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Working with Schoolsite Councils
A Parent Academy Presentation Working with Schoolsite Councils A Guide for Parents in Understanding the Responsibilities of a Schoolsite Council Member Division of Parent and Community Services Los Angeles County Office of Education
The Changing Role of Parent Involvement “RESPONSIBILITY”
The Schoolsite Council
In 2001 the California Legislature passed a law requiring each school receiving categorical funds to: • form a Schoolsite Council that would be responsible for developing a Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) • include the plans of all participating school programs funded through the Consolidated Application • include other school programs if the school chooses EC 64001(a)
The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
The purpose of the SPSA is to: • CONSOLIDATE all school plans into one plan • FOCUS on increasing student achievement DEVELOP goals based on student test results on the STAR Program and California High School Exit Exam
The Schoolsite Council
The Schoolsite Council is made up of teachers, school staff, parents, community members, and where applicable, students The SSC is required to: • Develop the plan with advice from school advisory committees • Address the goals to increase achievement • Decide allocation of funds to meet the goals • Recommend the plan to governing board • Monitor implementation of the plan • Update the plan and budget annually
II. Organizing the Schoolsite Council
Composition of Elementary Schoolsite Council
Composition of Secondary Schoolsite Council
Selection/Election of SSC Members
The law states members must be chosen by their peer group and the process documented in the minutes. Board policy or Council bylaws should specify: How the notice of elections for each peer group is carried out Process to choose the members in each groups Terms of members How the balloting is recorded and the ballots to be kept on file.
Bylaws Guide the Council
While not required in the statute, bylaws can guide the work of the Council by describing: Selection/election procedures for council members, length of terms, and minimum attendance required Election and duties of officers Regular meeting dates and times Number of parents, teachers, and students if applicable, required for a quorum Other items if needed
III. Organizing an Advisory Committee
Makeup of the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
Step 1: Determine the percentage of English learners at the school. ELAC must have at least that percentage of parents of English learners. The bylaws can specify a larger percentage, i.e. a majority, two-thirds. Example Step 2: Determine the advisory committee size. Step 3: Notify the parent community of the ELAC elections Number of English Learners Enrolled Total School Enrollment Percentage of Enrollment 125 700 18%
Selection/Election of ELAC Members
The law states members must be chosen by their peer group and the process documented. Board policy or ELAC bylaws should specify: Notice of election to all parents Meeting held to explain responsibilities and time commitment as a member of ELAC That ONLY parents of English Learners vote but they can vote for parents of EL students and parents of “other” students on the same ballot Terms of members and officers A policy of non-discrimination
ELAC Responsibilities
ELAC is required by law to: • Stress the IMPORTANCE of parents being involved in their children’s education!! • Advise the SSC on needs of applicable student groups • Review the Single Plan for Student Achievement • Certify involvement in developing and reviewing plan
Options for Responsibilities
The members must first meet as a committee and go through a training to better understand their responsibilities. The members can then meet to discuss and decide how they choose to carry out their responsibilities. Their options are: Operate as a full-fledged ELAC Become a sub-committee of the SSC Vote to delegate their responsibilities to the SSC for a period of 2-years
IV. Schoolsite Council Meetings
Public Meeting Rules - the Green Act
The SSC must observe the GREENE ACT: Meetings must be open to the public Meeting notice must be posted 72 hours in advance Notice must specify date, time and place Council business action limited to posted agenda Violations require the item to be reconsidered at the next meeting after public input Questions or information need not be on the agenda Public must be allowed to address the council on items within its jurisdiction
SSC Officers and Duties
Officers for the SSC include: Chairperson to conduct meetings Vice-Chairperson to backup chairperson Secretary to record all events and actions Parliamentarian for procedural questions Other officers or committee chairs as needed to carry out SSC business
School Principal Must be a member of the council
Provides information and leadership Administers the approved plan Participates in the business of the SSC but CANNOT VETO council decisions or change the approved plan.
