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Fall 2007 AQIP Update MCC Board of Trustees Meeting Monday, August 27, 2007.

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1 Fall 2007 AQIP Update MCC Board of Trustees Meeting Monday, August 27, 2007

2 THREE IMBEDDED IMPROVEMENT CYCLES Academic Quality Improvement Program cycles of continuous improvement ACTION: Every Year Action projects submitted to NCA and replaced as completed. STRATEGY: Every 4 Years MCC maintains a Systems Portfolio, participates in a Strategy Forum, and has a Systems Appraisal performed by peer reviewers ACCREDITATION: Every 7 Years Reaffirmation of accreditation as MCC demonstrates continuous improvement and fulfillment of NCA criteria

3 HLC Criteria for Accreditation 1.Mission and Integrity 2.Preparing for the Future 3.Student Learning and Effective Teaching 4.Acquisition, Discovery, and Application of Knowledge 5.Engagement and Service

4 MCC’s Quality Journey-Past April 2005President’s Accreditation Recommendation Committee (ARC) attends AQIP Colloquium October 21, 2005MCC formally accepted into the Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) November 2005AQIP Conversation Day. Institutional kick-off of quality initiative, dialogue on college past and future; input for Action Cycle projects January – May 2006Action Project Prioritization Process. Employee forums and community town hall meetings May 2006AQIP Strategy Forum. President, EC, Board Member & cross-functional group of employees August 2006MCC publishes and begins work on 3 Action Projects: Professional Development, Degree Audit, and Experiential/Co-Op Education

5 MCC’s Quality Journey-Future August 2007Post Action Project updates in the AQIP Action Project Directory Fall 2007Action Cycle Review Process August 2008 August 2009 Action Project Annual updates (projects retired, new projects started) May 2009AQIP Strategy Forum. For returning institutions: CEO, EC, and representative employees August 2009Systems Appraisal. A thorough examination of MCC’s systems, processes, accomplishments, outcomes and assessment of student learning as documented in the Systems Portfolio conducted by a panel of peer reviewers. 2012MCC eligible for re-accreditation with HLC; end of the 2007-2012 Strategic Planning cycle

6 9 AQIP Categories 1.Helping Students Learn 2.Accomplishing Other Distinctive Objectives 3.Understanding Students’ and Other Stakeholders’ Needs 4.Valuing People 5.Leading and Communicating 6.Supporting Institutional Operations 7.Measuring Effectiveness 8.Planning Continuous Improvement 9.Building Collaborative Relationships

7 3. Understanding Students’ and Other Stakeholders’ Needs 4. Valuing People 5. Leading and Communicating 6. Supporting Institutional Operations 8. Planning Continuous Improvement 9. Building Collaborative Relationships 1. Helping Students Learn 2. Accomplishing Other Distinctive Objectives 7. Measuring Effectiveness AQIP QUALITY FRAMEWORK


9 7-Step CQI Process 1.Identify an area for improvement 2.Define the current situation 3.Analyze the current situation 4.Develop and improvement theory 5.Implement the best strategies 6.Monitor the results 7.Adjust, standardize, or plan further improvements

10 1234567 Identify area for improvement Define current situation Analyze current situation Develop an improvement theory Implement best strategies Monitor results Adjust, standardize, or plan further Degree Audit AP TITLE/GOAL:Design and implement a degree audit system. SPONSOR(S): Scott Jenkins TEAM LEADERS: Dolores Sharpe, Troy Boquette, Anne Gupton, David Schaff TEAM MEMBERS: Chris VonFintel, Lori Wcisel, Mark Hope, Wendy LaCroix, Cheryl Bassett, Jason Moehlman EXPECTED COMPLETION DATE: May 31, 2008

11 Degree Audit AP QUALITY JOURNEY: To date, the Team has: Reconciled differences over software systems preferences and “turf” issues between departments Used quality tools to define current DA systems and analyze the current workflow Recommended Datatel Degree Audit software to Executive Cabinet (approved) Solicited proposal from Enertron (as opposed to Datatel) for development and training; selected Enertron as the programming vendor Met with representatives from Enertron to discuss programming of MCC degree requirements into Degree Audit Integrated new team members from Information Systems for implementation stage Designed a look and feel compatible with MCC’s online style and WebAdvisor Designation of point person to work with Enertron (Registrar) Designation of point person for communication & training plan (faculty Counselor)

