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TWU Strategic Research Plan Faculty Town Hall on the Development of a 6 th Research Theme January 19, 2012 | Research & Academic Support Senate Subcommittee.

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Presentation on theme: "TWU Strategic Research Plan Faculty Town Hall on the Development of a 6 th Research Theme January 19, 2012 | Research & Academic Support Senate Subcommittee."— Presentation transcript:

1 TWU Strategic Research Plan Faculty Town Hall on the Development of a 6 th Research Theme January 19, 2012 | Research & Academic Support Senate Subcommittee (RAS)

2 Objectives To raise awareness about the purpose & significance of “Research Themes” to TWU researchers To surface existing, robust research programs that do not fit under current Research Themes To assist faculty to determine the relationship between their own research program and current or potential Research Themes University Senate: Research & Academic Support Subcommittee

3 Role of RAS RAS Terms of Reference # 2: “Receives & ensures the evaluation of strategic academic research & scholarship plans from ORPFD & designated areas” Related goals for 2011/12: To review the need for the addition of a 6 th Research Theme To help establish processes for regular evaluation of SRG To help develop faculty consultative processes University Senate: Research & Academic Support Subcommittee

4 What are Research Themes? Areas of research priorityPart of each university Strategic Research Plan SRPs are generally drafted to address the requirements of the CRC & CFI programs Link to Canada Research Chair Site Link to TWU Strategic Research Plan University Senate: Research & Academic Support Subcommittee

5 Example: Dalhousie Objective of SRP: “to maintain and build capacity for excellent research in areas of current strength or emerging strategic opportunities that are of importance to the region; recruit outstanding scholars to Dalhousie; enhance research networking and collaboration in the institution and region, as well as nationally and internationally; provide an excellent training environment for highly qualified people; and achieve translation of research results for the benefit of society.” (Dalhousie, 2008) University Senate: Research & Academic Support Subcommittee

6 TWU Major Research Themes Strategic Research Plan (2010) Interdisciplinary studies in religion, culture & ethics Texts & the historical development of Judaism & early Christianity BiotechnologyHealth & its determinantsEcosystem health & dynamics University Senate: Research & Academic Support Subcommittee

7 Why do Research Themes matter? For universities Access CRC & CFI programs Profile areas of research excellence Attract highly qualified researchers & students For researchers Strengthen applications for CRC Strengthen applications for national funding Strengthen applications for internal funding University Senate: Research & Academic Support Subcommittee

8 TWU Research Chair Allocation TYPEAREATIERDISCIPLINE Canada Research Chair Dead Sea Scrolls1Religious Studies Canada Research Chair Interpretation, Religion and Culture 2 SpecialEnglish Canada Research Chair Developmental Genetics and Disease 2 SpecialBiology *Canada Research Chair Quality of Life of People with Chronic Life-limiting Illness 2 SpecialNursing Geneva ChairWorldview Studies John William Wevers Chair Septuagint Studies Religious Studies University Senate: Research & Academic Support Subcommittee * anticipated

9 Examples of Research Themes Royal Roads Royal Roads (2011) 1.Biotechnology & Genomics 2.Human Health & Genomics 3.Neuroscience & Cognitive Systems 4.Population Health, Services & Human Development 5.Microelectronics & Information Technology 6.Quantum Structures & Information 7.Nanoscience Cluster 8.Origins & Mathematical Structure 9.Society in Global Context 10.Culture & its Representation 11.Sustainability/ Environment UBCUBC (2006) 1.Innovative Learning 2.Sustainable Communities, Livelihoods & the Environment 3.Thriving Organizations University Senate: Research & Academic Support Subcommittee

10 UBCOUBCO (2009-2014) 1.Entrepreneurship and Corporate Governance 2.Health, Culture and Diversity 3.Indigenous Communities and Contemporary Issues 4.Innovations in Teaching and Learning 5.Innovative Systems, Technologies and Processes 6.Managed Land Use, Agriculture and Natural Products 7.Sustainable Environments and Populations 8.Understanding Community, Narrative and Identity UNBCUNBC (2010) 1.Environment and Natural Resources 2.Community Development 3.Northern, Rural and Environmental Health 4.First Nations and Indigenous Studies University Senate: Research & Academic Support Subcommittee

11 UVICUVIC (2006-2010) 1.Biomolecular analysis and applications to biotechnology, health, and the 2.environment 3.Cognition and learning 4.Creative arts and culture 5.Cultural knowledge and indigenous research 6.Environment, Oceans, and Climate - Science and Policy 7.Global politics and economics 8.Health and society 9.Information technologies 10.Mathematical and computational modelling and design 11.Matter and energy UlethUleth (2011-2016) 1.Creativity & Performance 2.Organizations, Culture & Society 3.Earth & Environment 4.Health Futures 5.Origins & Explanations University Senate: Research & Academic Support Subcommittee

12 U of A U of A (2010) 1.Social Sciences, Humanities & Fine Arts (13 subthemes) e.g., “transforming research in education” 2.Informational & Communications Technologies (3) 3.Life Sciences (13) 4.Materials & Interfaces (3) 5.Natural Resources (7) 6.Agricultural & Environmental Sciences (5) 7.Pure Sciences (5) DalhousieDalhousie (2008) 1.Health Sciences (3) 2.Ocean Studies (3) 3.Information & Communication Technology (4) 4.Energy (5) 5.Society & Culture (2) 6.Cross-cutting themes (2) Environmental studies High performance computing University Senate: Research & Academic Support Subcommittee

13 SFUSFU (2010-15) 1.Origins 2.Communication, Computation & Technology 3.Culture, Society & Human Behaviour 4.Economic Organization, Public Policy & the Global Community 5.Environment, Resources & Conservation 6.Health & Biomedical Sciences 7.Pedagogy U Manitoba U Manitoba (2009) 1.Applied Nutritional Sciences 2.Archeology 3.Astronomy 4.Biomedical Sciences 5.Engineering & Information Technology/ Services 6.Canadian History 7.Environmental & Resource Sciences 8.Globalization & Cultural Studies 9.Materials Science 10.Subatomic Physics 11.Population & Community Health 12.Sustainable Agriculture 13.Systems Biology University Senate: Research & Academic Support Subcommittee

14 TWU Major Research Themes REVIEW Interdisciplinary studies in religion, culture & ethics Texts & the historical development of Judaism & early Christianity BiotechnologyHealth & its determinantsEcosystem health & dynamics University Senate: Research & Academic Support Subcommittee

15 Discussion: What are TWU’s long-standing areas of special emphasis? What are TWU’s important, developing themes? Are there new cross-cutting themes throughout university? University Senate: Research & Academic Support Subcommittee

16 Reflection: Does my research program Fit with one of the current Research Themes? Have strong potential to contribute to the development of a new Research Theme? Require a fit with a Theme to meet my scholarship goals? University Senate: Research & Academic Support Subcommittee

17 Where to go from here? Is TWU ‘ready’ for a new theme? If so, how shall this be decided? RAS mandate: to receive & ensure the evaluation of strategic academic research & scholarship plans RAS role: to support the development of consultative processes related to regular evaluation of SRPs & Research Themes University Senate: Research & Academic Support Subcommittee

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