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A Metaphor to Understand Our Connections.  Fabric of a Family  Pieces, sections and layers are interconnected ◦ Individual pieces of fabric ◦ Originally.

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Presentation on theme: "A Metaphor to Understand Our Connections.  Fabric of a Family  Pieces, sections and layers are interconnected ◦ Individual pieces of fabric ◦ Originally."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Metaphor to Understand Our Connections

2  Fabric of a Family  Pieces, sections and layers are interconnected ◦ Individual pieces of fabric ◦ Originally separate pieces sewn together ◦ Quilted, connecting pieces both horizontally and vertically  Harmony of Parts

3  Coordinated Transportation Program similar  Many pieces put together to deliver transportation ◦ Rider ◦ Community Transportation Coordinator ◦ Local Coordinating Board ◦ Planning Agency ◦ Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged ◦ Purchasing Agencies

4  Threads that hold the Program together: ◦ Chapter 427, Florida Statutes ◦ Rule 41-2, Florida Administrative Code

5  Purpose of Coordination ◦ Increase vehicle and capital utilization ◦ Increase ridership ◦ Meet greater number of needs by pooling resources  Coordination is not Consolidation

6 Transportation Disadvantaged Trust Fund (TDTF) Eligibility:  Who is eligible? Anyone who cannot obtain their own transportation due to their age, disability or income and is not qualified to be transported under any other funding source. ◦ Disabled ◦ Elderly ◦ Low Income ◦ Children at Risk

7  Eligibility for TD Trust Fund ◦ Commission established guidelines for TD eligibility ◦ Local Coordinating Board develops local eligibility policy, based on Chapter 427, F.S. and Commission Guidelines.

8  Interesting TD Facts ◦ TD Program was created to give the local communities the control of their program ◦ Trip Priorities – established by LCB ◦ Any given day customer may be transported under different funding sources

9 C USTOMERS HAVE THE RIGHT TO :  SAFETY : trips in air-conditioned and heated vehicles safe, clean, properly equipped, and smoke- free vehicles properly fastened seatbelts and/or mobility device tie downs vehicle transfer points that are sheltered, secure and safe a properly identified driver assistance in maneuvering mobility devices up and down at a minimum one step

10 C USTOMER ’ S R IGHTS AND R ESPONSIBILITIES (C ONTINUED )  C USTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR : ◦ being ready and waiting for vehicle in a safe location ◦ keeping seat belts and mobility device tie downs secure until vehicle stops ◦ making CTC aware of customer’s physical and/or mental conditions prior to transport ◦ adhering to policy for violent and/or disruptive behavior.

11 C USTOMER ’ S R IGHTS AND R ESPONSIBILITIES (C ONTINUED ) COURTESY :  C USTOMERS HAVE THE RIGHT TO : ◦ professional, courteous, and properly trained drivers ◦ assistance while getting in and out of vehicle and to the seat  C USTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE TO : ◦ call in trip cancellations ◦ be ready at time of pick-up ◦ ensure personal hygiene

12 C USTOMER ’ S R IGHTS AND R ESPONSIBILITIES (C ONTINUED ) COMPLAINTS :  C USTOMERS HAVE THE RIGHT TO : ◦ file complaints without fear of retaliation ◦ prompt investigations and effective resolutions ◦ current and complete program information  C USTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE TO : ◦ file complaints in a timely manner (identify local time frame) ◦ providing CTC with pertinent information.

13 C USTOMER ’ S R IGHTS AND R ESPONSIBILITIES (C ONTINUED ) SERVICE :  C USTOMERS HAVE THE RIGHT TO : ◦ toll-free accessibility to the CTC ◦ be delivered to an appointment on time ◦ the CTC’s policy on standing orders ◦ the CTC’s policy on no-shows  C USTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE TO : ◦ advise the reservationist of appointment times ◦ accept a shared-ride service ◦ schedule trip requests in advance ◦ provide own wheelchair and/or escort

14  Ombudsman/TD Helpline ◦ Toll Free TD Helpline to provide customer assistance with information & problem resolution ◦ Local & State Complaint & Grievance Procedures ◦ TD Helpline Number (800-983-2435) required to be posted in all vehicles & rider brochures.