12 Degree Audit AP QUALITY JOURNEY: Unlike the other two current Action Projects, the Degree Audit Team has primarily involved employees who work with the registration, advising, and curriculum processes at the college, as well as the technical information systems staff/department. After the completion of programming and migration, a larger and more representative group of stakeholders—including students— will be engaged. To date, those involved have: Strengthened relationships between Registrar, Academic Affairs, Counseling and Student Development, and Information Systems. Utilized a letter from President encouraging all employees to be responsive to the time-sensitive questions and needs from the AP Team as it worked with Enertron to build the degree audit programming. Developed a rich body of web-based resources on the team’s work processes, including meeting minutes, agendas, resources from other institutions, etc. on the central AQIP web site; demonstrations of these web- based resources to internal college groups including supervisors, managers, etc.

13 Degree Audit AP NEXT STEPS: All MCC Action Projects periodically rate their progress along the seven CQI steps. The Degree Audit Team is currently at Step 5, Implement Best Strategies. Upcoming planned steps include: Complete the build of our 2004 paper college catalog in the Datatel Degree Audit software Build subsequent catalog years based upon CPSC (MCC’s academic governance body which approves program and curriculum requirements) changes MCC degree requirements as programmed to be tested, running student records against the Degree Audit requirements. Internal rollout of preliminary Degree Audit system to advisors, counselors, and registrars staff in late Fall 2007 Develop training materials and job aids for faculty, staff and students Schedule of training/open lab sessions Develop plan for ongoing evaluation and updating of Degree Audit system

14 Degree Audit AP NEXT STEPS: Creation of MCC Programs and Requirements in the new degree audit system will take considerable coordination of effort. Remaining challenges include: Continued coordination of communication efforts between Enertron, MCC- MIS and the Academic and Student Services as programming work progresses Accurate information about curriculum details must be quickly found and interpreted for Enertron; questions must be answered promptly Job aids and employee training must be developed A final “rollout” and training plan must be developed (employees and students) Criteria for evaluation of results need to be determined Sponsor, who was also a member of the EC, left the college to accept another position in the Summer of 2007, and a new sponsor was identified. The Team must work to maintain a standing schedule of meetings, tasks, and deadlines with attendance by all team members

15 1234567 Identify area for improvement Define current situation Analyze current situation Develop an improvement theory Implement best strategies Monitor results Adjust, standardize, or plan further Professional Development AP TITLE/GOAL:Implement a system that supports and encourages professional development for all college employees. SPONSOR(S): Amy Fugate, Mark Kennedy TEAM LEADERS: Larry Koehler, Sherry Bradish, Kate Schmanek, Bill Reich TEAM MEMBERS: Melissa Rueterbusch, Jennifer Fillion, Terry Travis, Randy Schapel, Jennifer McDonald, Crystal Croffe EXPECTED COMPLETION DATE: June 30, 2008

16 Professional Development AP QUALITY JOURNEY: The Professional Development Team has spent a great deal of time trying to utilize the CQI training provided by Carol Tyler in September 2006 to plan its work. To date, the Team has: Defined stakeholders, boundaries and resources Developed a template to capture documentation of current PD activities Clarified the roles of Sponsor, Team Leader, Member, and Facilitator Determined a 3-year history for documentation of activities Identified sources of relevant data on current situation Discussed a survey design to further document current PD activities Agreed to invite an outside facilitator to help move the Team forward Agreed that larger blocks of time must be reserved for meetings Completed visits to other colleges (both area institutions and a number of schools in the Kansas City MO and KS metro area)

