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Environmental Finance Center Meeting Facilitation and Conflict Resolution (Interpersonal, Group, Systemic) April 2013 Minnowbrook Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Finance Center Meeting Facilitation and Conflict Resolution (Interpersonal, Group, Systemic) April 2013 Minnowbrook Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Finance Center Meeting Facilitation and Conflict Resolution (Interpersonal, Group, Systemic) April 2013 Minnowbrook Conference Center

2 Environmental Finance Center Why talk about meeting facilitation and conflict resolution?

3 Environmental Finance Center Potential causes of conflict in groups: No facilitation Individual differences Lack of/ different information Unclear goals Personal or professional agendas (no common purpose) Lack of behavioral standards Power Lack of problem-solving process No ability to reflect, assess, improve

4 Environmental Finance Center Facilitation is the design and management of structures and processes that help a group do its work and minimize the common problems people have working together.

5 Environmental Finance Center Facilitator Tasks PPurpose OOutcome AAgenda GGroundrules

6 Environmental Finance Center Things to consider Methods of Interpersonal Communication Results of Interpersonal Communication

7 Environmental Finance Center Steps for facilitating first meeting: 1)Introduce everyone at the table 2)Discuss purpose of meeting 3)Set Initial Groundrules 4)Set Agenda 5)ID Problem/Issue to be discussed –Clarify the issue –ID interests not positions –Brainstorm/Discuss

8 Environmental Finance Center Activity: 25 minutes Report: 2 minutes each group

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