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Math Instructional Practice Guides RESA 3 Principals’ Forum March 17 th, 2015.

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1 Math Instructional Practice Guides RESA 3 Principals’ Forum March 17 th, 2015

2 WHY IPGs?  This guide provides concrete examples of what the Core Actions for implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Mathematics in grades K-8 look like in daily planning and practice. It is designed as a developmental tool for teachers and those who support teachers and can be used to observe a lesson and provide feedback or to guide lesson planning and reflection.

3 Artifacts might include-  Lesson plan  Problems & Exercises  Tasks and Assessments  Teacher Instruction  Student Discussion & Behavior  Student Work * some indicators may be appropriately left blank when observing a portion of a lesson

4 The fine print…  1. Refer to Shifts at a Glance and Publisher’s Criteria for CCSS for Mathematics for additional info-iTUnes U CoursesShifts at a Glance Publisher’s Criteria iTUnes U Courses  2. Actions can be viewed over 2-3 class periods.

5 The fine print continued…  3. Not a 1:1 correspondence between indicators for Core Action 3 and Standards for Mathematical Practice– represent SMP most easily observable during instruction.  5. Some or most indicators and behaviors should be observable in EVERY lesson, though not evident in all lessons.

6 The fine print continued…  This tool is for use by teachers, those providing support to teachers, and others working to implement the CCSS for Mathematics - it is not designed for use in evaluation.

7 Core Actions= Core Shifts  Focus : Focus strongly where the Standards focus.  Coherence : Think across grades, and link to major topics within grades.  Rigor : In major topics pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application with equal intensity.

8 Math Shifts  Focus - Focus strongly where the Standards focus.  Focus by grade-level document/ what is in? what is out?  Some clusters require greater emphasis based on the depth of the ideas  More time in these areas (major clusters) necessary for students to meet the SMP.

9 Math Shifts  Coherence - Think across grades, and link to major topics within grades.  Coherence Activity  “The Standards are not so much built from topics as they are woven out of progressions.” -Structure is the Standards, Publishers’ Criteria for Mathematics, Appendix

10 Math Shifts  Rigor : In major topics pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application with equal intensity.  Doesn’t mean “hard problems.”  Balance of three fundamental components that result in deep mathematical understanding.

11 Rigor targeted in the standards, example  Conceptual Understanding: 3.NF.1 Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b.  Procedural Skill and Fluency: 5.NBT.5 Fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.  Application: 7.NS.3 Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving the four operations with rational numbers.

12 Rigor targeted in a lesson, example:

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