17 QUALITY JOURNEY: The Professional Development Team has worked to involve college employees from academic areas, as well as other non-academic areas of the college such as facilities, etc. Specifically, the Team has: Added representation from Student Services. When originally formed, this team had no representation from the student services area. The Administrative Assistant to the Executive Dean of Student Services added as a team member. Developed a rich body of web-based resources on the team’s work processes, including meeting minutes, agendas, resources from other institutions, etc. on the central AQIP web site; demonstrations of these web- based resources to internal college groups including supervisors, managers, etc. Professional Development AP

18 NEXT STEPS: All MCC Action Projects periodically rate their progress along the seven CQI steps. The Professional Development Team is currently at Step 2, Define Current Situation. Upcoming planned steps include: Complete visits to other institutions and report best practices to the team Compile 3-year history of professional development activities Create inventory of non-faculty professional development activities Support the team’s discussion of appropriate data-related activity (i.e. the selection of measurement to indicate growth, change, improvement, etc.) Professional Development AP

19 NEXT STEPS: For a variety of reasons, the Professional Development Team has struggled to progress beyond Step 2. Many of these are simple attendance and meeting issues, but Team leaders have identified some larger challenges as well: Regular attendance by team leaders and members Greater sense of AP as an institutional priority Developing a shared vision of the purpose of the AP as defined in the goal statement Restructuring of Faculty PD function in Academic Affairs Consultation with AQIP Coordinator about progress or lack thereof Keep in touch with Sponsors to define “boundaries” of any proposed actions Having 4 team leaders created a sense of confusion and resulted in a lack of direction in the early stages of the team’s work A new Chief Academic Officer came to the college after the development of this project’s formal goals Professional Development AP

20 1234567 Identify area for improvement Define current situation Analyze current situation Develop an improvement theory Implement best strategies Monitor results Adjust, standardize, or plan further Experiential Education AP TITLE/GOAL: Expand cooperative education and experiential learning opportunities in all areas of the curriculum. SPONSOR(S): Scott Jenkins, Amy Fugate TEAM LEADERS: Carol Nielsen, Robert Matthews, Carlos Cisneros, Cindy McDaniel TEAM MEMBERS: Tom Crampton, Chuck Thiel, Paul Rozycki. Lillie McCain EXPECTED COMPLETION DATE: May 31, 2008

21 QUALITY JOURNEY: The Experiential Ed/Co-Op Team has defined the current state of experiential education at MCC and completed some analysis of the current situation, including: Identified credit, non-credit, workforce development, and continuing education/corporate services as four areas of “curriculum” focus for the project Defined terms related to experiential education, curriculum, co-op, etc. Produced an inventory of credit courses with co-op, internship, externship, and practicum experiences Begun to inventory non-credit experiential opportunities and external relationships and sources for experiential ed Preliminary discussion of an improvement theory, i.e. a need for alignment of co-op and experiential ed opportunities across all divisions and departments Discussed the need for a “clearinghouse” to match students (credit, non-credit, workforce development, and continuing ed) with opportunities Researched and acquired institutional membership in Michigan Council for Internships and Cooperative Education. Experiential Education AP

22 QUALITY JOURNEY: The Experiential Education/Co-Op Team has engaged the college community in a number of important ways, including: Survey of all faculty (both part-time and full-time) to describe current experiential activities in all college courses Engaged both the credit and non-credit areas of the college in investigating and researching the topic; 2 sponsors represent the academic and non-credit areas Developed a rich body of web-based resources on the team’s work processes, including meeting minutes, agendas, resources from other institutions, etc. on the central AQIP web site; demonstrations of these web- based resources to internal college groups including supervisors, managers, etc. Experiential Education AP

23 NEXT STEPS: All MCC Action Projects periodically rate their progress along the seven CQI steps. The Experiential Education/Co-Op Team is currently at Step 3, Analyze Current Situation. Upcoming planned steps include: Development of a shared “lexicon” or “Glossary” of experiential education/co-op related terminology based upon current MCC practices and existing information from professional organizations, etc. Begin to form an improvement theory (Step 4) Experiential Education AP