15  Chapter 427.0155, Florida Statutes  Rule 41-2.010 & 41-2.011, Florida Administrative Code

16  Becoming a Community Transportation Coordinator ◦ The Planning Agency follows a competitive procurement process to obtain a Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) for the designated service area. ◦ A recommendation is presented for approval to the Local Coordinating Board (LCB) and then to the Commission (CTD) for final approval.

17  CTC’s Contractual Relationships ◦ Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged  Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)  Upon CTC designation, the Coordinator (CTC) and the Commission (CTD) enter into a five-year agreement for transportation services.  Trip & Equipment Grant  Annually funded contract for trips and capital equipment  Medicaid Subcontracted Transportation Provider (STP) Agreement  Funding for Medicaid transportation services

18  CTC’s Contractual Relationships (Continued) ◦ Network Type  Fully Brokered—contracts all services (10)  Partially Brokered—contracts some services and provides some services (48)  Sole Source—provides all services (9)  If fully or partially brokered, then Operator Contracts may exist.  CTC establishes standards for and annually reviews Operator Contracts. ◦ Coordination Contracts ◦ Alternative Provider

19  Responsibilities of the CTC ◦ Operate, plan, administer, monitor, coordinate, arrange and deliver Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) services originating within designated service area  Rider Application  Scheduling/Providing Trips  Coordinating multi-funded transportation services (i.e., invoicing various agencies)

20  Responsibilities of the CTC (Continued) ◦ Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP)  Created jointly by Coordinator (CTC) & Local Coordinating Board (LCB)  The initial TDSP is due 120 days after a new CTC is designated; annual updates are due prior to July 1 st of each of the remaining 4 years of the designation. ◦ Annual Operating Report  September 15 th – operating data due to Commission (CTD) ◦ Partner with Local Coordinating Board (LCB) to establish eligibility guidelines and trip prioritization

21  Chapter 427.0157, Florida Statutes  41-2.012, Florida Administrative Code

22  What is the purpose of the Local Coordinating Board (LCB)? ◦ To identify local service needs and to provide information, advice and direction to the CTC on the coordination of services to be provided through the Florida Coordinated Transportation System (FCTS) ◦ To serve as an advisory body to the Commission regarding a particular service area

23  Coordinating Board Structure ◦ Members shall be appointed by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) or Designated Official Planning Agency (DOPA) 1 elected official to serve as Chairperson 1 Vice-Chairperson (elected annually by LCB Members) who represents one of the following local, additional member groups which compose the LCB  FDOT, DCF, DOEA and AHCA  Public Education Community  Florida Division of Vocational Rehabilitation or Division of Blind Services for DOE, when applicable  Veterans Service Office  Florida Association for Community Action representative of county’s disadvantaged population

24  Coordinating Board Structure (Continued)  Elderly (person over 60)  Disabled  2 citizen advocate representatives, 1 of whom must use the coordinated transportation system  Representative for children at risk  Chairperson/designee of local Public Transit System’s Board, except in cases where they are also the CTC  Private for profit, when available (local private non profit may replace unless CTC)  Regional Workforce Development Board  Medical community

25  What are the duties of the LCB? ◦ Meet at least quarterly ◦ Maintain official meeting minutes, including roster, reflecting actions and provide copy to Commission and Planning Agency ◦ Annually evaluate CTC ◦ Review and approve Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP) and Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) ◦ Assist CTC in establishing eligibility guidelines and trip priorities ◦ Appoint Grievance Committee to process and investigate complaints

26  Other duties of the LCB ◦ Review and recommend other funding applications ◦ Review strategies of service provision to the area ◦ Evaluate multicounty or regional transportation opportunities

27  Chapter 427.015, Florida Statutes  Rule 41-2.009, Florida Administrative Code

28  Designated Official Planning Agencies are: ◦ Metropolitan Planning Organizations ◦ County/City Governments ◦ Regional Planning Councils ◦ Local Planning Organizations who are performing planning activities in designated service areas.

