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Presented by Robin Kennedy, Director of Agency Relations, United for CHOICE!

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Robin Kennedy, Director of Agency Relations, United for CHOICE!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Robin Kennedy, Director of Agency Relations, United for CHOICE!

2 It all starts with an inspiring GOAL: To advance advocacy and outreach: Engage our stakeholders - persons with disabilities, family members and community members. Establish a sustainable structure with a purpose.

3 Our Assets: Invested stakeholders: consumer council, well developed communication practices from agency, engaged community. Strong and knowledgeable state association: RFW In Action, Wisconsin Organizational commitment: from agency Board of Directors and President for investment of staff, budget allocation and time for development and ongoing implementation.

4 Our Challenges: Lack of structure: many invested people – how to bring them together? Difficult to sustain: one time initiatives very successful, but always a challenge to keep it going. Many voices, no consistent message for all: very committed people, but lacking a consistent message.

5 Our Needs: Create a structure that is organized, purposeful and sustaining. Engage our invested stake holders. Implement at a state level and national level.

6 The PLAN: Objective 1 – Create the structure: 1. Define a mission that is uniting 2. Provide options for involvement – the 3 As 3. Establish a model, agendas, process Objective 2 – Engage Stakeholders: 1. Review internal and external stakeholders 2. Consider individual interest level and history of involvement 3. Invite to orientation meeting Objective 3 – Implement the plan: 1. Establish local Team – guidelines/schedule/agendas/minutes 2. Follow through – recognize successes 3. Expand throughout the state

7 The Result: A TEAM! MISSION: To ignite the passion and energy of persons with disabilities and their families……. to advocate in a grassroots efforts create awareness in the community advise those who care for our citizens with special needs to ensure service choices are protected and sustained.

8 What makes an A TEAM? The 3 As : ADVOCACY: Organize efforts to promote the rights of individuals with disabilities. Legislative meetings/communications Visit the Capitol Action Alerts Petition drives

9 What makes an A TEAM? The 3 As: AWARENESS: Promote the accomplishments and everyday challenges overcome by persons with disabilities and their family members to ensure their authentic stories are shared throughout the community. Social Media Video Testimonials Radio Promotion

10 What makes an A TEAM? The 3 As : ADVISEMENT: Provide peer support and organizational feedback to meet the current and future needs of persons with disabilities. Establish a Grassroots Advocacy Website Network, fellowship, community involvement Team meetings, state association events, forums

11 A TEAM Wisconsin! 9 Chapters (14 Rehab Organizations collaborating) Committed to A TEAM Guidelines - one voice! State wide Network – social media, conference calls, and annual events

12 Our A TEAM Success: Wisconsin 3 DAY at the CAPITOL events: over 75 legislative visits – welcome presentations 2014 and 2015 from Lt. Governor of Wisconsin State Petition Campaigns over 6000 signatures Established My Work. My Choice. Campaign: engaged self-advocates to promote their choices for work, home and life in a positive and simple way. Theme song. State wide Grassroots event over 400 united. National advocate Evelyne Villines. Federal legislator letter writing campaign/post card campaign over 3000. Voice your Choice Tour – 11 stops, over 700 rallied, nearly 3000 voices to DHS. Over the road public relations with A TEAM Mobile Unit. MacIver Institute Promotion and Partnership Over 50 Legislative Tours across the state My Work. My Choice. Big Win!!! Wisconsin DHS commitment to protecting a full array of choices in the state – official letter to Center for Medicaid Services.

13 A TEAM Success: Next Steps National expansion – A TEAM Nevada! Excitement growing around the country – model fits within non-profit structure, ensures sustainability Tool Kit/Webinar – to be released this year Pursuit for financial support – foundation/other Building partnership Source America/ACCSES

14 Thank you! “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” -Helen Keller For more information on the A TEAM, please join us at the Continental Breakfast 8:30 AM – 9:15 AM Tuesday, January 13 th 2015

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