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Having energy to do the things you want to do. Plan Identify myths of work life balance Discuss consequences of imbalance Chart a course for “life balance”

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Presentation on theme: "Having energy to do the things you want to do. Plan Identify myths of work life balance Discuss consequences of imbalance Chart a course for “life balance”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Having energy to do the things you want to do

2 Plan Identify myths of work life balance Discuss consequences of imbalance Chart a course for “life balance”

3 Plan Identify myths of work life balance Discuss consequences of imbalance Chart a course for “life balance” Disclosures I am not balanced! Some may say that I am quite imbalanced! No connection to books or just enjoyed reading and learning.

4 Origin of “Work Life Balance” Initial use 20 years ago! Employee satisfaction surveys Time management

5 Can you have it all? Do it all? Work and life need to be balanced Work is not part of your life You need to sacrifice personal life to succeed at work

6 You Can do it all and have it all Be intentional about choices Year goes by what have I done- not planned out “Rhythm of life”

7 Work is not part of your life

8 Work and life need to be balanced

9 What is Life Balance?

10 Definition - the degree to which an individual is able to simultaneously balance temporal, emotional, and behavioral demands of work and family responsibilities. Broadly- maintaining an overall sense of harmony in life

11 stressors Nursing Health care Family Money Conflicting demands Consequence of imbalance– stress  A sustained lack of balance can lead to feelings of frustration, inadequacy and guilt

12 Societal views What is in it for me? If it feels good – do it? What’s the least I can do to get by? ? Problems with those views and teamwork

13 Who has the answers? You…. What do you like about your life? What don’t you like? If you won megabucks what would you do differently? Don’t just let life happen- be part of it!

14 What is the best way to live?

15 What do you want? Have to have something Pleasure or satisfaction?

16 You make the choice Satisfaction comes from fulfillment Cultivate your passion

17 Nursing process approach Assessment- measure where are you  Outcome measurement- can not improve if don’t know where you are  Off Balance by Matthew Kelly  Personal and professional satisfaction survey

18 Take your assessment at

19 a. b. c. d. e.

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39 A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 20 lowest 100 highest 10-20 dissatisfied 21-39 moderate— need work 40-50- deeply satisfying Diagnosis:

40 Setting goals TGROW model (Richardson) Topic- what makes a good day- Goal- what are your values Reality- how much does water weigh? Options– choices daily Way forward- core habits  need energy- body mind spirit- renew

41 Interventions Mimi’s 4 R’s to cultivate passion in your practice Understand your values Maximize your Energy- mind- body -spirit Maximize your Time wasters- email – base allocation on priorities- set 1-2 hours each day to work on most import projects Focus on excellence be the best you can be

42 AWHONN CARING Commitment to professional and social responsibility. Accountability for personal and professional contributions. Respect for diversity of and among colleagues and clients. Integrity in exemplifying the highest standards in personal and professional behavior. Nursing excellence for quality outcomes in practice, education, research, advocacy and management. Generation of Knowledge to enhance the science and practice of nursing to improve the health of women and newborns. (AWHONN, 2009 ).

43 Evaluation Reassess- take quiz every 3-6 months see if you do better Accountable- do it with a friend Search for balance is a life long endeavor that includes self reflection and examination of one’s values and goals Mimi’s 4 R’s Remember why became a nurse Rigorous education and accountability Reflect – good and bad experiences Renew

44 Take charge of your life and career- motivate yourself. Satisfaction with your job is the key to keeping the passion alive personally and professionally

45 Passion for life comes from clarity of purpose learning to make choices is integral to a rich and fulfilling life

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