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 To give students the academic tools needed to progress to 5th grade.  To provide a supportive learning environment.  To have fun while we learn. 

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2  To give students the academic tools needed to progress to 5th grade.  To provide a supportive learning environment.  To have fun while we learn.  To make new friends and discover new interests.

3  H.U.S.D. guidelines and H.T.A. rules  Code of Conduct – student/parent sign  Be ready for success!!  Come prepared!  Respect  P.B.I.S

4  Hawk High 5’s  Weekly Raffle – class reward & school award  Quarterly “Store”  Quarterly Certificates for RAISE

5 Respect : valuing the worth of others and treating them with honor and esteem Accountability : taking responsibility for your own actions Integrity : doing the right thing when no one is watching; honesty Safety : not dangerous or harmful Excellence : high quality; above and beyond what is expected High Five

6 Reminder Slip Reflection Sheets Referrals Tracking Sheets



9  Numbers and Operations  Data and Probability  Patterns and Algebra  Geometry and Measurement  Structure and Logic  Test Policies

10 Balanced Literacy  Guided Reading  Literature Based Activities  Teacher Read-Aloud  AR reading levels and assessments

11 6 TRAITS WRITING WRITING PRACTICES  Ideas/Content  Organization  Voice  Word Choice  Sentence Fluency  Conventions  Expository  Persuasive  Narrative  Fiction  Poetry

12  Map Skills  Exploration  Arizona  Land marks  Current Events - Bimonthly

13  Earth’s Resources  Earth’s Surface  Plant & Animal Kingdoms  Weather & Measurement  Electricity, Magnetism & Scientists

14  Library  PE – please wear tennis shoes  Music  Art  Computer lab in the classroom/Library

15  Circle Map  Bubble Map  Double Bubble Map  Tree Map  Brace Map  Flow Map  Multi-Flow Map  Bridge Map

16  Written Practice  Spalding Spelling  Daily Reading for 30 minutes  25-40 minutes per day  In class work will be completed in class  Homework promotes self discipline and responsibility in the students.

17  Arizona College and Career Ready Standards   Quarterly curriculum maps available online at Our comprehensive curriculum includes:  Reading  Writing  Math  Science  Social Studies  Music, Art, and PE

18 Visit our website to find your student’s curriculum maps by grade level and content area.

19 Higley teachers will teach the Arizona College and Career Ready Standards. When teachers report student progress they will follow these guidelines: 1. Scores are related to achievement of the standards 2. Variety of assessments used to gather evidence of achievement 3. Assessment procedures support student learning

20  Standards-based grading measures the mastery of the learning objectives  It is based on a specific set of standards that students need to meet for each grade/content level  Marks are not a comparison of one student to another, but rather a way to measure how well each student is doing on grade-level/course level standards  A standards based approach allows parents and students to understand more clearly what is expected of students and how to help them be successful in their educational program

21 The K-5 Grade Reports to Parents include the following levels of performance: 4 = Above benchmark / Exceeds current grade level expectations 3 = Meets benchmark / At grade level expectations 2 = Approaching benchmark / Improving but not consistent 1 = Below grade level / Needs more time and support Blank = Not yet introduced GOAL

22 Visit our website for frequently asked questions!

23  Montezuma’s Castle  Tax Donations $$$$ - forms available tonight  Renting buses  Volunteers  April  HCPA

24  Students go to recess at 11:35 for 10 minutes of outdoor play  Students go to cafeteria at 11:45 to eat until dismissal at 12:05  Snack Break 9:20 – 9:35 daily

25 School Lunch $2.45 You can pay online – Parent tab Food Services Child needs to drop money off in the morning – envelope with full name Forms for assistance available tonight – please pick one up FREE breakfast served everyday!

26 WWW.HUSD.ORG Select school – The Higley Traditional Academy Home page has important information Teacher pages Select teacher Homework Blogs Important information related to the class pictures

27 Toy Drive 4 th Grade Community Service Project Collecting new unwrapped toys Ends September 12 th GOAL – collect more than 222 toys

28 Please join us at the first PTO event of the year! All parents and community members are invited to learn more about the PTO and what they can do to support Higley Traditional Academy, it’s students, it’s teachers, and our community. Please join us next Wednesday, August 20th in the gym at 6:00pm. PTO


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