughout the unit of study Step 5: Complete summative assessment (i.e., answering the Essential Question = the Big Idea) “Here is the same information from the previous diagram for visual learners. One by one, click through the list of HOW A TEACHER ROLLS OUT STANDARDS-BASED INSTRUCTION. Then note, one by one, HOW STUDENTS ENGAGE IN A STANDARDS-BASED LESSON. NOTE THE DIFFERENCE IN ENTRY POINTS FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS. The points are reversed for students. Intro to District Curriculum Mapping

46 Making the District Curriculum Map meaningful for YOU
Meet with colleagues for 20 minutes of discussion and planning time Choose 1 or more sections of the map you’d like to refine for meaningful use this school year Fill out & turn in your Feedback Form when you finish with your planning group session! Intro to District Curriculum Mapping

47 Individual Reflection/ Feedback Form
Think about the DCM process and next steps in this work: What squares with me about this process and work? What’s still rolling around in my head? What changes are needed to use the District Curriculum Map as a pacing guide in order to build student skills, content proficiency, & deeper thinking? PRESENTERS: DO THIS REFLECTION FORM AT YOUR OWN SCHOOL SITES. COLLECT AND USE AS DESIRED. Pass out the handout for participant use. Have participants individually fill out their own handout of this reflection form. Ask each person to post ONE post-it note for ONE of their thoughts on a large hanging paper; some comments with be put in the square shape: What squares with me about this process and work. Some posted input will be placed in the circle shape: What’s still rolling around in my head? Other input will be posted in the triangle: What changes are needed to use the District Curriculum Map as a pacing guide in order to build student skills, content proficiency, and deeper thinking? Review comments with the entire group, as time allows. Debriefing of the process Intro to District Curriculum Mapping

48 Next Steps Access supporting documents related to Curriculum Mapping:
► AIMS ► BLACKBOARD If you have any further questions or concerns, the Curriculum Map Hotline: Intro to District Curriculum Mapping

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