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2 Lecture Plan 1. History of Ternopil state medical university. 2. Dr.I.Horbachevsky as one of the most famous scientists of his time. 3. The impact of dr.I.Horbachevsky on the development of Ukrainian science.

3 History of Ternopil state medical university

4 In 1773 by the decision of an Austrian Empress Maria Theresa there was founded a medical school Collegium Medicum in Lviv. This medical school was a two- year course of study, and during the first year the following subjects were studied: anatomy, general pathology, general and special surgery, the study of medicine and compounding. In the second year students studied clinical medicine, special therapy and surgery, desmurgy, theoretical and practical obstetrics. Study has been prepared not only theoretical but also practical. Students at this school wear taught by very qualified professors, including one of the organizers and principal teacher Dr. Andrew Krupynskyy. He taught anatomy, obstetrics, general pathology and therapy. Krupynskyy was highly educated person.

5 Prince Constantine Ostrog in1570 established "Rus hospital" along with the Church of the Nativity. Then the hospital was moved closer to Kremenets gate. Thus, already at the beginning of the city there were two hospitals. Their staff apparently were monks, especially in the Ukrainian-Basilian Fathers.


7 The mention about doctors is dated 1830. Names of physician and pharmacist Massynh and Fuchs are under the appeal to the Emperor asking to open the high school in the city.

8 Education of students at Ternopil Medical Institute began in September 1, 1957 in accordance with the decision of the then government of 12 April of the same year to establish a medical school in Ternopil. The institute was established 19 departments, 66 teachers employed, among them - one doctor and 17 candidates of science.

9 Ternopil, an ancient picturesque city, lies on the banks of the quiet river Seret. It is one of the administrative, economic and cultural centres of Halychyna and it is called the capital of Halytske Podillya.

10 The educational process is planned and coordinated by the Educational Department of the University, it directing all the activities of the Medical Faculty, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of foreign Students, Institute of Nursing and Post-Graduate Faculty as for improving the efficacy of training future specialists and interns.

11 The University provides the succession of higher medical education: a junior medical specialist, a bachelor, a doctor specialist, a master, a post graduate student. Only higher schools with the IV-th accreditation level train specialists by 16 trades, 8 through the Mastership department, 11- through the Post-graduate department. 410 teachers (with 79 M.Ds and 265 Candidates of Sciences among them) provide the educational process. The pedagogical staff includes 1 Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, 8 Honourary Workers of Science and Technology, 3 Honourary Inventors of Ukraine. The Quality index of the scientific teaching staff is 80,9 %, it being one of the highest indices among the higher medical educational establishments in Ukraine.

12 The professors deliver lectures, instructors teach students at the practical lessons and seminars

13 Since 1999 some famous scientists of the Ukrainian medical institutions have been delivering their telecommunication lectures to the students. All of the teachers take part in the educational methodical conferences, "round table" discussions and young teachers' seminars. Specific attention is paid to improving the professional training of the teaching staff of the University. Every 3- 5 years or more frequently (in case of necessity) they have their specialization and thematic advanced training courses at Bogomolets National Medical University, the P.L. Shupik Medical University of Post-Graduate Education in Kyiv and at the other educational establishments of Ukraine.

14 The Human Anatomy Department Museum

15 During the practical lessons at the Human Anatomy Department the students learn the structure of the human body

16 Since 1999 quite a great part of the teaching staff attends advanced English courses to improve their knowledge level. Having received a Certificate they start teaching their subject to foreign students in English. Constant sessions of the central and profile cyclic methodical commissions are held in the methodical study. The most important questions concerning teaching methods, organizing course and state examinations, creating integration educational curricula are discussed there.

17 The students learn the diagnostic method of cystoscopy while studying the Urology course

18 Acquaintance with the ultrasound diagnosis method

19 All the plans, programmes and curricula created at the departments are kept there. Every year the teachers of the departments discuss and renovate the curricula, enriching them with some new information. Great work as for the equipment of the lecture- halls and classrooms according to modern requirements is carried out at the University. Contemporary technical devices of training are installed, the departments are constantly supplied with new equipment necessary for the training process, reagents, and computer technique. The vivarium keeps different animals that are used during the experiments at practical classes.

20 Practical lessons at the surgical clinics are held at the patient's bed

21 Demonstration of the pleural puncture method

22 Students learn the technique of trachea intubation while studying the course of Resuscitation and Anesthesiology. The teaching staff takes an active part in the creation of typical educational curricula. Most of them are approved by the Ministry of Public Health. A number of the departments has published some textbooks, manuals, and multimedia computer programs. Some other departments are still developing them. The teaching staff pays specific attention to the conditions of qualified training of foreign students. They are provided with all the necessary educational literature. The most highly skilled and friendly teachers promote the training of future specialists; help them to acquire the necessary knowledge.

23 The teaching staff develops the most modern technologies, methodics, performs numerous scientific elaborations, provides the effective educational and treatment processes. Every department has made its own optimal plan of lectures, practical classes and seminars according to the general typical curricula, this being coordinated by the cyclic methodical commission.

24 Since 2005 students study according to the credit-module system, which will mean recognition of the degree in all countries of the European Union. Since 2006 at the University the ‘one-day’ methodic and Z-system of training have been introduced. According to the latter the students during the first years learn clinical aspects together with the theoretical subjects.