29  Responsibilities ◦ Staff to the Local Coordinating Board  Quarterly Meetings (Membership, Meeting Schedule, Agendas, Minutes, By-Laws, Grievance Procedures, Training)  Annual Public Hearing ◦ Recommend to the Commission a single Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC)  Competitive Procurement Process/Request for Proposal  Chapter 287, Florida Statutes

30  Responsibilities (Continued) ◦ Annually evaluate the CTC ◦ Annually report to the Commission the total amount of funds that will be expended in that planning area for the transportation disadvantaged. ◦ Annually review the Annual Operating Report prepared by the CTC and submit to the Local Coordinating Board for approval.

31  Responsibilities (Continued) ◦ Develop and maintain a Transportation Improvement Plan (if federally required) ◦ In coordination with the CTC and the Local Coordinating Board, develop a Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan  Original Submission (120 calendar days from effective date of MOA)  Annual Updates (prior to July 1)  Amendments (as needed)

32  The Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP) is comprised of the following 3 main components: 1.Development Plan 2.Service 3.Quality Assurance

33 1. Development Plan Introduction to the Service Area  Background of the TD program; CTC Designation Date/History; Organization Chart; Consistency Review of Other Plans; Public Participation (transportation partners, passengers/advocates, human service partners, others) Service Area Profile/Demographics  Describe service area including demographics (land use, population/composition, employment, major trip generators/attractors, inventory of available transportation resources

34 Development Plan (Continued) Service Analysis  Forecasts of TD population, Needs Assessment, Barriers to Coordination Goals, Objectives and Strategies  Critical to the implementation of the TDSP. They represent a statement of local policy that will be used to manage the future of transportation Implementation Schedule

35 2. Service Plan – Basically the operational component of the plan completed by the CTC.  Accessing Services, Transportation Operators & Coordination Contractors, Public Transit Utilization, School Bus Utilization, Vehicle Inventory, System Security Program Plan Certification, Intercounty Services, Emergency Preparedness & Response, Educational Efforts/ Marketing, Acceptable Alternatives, Service Standards, Local Complaint & Grievance Procedures, CTC’s Monitoring Procedures, and Coordination Contract Evaluation Criteria.  Rate Calculation Model

36 3. Quality Assurance  Identify the process used by the Local Coordinating Board and the Planning Agency in the evaluation of the Community Transportation Coordinator (QAPE/LCB CTC Evaluation Workbook)  Identify any local service standards that were developed based on deficiencies or problems within the system.

37 The Commission contracts with the planning agencies to assist in their responsibilities at the local level to accomplish the coordination of safe, efficient, cost effective transportation services to the transportation disadvantaged.

38  Chapter 427, F.S./ Mission ◦ The Commission was created by Chapter 427, Florida Statutes.  To ensure the availability of efficient, cost-effective and quality transportation services for transportation disadvantaged persons.

39  Chapter 427, F.S. Key: Commission Responsibilities ◦ Develop policies and procedures for the coordination of local government, federal, and state funding for the TD. ◦ Identify barriers prohibiting the coordination of services, and pursue the elimination of these barriers. ◦ Serve as the clearinghouse for information about TD services, training, funding sources, innovations and coordination efforts. ◦ Adopt rules to implement Ch. 427, F.S.

40  Commission Responsibilities (Continued) ◦ Approve the appointment of CTCs/STPs. ◦ Have the authority to apply for & accept funds, grants, gifts, and services from the Federal, state, or local Governments or private funding sources. ◦ Make an annual report to the Governor, the President of the Senate, & Speaker of the House by January 1 each year.

