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Cold War & the 1950s Website Inquiry Project. Task: Website Inquiry (100pts) no pencil all writing must be legible Part I: Ask Good Questions (25 points)

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Presentation on theme: "Cold War & the 1950s Website Inquiry Project. Task: Website Inquiry (100pts) no pencil all writing must be legible Part I: Ask Good Questions (25 points)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cold War & the 1950s Website Inquiry Project

2 Task: Website Inquiry (100pts) no pencil all writing must be legible Part I: Ask Good Questions (25 points) 10 questions Questions ask about the Cold War and/or the 1950s in America Questions seek information that was not covered in class Questions are higher level-thinking questions (level 2 or 3) Part II: Find Information (25 points) Find three websites Write down their exact address 3-5 sentences explaining the website’s content…be specific Part III: Evaluate the Information (25 points) Answer 5 questions 3-5 sentences per question Answers should explain ideas in depth Part IV: Use the Information (25 points) A paragraph (5-8 sentences) summarizing what was learned through the website inquiry project specific to the topic (Cold War/1950s). Draw (or include) a detailed picture to depict something that was learned about the Cold War and/or the 1950s. Use color and label the picture with a brief explanation

3 Ask Good Questions Bloom’s Level 2 or 3 question Examples: Explain, judge, classify, infer, identify, select, judge the effects, state in your own words, match, demonstrate, tell how, predict, summarize, outline, give an example, represent, add Example: “Explain McCarthy’s unwise actions and reasons for his actions”

4 AccuracyCan you find the same kind of information at other sites? Do you know who wrote the material and can you contact them? 4 - Very Accurate 3 - Fairly Accurate 2 - Not Very Accurate 1 - Inaccurate or False ExpertiseIs the author an expert on the subject? Do you know where they got their information and whether the source is a good one? 4 - Very Authoritative 3 - Fairly Authoritative 2 - Not Very Authoritative 1 - Not Authoritative at All Bias/ObjectivityIs the author just doing a public service and providing a full picture or are they trying to sell something or convince you of something by offering only selected information? 3 - Totally Objective and Fair 2 - Doesn't give all the facts 1 - Is only trying to sell something or prove a point of view CurrencyWhen was the last time the site was updated? Is the material old or current? Is the site complete or under construction. Are there broken links? 3 - Information is right up to date 2 - Information is not current 1 - Information is too old to be useful CoverageDo they cover the topic well or just give certain information? Are the obvious gaps? 3 - A great deal of information about the topic. 2 - Provides a good deal of information, but could provide more 1 - Information focuses on only a small bit of the whole picture.

5 Find Information 1. History Learning Site. 28 May 2008. This website contains many links to the main events of the Cold War. Each link takes the user to detailed sites explaining the particular event. There are a total of 15 accessible topics covered on this website, including information about McCarthy and how he targeted suspected “Communists”. * On your own piece of paper, find the answers to your questions and take notes. This will be turned in with your packet.

6 Citation Machine Proper MLA citation ONLY

7 Evaluate the Information 2.Which website had the best graphics? Explain. The third website had the best graphics. It contained many video clips directly from the 1950’s, so they are primary sources. The website was also well-designed, including many colors and images. Overall, there were many Cold War pictures on the website that I found very valuable.

8 Use the Information Paragraph Summary –Include the answers to at least 5 of your questions –Find a picture to represent something you learned. Label it and use color.

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