25 The Medical Faculty at TSMU consists of the following departments: Department of Internal Medicine, Propedeutics and Phisiology Department of Internal Medicine with Clinical Immunology and Allergology Department of Infectious Diseases with Epidemiology and Dermatovenerology Department of Neurology, Psychiatry, Narcology, and Medical Psychology Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery Department of General and Operative Surgery with Topographic Anatomy, Traumatology and Orthopaedics Department of Surgery with Urology and Anaesthesiology Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology, and Neurosurgery, Department of Oncology, Radiology Diagnostics and Therapy and Radiation, Medicine Department of Ambulatory Care and Family Medicine with Medical Equipment, Department of Medical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, and Pharmacotherapy, Department of Pathological Anatomy with Dissection Course and Forensic Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of FPE Department of Surgery, Traumatology, and Orthopaedics of FPE, Department of Pediatrics of FPE Department of Therapeutics and Family Medicine of FPE, Department of Medical Diagnostics and Emergency Care of FPE.

26 The International relations department was formed in 2000 for improving and widening the partnering contacts with European and American schools. Therefore, the department was reorganized into separate independent unit of the university in 2005. International relations department contributed in the creating of cooperational agreements between Ternopil State Medical University and its partners: University of South Carolina Upstate (USA), Vienna Medical University (Austria), Greenville Technical College (USA), Medical University of Silesia (Poland), Charles University (Czech republic), Slovak Medical University (Slovak republic), Moscow Medical Stomatological University (Russia), Technical University of Dresden (Germany).

27 The Teaching staff of TSMU takes part in international medical conferences, congresses, symposia, congresses in 18 countries of the world. International relations department contributed in the meeting at TSMU official delegations from such countries as India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Sudan, Vietnam, China.

28 The clinical departments of TSMU are specialized centers which provide the population with highly specialized medical aid. Such centers include: regional and city gastroenterological departments, regional and city cardiologic departments, regional immunological department, regional thoracic department, regional vascular department, regional and city neurosurgical department, department of minimally invasive surgery, regional center of eye microsurgery, regional otolaryngological department, regional neurologic and psychiatric center, regional oncology dispensary, and regional TB dispensary. Students and doctors attend clinical training and practice in the 540 patient’s bed hospitials in the vicinity of the University.

29 In August 1997 it was headed by Academy graduate - Honored Science and Technology, prof. Leonid Yakymovych Kovalchuk. Rector credo: “We must become the institution of higher education of a high European level”.


31 By the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in 1992 the Ternopil State Medical University was named after Academician Ivan Horbachevsky. IVAN HORBACHEVSKY Born: 15.05.1854 (Ternopil region, Ukraine) Died: 24.05.1942 (Prague) Field of activity: Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Medical Chemistry, Public Health.

32 Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of Medical Chemistry Department, Dean of Faculty of Medicine at the Czech University, Prague, Rector of the Czech University, Prague, Member of the Sanitary Council of the Czech Kingdom, Member of the Highest Health Council of the Austro- Hungarian Empire in Vienna, Member of the Technical Investigation Council in Vienna, a Life Member of Lords' House of Austrian Parliament, the1-st Minister of Health of Austro-Hungarian Empire, Rector of the Free Ukrainian University in Prague, Member of the Ukrainian University of Sciences, Full and Honorary Member of the T. Shevchenko Scientific Society, Ukraine.

33 Dr.Ivan Horbachevsky was one of the most famous scientists of his time in the field of chemical organic synthesis. His investigations were a revolution in medical, organic and biological chemistry.

34 ACTIVITIES OF DR. I. HORBACHEVSKY IN AUSTRIA In 1877 a young graduate of the University of Vienna, Doctor of Medical Sciences Ivan Horbachevsky was appointed as an assistant at the Institute of Medicinal Chemistry, the University of Vienna. In 1882 he was the first person in the science world to synthesize uric acid from urea and glycine aminoacid. This discovery brought great glory to Austrian science and to Vienna University. In his works Dr. Ivan Horbachevsky explored the causes and pathogenesis of gout, mechanisms of catabolism of mononucleotides, which are constituents of nucleic acids. His hypotheses as to the nature and causes of pellagra were proved by the next generation of scientists and provided the groundwork for developing a rational human nutrition system.

35 One of his achievements was that he determined the origins of uric acid in organism. The significance of his works devoted to the conversion of nucleic acids to end products is highly regarded in the point of view of the regulation of synthesis and decomposition of nucleic acids, which has an impact on our ideas about the life at the molecular level. Due to his great managerial and leadership skills Dr. Horbachevsky was offered a position in the Highest Sanitary Council in Vienna; later he became the President of the Council. Being one of the most outstanding scientific and public figures of his time, Dr. Horbachevsky was appointed as the first Minister of Health in 1918, thus becoming the founder of the Ministry of Health in Austria, the first Ministry of Health in the world.

36 For his outstanding achievements in chemical and medical science and public health, Dr. Horbachevsky was elected as a life member of the House of Lords of the Austrian Parliament and an advisor to the Austrian royal court. In 1884 Dr. Horbachevsky became the first professor ever in medical chemistry at the Czech University in Prague. Although being very young, he earned scientific reputation by his paper on the preparation of uric acid by careful melting a mixture of glycine and urea, published in German on just 40 lines. (It was the young author’s third publication).



39 He contributed greatly to establishing the Ukrainian University in Lviv. Dr. Horbachevsky was elected as a member of the T. Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv. The brilliant scientist was one of the founders and later the first President of the Ukrainian Medical Association. In 1926 and 1932 he organized the 1st and the 2nd Ukrainian Scientific Congresses. His successful activities promoted Ukrainian science on the world level. Dr. Horbachevsky made great efforts to create a national medical school. His leadership qualities and persistent work contributed greatly to establishing the Ukrainian Free University in Prague.

40 Thank you for your attention!


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