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CCC Header. Cambridge City Archives Project Melissa McGreechan 14 Nov 2011 Title Page.

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Presentation on theme: "CCC Header. Cambridge City Archives Project Melissa McGreechan 14 Nov 2011 Title Page."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCC Header

2 Cambridge City Archives Project Melissa McGreechan 14 Nov 2011 Title Page

3 Project Origin and Funding  Expense of Cataloguing Archivist paid by donation from the Cambridgeshire Family History Society  Expenses of conservation materials and storage met by Cambridgeshire Archives

4 The research importance of the collection  The relationship between the University and town  The town’s pre-eminence in the region  Biographical research into significant figures involved in University and town life, for example Florence Keynes, John Mortlock, Robert Sayle  Family history: an ancestor’s involvement in public life, a mention in burgess lists or electoral registers, in rate books as owner or occupier, in accounts of the Corn Exchange as stall holders  Research into social policy, public health and housing  The built heritage and environment, including plans and drawings of significant corporation buildings, deeds of public buildings and private houses. Records of the streets, river and railways are fundamental sources, not just for transport history, but for their contribution to the shaping of this vitally important and nationally- influential modern city.

5 Aims of the Project Catalogue  To catalogue the archives of Cambridge City Council including absorbed authorities  To barcode and locate every item in the collection Conservation  To clean and repackage the collection  To work with our conservator to isolate items in the collection in need of immediate conservation Promoting access and Community involvement  To work with volunteers from the CFHS and other organisations to formulate projects of interest to Family and local historians to promote access to information held within the records  To arrange displays, talks and attend outreach activities at landmarks throughout the project to spread the news of progress on the collection to the wider community

6 Catalogue  CB/1- Records of the Unreformed Corporation  CB/2- Records of the Municipal Corporation 1835-1974  CB/3- Cambridge City Council  CB/4-Cambridge Improvement Commissioners  CB/5-Civil parish records (Overseers for 13 ancient parishes of Cambridge)  CB/6-Overseers records for the parishes of Cambridge and Cambridge Without  Records of Chesterton Urban District Council  Records of Trumpington Parish Council  Records of Cherryhinton Parish Council  CB/Q Quarter Sessions  CB/Co Records of the Borough Coroner  Cambridge Municipal Charities  Conservators of the River Cam  City Education records from the County Council archive

7 Photos taken of condition of storage at the start of the project


9 Progress with the Catalogue  Over 18,500 items in CALM just over 15,000 are available to see on the public access side of the catalogue

10 University and Colleges  Records of decisions and negotiations between members of the Corporation, Improvement Commissioners and University and individual colleges relating to legislation, the provision of utilities such as new roads, or a sewerage system for the town, the Corporation’s influence within College walls and the Universities responsibilities over its students outside the college walls.  Colleges major property owners in the town – negotiations over compulsory purchases, eg. New Road from Mill Road to the Station Cb/4/9/23. Jesus College, Corpus Christi College, Caius College  Disputes over valuations and setting of rates, eg CB/2/TR/2/5 Lands Tribunal case Kings, Downing, Churchill and Newnham Colleges versus Cambridge City Council  Plans relating to public works such as road widening, building, eg CB/2/SE/1/Roll 48/19 Plan showing angle of vision from bus, looking on to Emmanuel College swimming pool

11 Public access to CALM



14 Web address  archives/catalogue/default.htm archives/catalogue/default.htm  Click Search CALM for a free text search facility  Click Browse catalogue for an A-Z list of all catalogued collections  CB prefix for Cambridge City

15 Volunteers

16 Volunteer listing projects  22 volunteers from CFHS, NADFAS and interested individuals during course of project  Up to 12 current volunteers coming in concurrently  1680 hours given to project to date contributing over 5000 new catalogue entries  Approx 20 hrs each week – equivalent of part time role

17 Example of Piece level descriptions from entries in Corporation leasebook - done in excel for import into CALM

18 A small number of my volunteers do not work directly onto a computer. This template from is completed by some and then either typed up by out data entry clerk or sent out to CFHS volunteers who work from home.

19 CFHS transcription projects  Transcription of a selection of entries from Parish rate books, including name of occupier, owner and location


21 CFHS transcription projects  Transcription of name, address and regiment details from the roll of honour card index


23 Cambridge Borough Quarter Session index

24 Cambridge Borough Quarter Sessions index

25 Conservation  Cleaning and repackaging [375 new boxes, 450 volumes ind wrapped, 40 ind boxes made]  A conservation priority given to each item as part of the cataloguing process  Conservator’s attention for items at risk



28 Promoting access and community involvement  Project display at public events  Articles for CFHS journal, and CALH journal  Website: dgeproject/ dgeproject/  Talks  Enquiries

29 Cherry Hinton Local History Fair

30 Articles

31 Enquiries  Search room work  Enquiries following publication of articles in CFHS  Researchers working on Folk Museum, Covent Garden, Housing policy 1930- 1950

32 Productions DateRequestsNo of itemsNo of researchers 20067010129 20076611722 2008466421 200914321233 201021328543 201120035040

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