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Welcome To The Joint Occupational Health And Safety Committee Appointments 2013 Course 1 Presented By The BCGEU.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome To The Joint Occupational Health And Safety Committee Appointments 2013 Course 1 Presented By The BCGEU."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome To The Joint Occupational Health And Safety Committee Appointments 2013 Course 1 Presented By The BCGEU

2 THE BCGEU OH&S COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS 2013  Current 3 year terms for BCGEU OH&S committee members and worker representatives must be renewed for December 01, 2013 to November 30, 2016  Local chairs, 1 st and 2 nd vice chairs will canvas worksites to reappoint committee members or identify new appointees 2

3 APPOINTMENTS 2013  Local chairs and 1 st vice chairs will work with stewards, other committee members and area staff representative to make appointments  1 st vice chairs are responsible for OH&S for the local  Chairs and vice chairs will receive basic OH&S information to increase their knowledge and skills in OH&S 3

4 APPOINTMENTS 2013  Chairs, vice chairs and area staff will be provided with materials to assist with the appointment process  This session will provide an opportunity to give feedback on responsibilities, processes and materials 4

5 HOUSEKEEPING  Name Cards  Sign-In Sheet  Washrooms  Emergency Exits  Parking  Please turn off Cell Phones/Blackberries  Breaks/Lunch 5 5

6 HOUSEKEEPING  First Aid Attendant  Common Courtesies  Materials  Personal Action Plan  Follow-up items 6


8 SESSION 1 − INTRODUCTIONS  Introduce yourselves  Your local and position  Are you on your workplace OH&S committee?  Your OH&S experience 8

9 INTRODUCTIONS Small group exercise Expectations What do you hope to take away from today's session? 9

10 AGENDA  Introductions  OH&S Rights  OH&S Legislation  Joint OH&S Committees  Committee appointments and reappointments  Why?  When?  Who?  How? 10

11 COURSE OBJECTIVES At the end of this course you will:  Have an understanding of basic OH&S legislation and worker rights  Know the roles and responsibilities of the joint OH&S committee  Understand your role in the process of appointing BCGEU OH&S committee members and worker representatives 11


13 OUR OH&S RIGHTS  Right to know about workplace hazards  Right to participate in health and safety  Right to refuse unsafe work  Right to no discrimination 13


15 THE WORKERS COMPENSATION BOARD  Also known as WorkSafeBC  Responsible for compensating injured workers  Responsible for preventing workplace injuries, diseases and deaths  Responsible for enforcement of regulations  Funded by employers 15

16 THE OH&S REGULATION The Regulation:  Core Requirements, Parts 1-4  General Hazard Requirements, Parts 5-19  Industry/Activity Specific, Parts 20-33 16

17 NEED TO KNOW REGULATIONS  Ergonomics  Working alone  Prevention of workplace violence  Indoor air quality  Chemical and biological agents (WHMIS)  Asbestos 17

18 THE WCA: PART 3 Division 3 − Employer, worker and supervisor responsibilities Division 4 − Roles and responsibilities of the committee Division 6 − Protection against discriminatory action Division 10 − Investigations Division 12 − Penalties 18


20 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES WCA Division 3 Section 115 Employers  Provide a safe workplace  Provide leadership  Ensure compliance  Allocate resources  Implement committee recommendations  Monitor and evaluate OH&S program 20

21 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES WCA Division 3 Section 116 Workers:  Work safely  Comply with OH&S regulations and employer policies and procedures  Report hazardous and unsafe conditions, accidents and incidents  Wear proper protective gear when required  Co operate with the joint OH&S committee 21

22 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES WCA Division 3 Section 117 Supervisors:  Inform workers of any known or reasonably foreseeable hazards  Be aware of OH&S regulations applicable to work being done  Provide worker safety orientation  Respond to and resolve reported OH&S concerns 22

23 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Supervisor:  Ensure workers are trained and qualified to work safely  Ensure investigations are conducted  Support and consult with the joint committee  Evaluate and support workers  Ongoing monitoring of OH&S 23


25 THE JOINT OH&S COMMITTEE  Review WCA Division 4  Sections 125 - 140 25

26 JOINT OH&S COMMITTEE AND WORKER REPRESENTATIVES Small Group Exercise  Groups go through Workers Compensation Act Division 4 and answer the questionnaire  Go through answers with large group 26

27 TERMS OF REFERENCE Key to joint committee's success  Agreed to by both parties  Establishes the rules of operation such as:  Quorum  Attendance  Duties of co-chairs  Minutes and agendas 27

28 ANNUAL WORK PLAN  Assists committee with strategic planning  For example:  Annual review required for ergonomics program  Annual review required for violence prevention program  Annual review of committee activities 28


30 BASIC OH&S INFORMATION  Questions?  Comments 30


32 OVERVIEW  Appointment of worker committee reps and worker representatives for December 01, 2013 to November 30, 2016  Appointments will be made October 01 to November 15, 2013  Training sessions held June and September  Many current committee members will be reappointed 32

33 OVERVIEW  Local officers and stewards will canvas worksites for new committee members or reappointments  Local officers will consult with area office staff representatives on the appointments  Once local officers approve appointments list of names is forwarded to area office to issue appointment letter from the President 33

34 OVERVIEW  A copy of the appointment letter goes to the manager/supervisor and to the committee member  Committee member appointment information will be entered into Unionware by the area staff 34

35 OVERVIEW  Local officers will conduct canvas through:  Worksite visits  Member to member  Phone or email 35

36 OVERVIEW RESOURCES  Local chairs will be provided with canvas forms, surveys and posters  On line sign up and survey available  Lists of worksites and current OH&S committee members  Book off time 36

37 GOVERNMENT WORKSITES Article 22 requirements  In any worksite with less than 9 workers, a worker rep will be appointed  Local committees may encompass more that one component  Time spent by committee members attending meetings or other business on days of rest will receive equivalent time off at straight time 37

38 GOVERNMENT WORKSITES  More than one ministry occupies same location a committee may be established to include more than one ministry  Disputes involving committee structures to be referred to the Article 29 OH&S sub- committees 38

39 NON-GOVERNMENT WORKSITES  Check the requirements of your collective agreement  Committee requirements must comply with the Workers Compensation Act 39

40 WHO GETS APPOINTED?  Worker committee reps must not "exercise any managerial function" (Division 4 WCA)  Not about union membership  Union members who are supervisors must not be appointed as worker reps 40

41 SUPERVISOR OHS Regulation definition:  "supervisor" means a person who instructs, directs and controls workers in the performance of their duties 41

42 RECRUITING The persuasion factor  Group exercise How are you going to recruit new committee members and convince current committee members to serve another 3 years? 42

43 RECRUITING  People may have an interest in OH&S  OH&S is way for workplace involvement that is less political than other union positions  Committee members have the right to have annual OH&S education 43

44 RECRUITING  They become the experts, a resource for their co workers  They are saving lives  The OH&S committee is the only workplace entity that is required by legislation  Attending OH&S conferences 44

45 FINAL COMMENTS  Concerns, thoughts and questions ?  A second session will be held in September as a follow up  Thank you for doing this very important work on behalf of your members 45

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