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Meet and Greets Campuses with New Schools Opening in Fall of 2011 Office of the Senior Supervising Superintendent School Governance February 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Meet and Greets Campuses with New Schools Opening in Fall of 2011 Office of the Senior Supervising Superintendent School Governance February 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meet and Greets Campuses with New Schools Opening in Fall of 2011 Office of the Senior Supervising Superintendent School Governance February 2011

2 Our Campus Theory of Action Well executed campus management creates the necessary conditions for increased student achievement, as well as principal, staff and community satisfaction.

3 Today’s Agenda Principal introductions: personal, professional School missions shared Building Council Norms/Expectations Space Sharing Process Review 2010 Campus Policy Memo

4 Introductions: Group survey: Each principal introduces self personally and professionally What is the mission of your school and what achievement levers are valued?

5 What Does a Great Council look Like?  Trust each other; equal voices  Develop a compelling shared campus culture  Engage in unfiltered conflict around ideas and then resolve through consensus  Commit to decisions and plans of actions  Hold one another accountable for delivering against those plans  Speaks with “one voice” externally to staff and community about campus matters

6 Shared Campus Vision is Powerful There is growing evidence that building councils who hold a compelling shared vision tend to create collaborative campus cultures where individual schools thrive academically and socially.

7 A campus community of schools that is safe and engaging for all students, welcoming to parents and full of valued school and community resources. What Does Shared Vision Look Like ?

8 Campus Collaboration Benefits All “ All of us together are stronger than any one of us; we create something together that was not possible alone”  Daily advantage from colleague support  Shared expertise and resources  Team wisdom through collective experience  Professional learning community  The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

9 Building Council Norms Calendar of annual meetings ( bi-weekly typical) Campus Liaison Principal (Agendas, Minutes) Meeting facilitator (rotate?) Distribution of tasks (based on expertise)

10 Who sits on Building Councils? Only DOE and Charter Principals, D 75 multi-site principals (delegated to AP when necessary) AP’s can be brought in as observers, presenters or to take minutes, etc. NOTE: Parents, UFT reps, CBO’s sit on the SLT; custodial and safety staff are present only when principals agree they are needed for an agenda item.

11 Distribution of Campus Assignments Shared Campus Personnel (round 5) All school leaders on a campus should accept their share of campus-wide “lead” assignments (such as safety, athletics, extended use permits, campus liaison, etc.) Provisions should be made for all principals to contribute to and sign off on ratings of shared or split-funded personnel (such as the custodian, librarian or lead safety officer)

12 What’s NEW since the 2007 Campus Memo? A required Building Council annual audit system is combined with an arbitration process to track each campus’ status and resolve disputes. All school leaders on campuses who fail to implement these policies risk collective disciplinary action, including the potential for adverse ratings impacting their PPR score.

13 Council Audit Assumptions “Campus liaison” is a principal or designee appointed by the council: Maintains a file of required BC docs Verifies docs through annual survey Posts docs on-line for limited access “Campus community” outlook personal folder access: Campus principals Note: Charters will have access by fall of 2010 Network leaders Superintendents School Governance Office

14 Campus Policy Memo: Key Council Definitions A Building Council is a structure for administrative decision-making regarding issues impacting all schools in the building. Council principals are equal partners in shaping the educational environment: administration, communication, culture. There are no “host” schools and all schools have equal rights and responsibilities in campus decisions.

15 Council Audit Procedures Annual Calendar: Established building council meetings for the school year, minimally monthly with filed with meeting agendas and subsequent meeting minutes. School Space Allocation: Includes space footprint, with designated room allocations by school, including the documentation of any room swaps. Shared Space Schedules: Includes daily scheduling of shared spaces (library, cafeteria, auditorium, gym, etc.) access and use of the building after hours, on weekends, and in the summer. Shared Staffing/Funding: Includes any shared staff and their shared funding and supervisory agreements, i.e., campus plan for deployment of safety/security staff as well as documentation of any other initiatives that are split-funded. Charters cannot split fund.

16 Arbitration Process Building Council: Principals attempt to reach consensus in BC meeting; request SSO support individually or collectively. SSO Involvement: Network Leader facilitates 1-2 meetings; SSS Office may coach. If conflicts are not resolved, calls SSS Office for arbitration. DSS Arbitration: will occur thru the SSS with the assistance of relevant DOE managers. Superintendents will write letter to file to support the adverse PPR rating. Note: Whenever a BC is stuck and decision-making is impaired, any member of the campus community can request next step of this process.

17 Council Arbitration Assumptions  The best decisions are made closest to those implementing those decisions.  When campus principals hold the locus of control equitably, they are more motivated to reach consensus locally.  Failure to resolve conflicts or implement the provisions of the memo can result in adverse ratings for principals individually or collectively.

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