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Standard 1 The institution’s mission and goals define the institution The institution’s mission and goals define the institution …evaluation proceeds.

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2 Standard 1 The institution’s mission and goals define the institution The institution’s mission and goals define the institution …evaluation proceeds from the institution’s own definition of its mission and goals. …evaluation proceeds from the institution’s own definition of its mission and goals. The institution engages in ongoing planning to achieve its mission and goals. The institution engages in ongoing planning to achieve its mission and goals.

3 Standard 1 The institution’s mission and goals The institution’s mission and goals widely understood by, the campus widely understood by, the campus are periodically reexamined are periodically reexamined appears in appropriate institutional publications appears in appropriate institutional publications give direction to all its give direction to all its »educational activities, »to its admission policies, »selection of faculty, »allocation of resources, »and to planning.

4 Standard 1 The institution reviews with the Commission The institution reviews with the Commission changes that would alter its mission changes that would alter its mission intention to offer a degree at a higher level than is included in its present accreditation intention to offer a degree at a higher level than is included in its present accreditation [Policy A-2 Substantive Change]

5 Standard 1 Through its planning process, the institution asks questions, seeks answers, analyzes itself, and revises its goals, policies, procedures, and resource allocation. Through its planning process, the institution asks questions, seeks answers, analyzes itself, and revises its goals, policies, procedures, and resource allocation. clearly defines its evaluation and planning processes clearly defines its evaluation and planning processes engages in systematic planning engages in systematic planning process is participatory process is participatory

6 Faculty Data Qualifications: degrees, sources of degrees, experience Faculty Rank Salaries and Benefits. Comparison data, e.g. from the College and University Personnel Association (CUPA) Number, sufficient for the mission

7 Faculty Data Workload Retention data Exit interview data Student survey data on faculty advising, etc. Standard faculty surveys with comparisons

8 Policies and Implementation Academic planning, curriculum development and review Academic advising Faculty role in governance Give examples and data about how policies are applied.

9 Policies and Implementation Salaries and Benefits Workload: amount and the procedure for assignment Systematic faculty evaluation (See 4.1) Personnel policies and procedures Recruitment and appointment

10 Standard 4.B Scholarship Research Artistic Creation

11 Time to Catch Up If data is not available, make a plan to collect pertinent information. If policies are not in place or outdated, inform decision makers and get moving!

12 Faculty Evaluation, 4.1 Clear procedures Ongoing, regular Based on the institution’s Size Complexity Mission

13 Faculty Evaluation, 4.1 Multiple indices that may include Annual merit salary evaluations Promotions Tenure reviews Post-tenure reviews Student/peer/administrator evaluations of teaching and service Peer review of scholarship

14 Faculty Evaluation, 4.1 A comprehensive evaluation of each faculty member at least once every five years. A policy that addresses concerns that may arise between regular evaluations

15 Standard 9 adheres to the highest ethical standards in its representation adheres to the highest ethical standards in its representation advocates high ethical standards in the management and operations advocates high ethical standards in the management and operations policy defines and prohibits conflict of interest policy defines and prohibits conflict of interest commitment to the free pursuit and dissemination of knowledge consistent with the institution’s mission commitment to the free pursuit and dissemination of knowledge consistent with the institution’s mission

16 Data Collection Implement Trustworthy Methods Reliability Reliability Carry out systematic, well-defined processes Carry out systematic, well-defined processes Use well-designed instruments Use well-designed instruments Validity Validity Measure the right thing Measure the right thing Minimize sources of contamination and bias Minimize sources of contamination and bias Sufficiency Sufficiency Use multiple methods Use multiple methods Think of how findings are supported Think of how findings are supported Sampling Sampling Use proper sampling (mostly random) Use proper sampling (mostly random) Think of sample size Think of sample size


18 Data Collection Select Methods Embedded test questions Embedded test questions Capstone projects Capstone projects Portfolio evaluation Portfolio evaluation Nationally normed tests Nationally normed tests Focus groups, interviews Focus groups, interviews Pre- and post-testing Pre- and post-testing Videotapes Videotapes Outside experts Outside experts Licensure and qualifying examinations. Licensure and qualifying examinations. Research/creative projects Research/creative projects Review boards Review boards Telephone surveys Internships, practica Exit interviews Data from past reports and studies Narrative descriptions Surveys Formal studies Interviews, focus groups Multiple sources Expert judgment And many others...

19 Data Collection Get the data you need. “Mountains of data that never get digested or used to improve programs represent a monumental waste of faculty/staff energy and good will.” Task Force on Assessment, Willamette U. Task Force on Assessment, Willamette U.

20 Data you need (part 1) For each Commission standard: Do we comply? Do we comply? What evidence do we have to show compliance? What evidence do we have to show compliance? If we don’t have evidence, how will we get it? If we don’t have evidence, how will we get it? If we don’t comply, what is our plan to comply? If we don’t comply, what is our plan to comply?

21 RequirementComplianceEvidence Course of Action Standards Analysis Worksheet Data you need (part 1)

22 Accreditation Standards Worksheet Standard One – Institutional Mission and Goals, Planning and Effectiveness Standard 1.A – Mission and Goals RequirementComplianceEvidence Course of Action 1.A.1 Widely understood Adopted by Board; Periodically reexamined ???YESNone. Memo from board or other public statement Meeting minutes, agendas. Conduct survey. Interview students and faculty. Acquire memo or statement. Acquire minutes, agendas; Generate narrative of outcomes assessment activity & provide results. 1.A.2 Mission published YES Catalog, Student handbook, display plaques Collect books, sample plaque. Identify location of plaques 1.A.3 Documented progress YES Indicators of institutional effectiveness Summarize indicators and institutional effectiveness studies.

23 Accreditation Standards Worksheet Standard One – Institutional Mission and Goals, Planning and Effectiveness Standard 1.A – Mission and Goals RequirementComplianceEvidence Course of Action 1.A.4 Mission/goals consistent with resources YES Human – faculty needs study; workload assessments. Financial – analyses. Physical – ???? Acquire studies and analyses. Gather/generate financial statistics Summarize information about physical resources from unit self-studies. Data you need (part 1)

24 Data you need (part 2) Institutional level performance Institutional level performance College/department level performance College/department level performance Program level outcomes Program level outcomes Course level outcomes Course level outcomes

25 MISSIONINDICATORSSOURCEMETHOD Maintain a wholesome academic, cultural, social, and spiritual environment.  Low crime rate  Campus police  Obtain annual report  Low rate of Honor Code infractions  Dean of Students, ecclesiastical leaders  Obtain annual report from Dean of Students Office  High adherence to "higher principles"  Students (former, current)  Survey  Focus group  Positive attitude and perception of Honor Code and environment  Students (former, current) Analysis of Mission Worksheet

26 Data Analysis and Synthesis The KEY: Adhering to the templates and guidelines set at the beginning of the process.

27 Data analysis/synthesis Bolster your analysis with … Statistical simplicity Statistical simplicity Visual material Visual material Well labeled and neatly organized tables Well labeled and neatly organized tables Charts, graphs, and other visual images Charts, graphs, and other visual images Electronic versions Electronic versions Web documents Web documents Drill-down Drill-down

28 ANALYSIS JUDGMENT ACTION Data analysis/synthesis Show judgment and action

29 Data analysis/synthesis Establish benchmarks Expert judgment Expert judgment Comparison with past performance Comparison with past performance Comparison with other groups (controls, peers) Comparison with other groups (controls, peers) Cut points generated from the data Cut points generated from the data

30 Data Analyses & Syntheses If data are organized, collected, and analyzed by Standard, how are data analyses synthesized across the institution?


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