Agendas Guide the Meeting
• Call to order • Roll call of members • Adoption of the agenda • Approval of the minutes • Comments by members • Reports of standing committees • Public comment period • Unfinished business • New business • Discussion / Announcements • Adjournment
Parliamentary Procedures Smooth the Way
Steps in Making a Motion 1. Obtain the floor 2. Make your motion 3. Wait for a second to your motion 4. Chair then states your motion 5. Explain motion as first speaker The chair “puts” the question for discussion by the assembly After discussion---the chair calls for the vote
Minutes are the Record The council must maintain records of:
Agendas of meetings Minutes of meetings, attendance, discussions recommendations, and actions Elections of members and officers Official correspondence Evidence of advisory group input and review Copies of prior year school plans
SSC Committees The council may appoint committees to:
Gather and analyze information Research and propose strategies for improving instruction Examine materials, staffing, or funding Draft portions of the plan for consideration
V. The Single Plan for Student Achievement
Focus of the SSC The goal of the SSC is to develop a plan that will raise the academic performance of ALL sub-groups of students in achieving proficiency on the state academic standards. To do this, the plan may address improvement in instruction, staff development, and new courses as a way to achieve the academic goals.
Reach Performance Goals
STAFFING AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT INVOLVEMENT GOVERNANCE AND ADMINISTRATION FUNDING TEACHING AND LEARNING STANDARDS, ASSESSMENT, AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACCESS Reaffirm or Revise Goals Revise Improvement Strategies and Expenditures Measure Effectiveness of Improvement Strategies Reach Performance Goals Seek Advisory Committees Input Monitor Implementation Approve and Recommend SPSA to Local Board
Essential Information
The council needs to work with information from many sources. Input from advisory groups School allocations shown on the Consolidated Application Local board policies State and federal requirements Information about programs Student performance data School’s current program of instruction
Step 1: Effectiveness of Current Practices
Analyze Instructional Program: • Alignment of instruction and staff development to academic standards • Current use of regular and categorical programs Analyze Student Performance: • Significance of data on low performing students • Limitations of current program to enable students to achieve the academic standards • School and community resources and barriers
Step 2: Input from Advisory Committees
The SSC should document their actions when: • Requesting advice from advisory committee(s) • Considering the advice at SSC meetings • Sharing the draft plan with advisory committee(s) • Considering any additional input to the plan • Sharing the final draft with advisory committee(s) Note: If an advisory committee refuses to certify input, the local governing board then must decide whether to approve or send plan back to SSC for revision.
Step 3: Reaffirm or Revise School Goals
Goals should meet four tests; they should be: • Derived from student sub-group performance data and analysis of educational practices • Attainable in the period specified in the plan • Specific to the needs of each student sub-group • Measurable in time specified
Step 4: Revise Strategies & Funds
1. Funds allocated thru Consolidated Application to the school directly which may include: • State Funds • Federal Funds 2. Consolidated Application funds the district chooses to reallocate to its schools: 3. Other funded school programs the council chooses to include
Select Specific Improvements
1. Develop specific activities to reach each school goal selected for improving student achievement. 2. Determine how funds will be used to implement specified activities in the time allocated to reach stated goals. Note: Refer to the Template for the Single Plan for Student Achievement provided by the California Department of Education.
Consider Centralized Services
Centralized services are instructional or support activities by district staff from funds allocated to the schools and are often “cost efficient” because: • Staff development is held for several schools • Costs are shared by several schools • Language proficiency at a central location Centralized Services requires the approval of the SSC, and must support the goals of the school plan.
Step 5: Recommend Plan to Board
The SSC, at a publicly posted meeting, must formally vote to recommend the plan to the governing board for approval, assuring the board that the council: • was properly constituted • reviewed its responsibilities • sought input from all advisory committees • reviewed program content requirements • based plan on analysis of current practices and student academic performance
Step 6: Monitor Implementation
District and school administrators must implement the plan in a timely and effective manner. SSC monitors effectiveness of the planned activities to verify achievement of objectives: • Assignment and training of qualified staff • Identification of student participants • Implementation of services • Provision of materials/equipment to students • Progress made toward SPSA goals
Evaluate Effectiveness of Plan
• At least annually the council must evaluate the effectiveness of planned activities by using multiple measures to determine progress toward school goals. • Success of the plan is measured by improvement of identified student subgroups on the AMO’s and API. • Evaluation of results is part of the analysis of student data for the following year’s plan.
Modify the Plan The SPSA may be modified at any time with approval of the governing board and must be reviewed and updated at least annually. Need to modify may be indicated because: A major service or activity proves ineffective A program allocation is changed Essential staff, equipment/materials cannot be procured An activity is non-compliant with state or federal law
CDE Information Web Sites
Single Plan for Student Achievement: Academic Performance Index (API): State Testing and Reporting data: Consolidated Programs:
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