41  Commission Responsibilities (Continued) ◦ Review & approve Memorandums of Agreement for the provision of coordination transportation services. ◦ Develop an interagency uniform contracting & billing and accounting system to be used by all providers and their operators. ◦ Develop & maintain a TD manual. ◦ Design & develop TD training programs.

42  Commission Responsibilities (Continued) ◦ Coordinate all TD programs with appropriate state, local and federal agencies and public transit agencies to ensure compatibility with existing transportation systems. ◦ Designate the official planning agency in areas outside the purview of an MPO. ◦ Develop a quality assurance & management review program to monitor providers and planners.

43  Commission Membership ◦ 7 Voting Members  5 members who must have significant experience in the operation of a business.  2 members must have a disability and use the transportation disadvantaged system ◦ 8 Ex Officio, Nonvoting Advisors-  Secretary of Transportation  Secretary of Children and Families  Director of Workforce Innovation  Executive Director of the Dept. of Veteran’s Affairs  Secretary of Dept. of Elder Affairs  Secretary of Agency for Health Care Administration  Director of Agency for Persons with Disabilities  County Manager/Administrator (appt by Gov)  Delegates may be appointed by the Secretaries/Directors.

44  How the Program Works ◦ Planning Agencies recommend a Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) ◦ Commission Approves or Denies CTC ◦ Commission Contracts with the local CTC ◦ CTC must arrange for transportation services for clients ◦ Riders must undergo an eligibility process

45  Transportation Disadvantaged Trust Fund ◦ In addition, the CTD is also responsible for administering the TDTF that goes toward the purchase of trips for transportation disadvantaged individuals. ◦ Sister agencies also purchase transportation for individuals who qualify for service under their funding source. These are known as Purchasing Agencies.

46 Total FY 2008 Revenues = $361,842,788

47  Definition: ◦ Purchasing Agency - a department or agency whose head is an ex officio, nonvoting adviser to the Commission, or an agency that purchases transportation services for the transportation disadvantaged

48  Agency for Health Care Administration  Agency for Persons with Disabilities  Agency for Workforce Innovation  Department of Children and Families  Department of Community Affairs  Department of Education  Department of Elder Affairs  Department of Health  Department of Juvenile Justice  Florida Department of Transportation

49 Duties and Responsibilities 1. Use the coordinated transportation system for provision of services to its clients, unless each department or purchasing agency meets the criteria outlined in rule or statute to use an alternative provider. 2. Pay the rates established in the service plan or negotiated statewide contract, unless the purchasing agency has completed the procedure for using an alternative provider.

50 Duties and Responsibilities (Continued) 3. Not procure transportation disadvantaged services without initially negotiating with the Commission, …, or unless otherwise authorized by statute. 4. Identify in the legislative budget request … the specific amount of money the purchasing agency will allocate to provide transportation disadvantaged services.

51 Duties and Responsibilities (Continued) 5. Provide the Commission, by September 15 of each year, an accounting of all funds spent as well as how many trips were purchased with agency funds. 6. Assist communities in developing coordinated transportation systems designed to serve the transportation disadvantaged.

52 Duties and Responsibilities (Continued) 7. Ensure that its rules, procedures, guidelines, and directives are conducive to the coordination of transportation funds and services for the transportation disadvantaged. 8. Provide technical assistance, as needed, to community transportation coordinators or transportation operators or participating agencies.

53  Work together ◦ Yard by Yard it’s very Hard, but Inch by Inch, it’s a Cinch.  Acknowledge different pieces  Recognize relationships  Big Picture of Coordination  The difference Transportation can make in a person’s life  Harmony – Quilt of Coordination

54 Rider Coordinator (CTC) Local Coordinating Board (LCB) Planning Agency Commission (CTD) Purchasing Agency

55 605 Suwannee Street, MS 49 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.410.5700 Toll-Free: 800.983.2435 If you would like more information regarding the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged and Florida’s Coordinated Transportation System, please visit our website at the following address:

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