24 NEXT STEPS: The Experiential Education/Co-Op Team needs more regular involvement and attendance by Team leaders. In addition, future challenges include: Expand discussion beyond service learning Finish Step 2 with a body of defined experiences as a “baseline” Keep in touch with Sponsors to define “boundaries” of any proposed coordination/clearinghouse for experiential education and co-op Retirement of one team leader Two team members elevated to team leader status The Team must work to maintain a standing schedule of meetings, tasks, and deadlines with attendance by all team members Experiential Education AP

25 STRATEGY CYCLE Every Four Years (2009)

26 AQIP & Strategic Planning 2007-2012 Strategic Plan developed in alignment with AQIP principles Systems Portfolio database created to track and measure progress toward overarching and enabling strategic goals Major areas (such as Academic Affairs, Administration, Student Services, Human Resources, Finance, etc.) supply data to measure effectiveness Database coded to align with strategic planning objectives, AQIP categories, and HLC criteria for accreditation End of 5-year planning cycle coincides with re- accreditation in 2012

27 1.Student Learning & Success 2.Technology Initiatives 3.Systems Improvement 4.Economic Development 5.Human Resources Development 6.Institutional Image & Community Relations 7.Budget/Finance MCC Strategic Planning Aligned with AQIP

28 2007-2012 Overarching Strategic Goals Utilize research and development to proactively enhance curriculum to meet demands of students and employers. Focus, align and integrate organizational efforts across academic, student service, continuing education and workforce development, to support student learning. Coordinate curriculum and services across all sites to create learning-centered environments that offer all students an opportunity to succeed. STUDENT LEARNING & SUCCESS

29 2007-2012 Overarching Strategic Goals Commit the funds, including staffing costs, to continuously analyze and support the technology needs both in the teaching curriculum and the college’s operations and student services. Maintain state of the art technology that embraces student learning and supports faculty/staff productivity in order to maximize student success and organizational effectiveness. TECHNOLOGY INITIATIVES

30 2007-2012 Overarching Strategic Goals Develop comprehensive cross-functional improvement processes that enable us to respond quickly to changes in the external environment while simultaneously making existing operations faster, smarter, cheaper, and of the same or higher quality. Using AQIP principles and practices ensure that improvement processes and communication between all sectors of the college start with community and student needs and end with student success. SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENT

31 2007-2012 Overarching Strategic Goals Establish tools and processes that help the College better and more consistently measure its performance and progress toward goals. SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENT [cont.]

32 2007-2012 Overarching Strategic Goals MCC programs and services will be directly related to the labor market needs of our region and we will continuously analyze and prepare for emerging economic challenges and opportunities. Expand our capacity to be involved and responsive to local, regional and state plans for economic growth and align our resources and assets to enhance the viability of the community. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

33 2007-2012 Overarching Strategic Goals Maintain stringent selection, professional development, and performance standards for faculty and staff and guide human resource planning to ensure high quality effective teaching and service delivery. Ensure a solid foundation for organizational success by supporting an agile organizational culture focused on service to students and the community; developing leadership excellence and strengthening employee skills, productivity and accountability. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT

34 2007-2012 Overarching Strategic Goals Continue to have a positive presence in the community by engaging community partners to better meet area educational needs. Communicate and emphasize quality of programs and services as well as our leadership role in the community, to ensure continued support of the college. INSTITUTIONAL IMAGE & COMMUNITY RELATIONS

35 2007-2012 Overarching Strategic Goals Focus on controllable revenues and costs to sustain our current reputation and facilities and provide funding for strategic priorities. Establish short and long term budget and finance priorities that provide a balanced approach to the needs of a learning organization with the flexibility to realign resources. Implement a comprehensive strategy to address the long term deficit which enables us to continue to provide affordable high quality education. BUDGET/FINANCE

36 Strategy Forum & Systems Portfolio Systems Portfolio is a living document Relational database— always changing, always current Not a “3-Ring-Binder” type report Capable of generating reports on all AQIP Categories, Criteria, and MCC Strategic Objectives Runs in MS Access on any MCC Desktop

37 Systems Portfolio Screen Images

38 REACCREDITATION Every Seven Years (2012)

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