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Collection Management System of Tokyo National Museum Ryoji Murata Researcher / Tokyo National Museum Curatorial Planning Department Informatics.

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Presentation on theme: "Collection Management System of Tokyo National Museum Ryoji Murata Researcher / Tokyo National Museum Curatorial Planning Department Informatics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collection Management System of Tokyo National Museum Ryoji Murata Researcher / Tokyo National Museum Curatorial Planning Department Informatics Division Informatics Systems Management Section

2 Agenda Japan Art Documentation Society (JADS) Tokyo National Museum Development of Collection Management System

3 Brief Introduction to JADS “The Japan Art Documentation Society (JADS) was founded in April 1989, with the object of promoting the development of art documentation and resolving problems related to such matters within and outside Japan.”

4 Brief Introduction to JADS Around 300 members – Librarians, Curators, Students of Art History, Computer Engineers… Activities – Workshops, Lecture meetings, Tours… Publications – Bulletin of Japan Art Documentation Society (Annual) – Newsletter of JADS (Quarterly)

5 Brief Introduction to JADS 20 th Anniversary Forum Art Documentation in Japan Achievements of Two Decades Present, past and future of cooperation among Museum, Library and Archives December 4 – 5, 2009 Tokyo National Museum, Japan

6 Tokyo National Museum

7 The First Exposition in Japan The exhibition opened on March 10, 1872, at the Taiseiden Hall of Yushima Seido. It was part of the preparations to partake in the World's Fair to be held in Vienna the following year.

8 Museum Building in Ueno The comprehensive museum with its wide-ranging collection covering history, art and natural history, as well as a library and zoo, was thus established in Ueno.

9 The Great Kanto Earthquake and the Museum The Museum's buildings were severely damaged by the 1923’s earthquake. Luckily, many of the items escaped damage. In 1925, animal, plant and mineral collections were transferred to the Tokyo Museum (the present National Science Museum)

10 Today’s Main Building The new main building was opened on November 10, 1938. On May 3, 1947 (the new Constitution came into force the previous day), the Imperial Museums were returned to the state, which in turn made them National Museums

11 Outline of Tokyo National Museum One of the six institutes of National Institutes for Cultural Heritage (Independent Administrative Institution) Comprehensive collection of art works and archaeological objects of Japan and Asia 107 staff members including 55 researchers

12 Outline of Tokyo National Museum 112,529 objects in the collection 2,750 objects on long-term loan to the museum 209,075 books 309,028 photographs As of March 31, 2009

13 Outline of Tokyo National Museum Per year (2008)… 2,171,942 visitors 7,172 objects for regular exhibitions, 319 changes 1,125 objects for loan-out to 135 institutions

14 Structured Model for Museum Object Information Museum Informatics Research Project (2005) Aims to support – Daily museum operations – Future information sharing Full version (Japanese)

15 Entities related to Museum Object Object Event Actor Document Time Place occurs records has participates in

16 Attributes of Museum Object Identity – Id, Name, Number… Physical feature – Material, Measurement, Amount… History – Creation, Excavation, Ownership, Repair, Display… Reference – Citation, Image…

17 Example of Entities and Attributes : Acquisition object/12 mo:MuseumObject rdf:type mo:Acquisition mo:Event actor/20 mo:Actor mo:hadCurrency mo:hasType mo:isDocumentedIn mo:hadCost mo:wasAcquiredBy rdf:type rdfs:subClassOf Purchase rdf:type mo:Document rdf:type mo:transferredTitleFrom 1,000,000 Yen 1990-10-30 mo:hasDate

18 TNM Collection Management System Based on the Model Integration of Existing Data Supports daily operations

19 Database and Curatorial Tasks Collection Database Acquisition Research Exhibition Repair Loan

20 Database and Curatorial Tasks Collection Database Curatorial Tasks use record

21 Elements of Typical Task Event (Exhibition, Loan, Repair…) List of Objects ------------------ Period of Time Place Actor / Institution

22 Tree Structure and Schedule Management Item B Set of Objects Item A Possibly Double Booked No Problem

23 Application Structure Spring framework RDB (MySQL) Presentation layer (Servlet + JSP) Museum Object Classes Business Service Classes Data access layer ( Hibernate ) Web application Collection database Management Application (Loan, Exhibit…)

24 Basic Functionalities Search and browse Edit item list Process Management Output formatted documents

25 Top page

26 Search Results

27 Schedule graphs

28 Object details

29 Edit / update log

30 Image viewer

31 List of Regular Exhibitions

32 Detail of a regular exhibition

33 Formatted document for a regular exhibition

34 List of Loans-out

35 Detail of a loan-out

36 Detail of a loan-out (2)

37 Formatted document for loan-out

38 Further Development Implement remaining type of tasks Improve usability Publish object data through web

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