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Page 1 18&19 November 2010 IDA project Video on demand of the National Assembly debates

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1 Page 1 18&19 November 2010 IDA project Video on demand of the National Assembly debates

2 Page 2 18&19 November 2010 Overview Project genesis Main features Issues and solutions Further developments Demonstration Q & A

3 Page 3 18&19 November 2010 An existing video service to be improved: live in WMV, VOD in WMV limited to questions to the government lack of interoperability and quality President's request for an enhanced video service : 2008 constitutional reform requires same publicity for committees and plenary sessions Issues of preservation of debates videotapes: Videotapes since 1982 in different formats : U-matic, Betacam, Betanum Increased MP’s demand for publication on their Internet sites and blogs Project genesis Decision to launch the IDA (Images des Débats de l’Assemblée) project

4 Page 4 18&19 November 2010 Live and VOD service for plenary session and committee meetings 10 debates simultaneously broadcast in live 2 services: Internet portal Intranet for MP's and assistants: better definition, cutting and downloading Solution based on an off-the-shelf product: VideoNavig from Iwedia Integrated to the legislative information system: Users' repository (LDAP), Legislative actors (Tribun), Agendas of meetings (Legis) Standard video format: H.264 Scalable (low framerate / high framerate), Good compression quality ratio Widely used, supported by industry Adobe flash streaming for interoperability Double recording: Low definition / low framerate for the Internet, Standard definition / high framerate for video editing and archiving Main features

5 Page 5 18&19 November 2010 Issues and solutions Debates accessible on demand within a 30 minutes delay after speech Indexed with the speaking MP’s and debate structure Viewable and downloadable Answer Live acquisition of low resolution by 10 minutes slices Catenation of slices issue of sizes of video and audio tracks smart catenation during the debate reencoding based on the archive format afterwards Indexing during the debate by a dedicated team

6 Page 6 18&19 November 2010 Service for videos older than 3 months on the Internet portal Further integration: Link minutes / video HTML 5 support HTTP streaming in addition to Flash streaming => Iphone, Ipad and other flash free configuration Further developments

7 Page 7 18&19 November 2010 Q/A Thank you for your attention Demonstration Etienne Desécures +33 1 40 63 82 18

8 Page 8 18&19 November 2010

9 Page 9 18&19 November 2010 Overall architecture

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