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 An electronic device that processes data and converts it into information that people can use.

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2  An electronic device that processes data and converts it into information that people can use.

3 Since computers have completely transformed the way we work, play, and live-- learning about how they work can make your life a little easier.

4 Example: every day, people plan vacations on the Internet. They make arrangements to go to Mexico, Hawaii, Europe, and other destinations. When their plans are finalized, all of the flight information is stored in computers at the airports and at travel agencies. Computers make it easier for the airlines to track travelers, allow travel agents to offer flexible vacation packages and help to keep everyone safe.

5  Common conveniences such as fast food restaurants and ATMs use computers to provide quick, easy service to customers.  Heart monitors, full-body scanners, and other devices are all run by computers. Doctors use computers to identify problems before they become untreatable.  E-mail and cell phones make it easy to contact friends and family—even if they live on the other side of the world!  Computer cameras allow us to see (Skype) people thousands of miles away.



8 Computers can help people become more organized and can perform repetitive or tedious tasks such as drafting plans for a new car or dispensing money to bank customers.

9 Negative aspects of computers: *Computers have decreased the demand for some jobs such as bank tellers, telephone operators, mail sorters, and loan interviewers. *Computers have made surveillance, monitoring and watching people, easier than ever; therefore privacy and security issues are being debated in courtrooms every day. Data is being collected on millions of people and sold to virtually all types of businesses.

10 Other negative aspects of increased computer usage: Health risks – such as repetitive stress injury, eye strain, neck and back problems, etc.) Spam and Computer viruses often interfere with our computer usage.

11 Did you know that computers were first sold to the public only about 30 years ago? Questions to think about: 1. What aspects of your life do not involve computers? 2. 2. How would your life change if computers suddenly disappeared from the world?

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