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Family and Consumer Science The goal of 8 th Grade Family and Consumer Science is to provide all students with an introduction to the Family and Consumer.

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Presentation on theme: "Family and Consumer Science The goal of 8 th Grade Family and Consumer Science is to provide all students with an introduction to the Family and Consumer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Family and Consumer Science The goal of 8 th Grade Family and Consumer Science is to provide all students with an introduction to the Family and Consumer Science Career Pathways.

2 Family and Consumer Science Pathways are: Nutrition and Food Service Culinary Arts Consumer Services Interior and Fashion Design Family, Community, and Global Leadership Early Childhood Education Teaching as a Profession

3 Family and Consumer Science In this course, you will experience a variety of activities that will promote self-awareness, leadership, developmental skills needed to achieve personal goals relating to family, home, career, and community

4 Start of Class Procedure Line up outside door, stand quietly until invited in Collect your folder and spiral notebook Music will begin to play Sit down, grab your pencil and spiral, and copy down whatever is being projected on screen You will have until the music stops When the music stops, class begins Please!! No talking or off-task behaviors! We have a lot to do each day!

5 Classroom Routine Take care of restroom and water before class. Be on time and in your seat. Collect your folder as you come in, be in your seat, get your warm up DONE quickly Participate. Clean up. Be quiet during presentations. Keep personal items, food, and drinks put away.

6 CONSEQUENCES FOR BREAKING CLASS RULES 1. Student/Teacher Conference 2. Call Home 3. After-school Detention 4. Parent Conference 5. Administration Referral

7 The FACS Classroom Things in this classroom can hurt you, it is VITAL that you follow safety procedures AT ALL TIMES Sharp things Hot things Pointy things Wet, sticky, slippery, gooey, messy things Machines with moving parts things Failure to follow safety rules earns an AUTOMATIC call home and/or referral to Administration


9 Unit 1: FCS8-FCGL1: Family, Community, and Leadership Students will demonstrate teamwork, leadership skills, and knowledge to become leaders in the family, workplace, and community

10 Unit 1: FCS8-FCGL1: Family, Community, and Leadership a) Identify the elements of an environment that encourages and respects the ideas, perspectives, and contributions of all group members b) Discuss community and civic responsibilities, volunteerism, volunteer management and recognition, and social services c) Analyze the characteristics of persons who are valued leaders and citizens in the community d) Develop a project that demonstrates leadership skills

11 Who am I? Bingo Find others in the classroom that fit each of these categories Your name MUST be in the same box on THEIR sheet! NO DUPLICATE NAMES!!

12 Parliamentary Procedure “Parlipro”

13 What is Parlipro? It is a set of parliamentary laws used for conducting business at meetings and public gatherings.

14 History of Parlipro Started in the early English Parliaments. European settlers brought it to America. In 1876 Henry Robert published a manual on Parliamentary Law. Book Roberts Rules of Order This book is still used by clubs, organizations, other groups of today as standard meeting order.

15 Why is Parliamentary Procedure Important? It can be adapted to fit any organization. Allows everyone to be heard and have their say without confusion. Democratic rule Flexibility (compromise & change) Protection of rights A fair hearing for everyone

16 Order of Business (Agenda) 1. Opening Ceremony and/or Call to Order 2. Minutes from the previous meeting are read. 3. Officer Reports are given. 4. Special Committees (temporary)/ Special Orders 5. Unfinished Business 6. Committee Reports 7. New Business 8. Announcements/Closing Ceremony 9. Adjournment 10. Entertainment/Recreation/Refreshments

17 WARM AUGUST 7 Agenda Parlipro PowerPoint continued…Types of Motions

18 How do members have their say? Make Motions Vote on Motions Types of Motions Present Motions (“I motion we sell Brownies”) Second Motion (“I second that”) agree Debate Motion (you give your opinions) I motion to… In my opinion… I second that…

19 5 General Types of Motions Main Motion – introduces subjects to be considered (I move that we purchase a camera.) Subsidiary Motions – these change or affect how the main motion is handled (voted on before the main motion) Privileged Motions – these concern important matters not related to pending business (I move we adjourn.)

20 Content by Jennifer Gray 5 General Types of Motions Incidental Motions – questions that arise from other motions (I move to suspend the rules for the purpose of…) Motions that Bring a Question Again Before the Assembly – asking for people to reconsider decision before it’s made final. (I move to reconsider.)

21 2 What is Parliamentary Procedure and why is it important to me? FCS8-FCGL1 Call to Order Minutes from Previous Meeting Officer Reports Given Special Committees Unfinished Business Committee Reports New Business Closing Ceremony Adjournment Refreshments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Subsidiary Motions Incidental Motions Privileged Motions Main Motion Types of Motions Motions that Bring a Question Again

22 Agendas Agendas are listings or guides of what will be discussed, what the members and attending public can expect to happen at the meeting (topics, etc.) Just as YOUR school agenda SHOULD control how and what you will and should do – so too does the Agenda for a meeting!

23 Content by Jennifer Gray A Few Questions Is it in order? (Does it relate to the part of the agenda we are on at that time?) May I interrupt the speaker? There are times when it is ok because the motion is so important to the matter. Do I need a second? Usually YES Is it debatable? You have the right to debate most motions.

24 Content by Jennifer Gray A Few More Questions! Can it be Amended? Some motions can be changed by striking out or inserting words. What vote is needed? Majority most times. (2/3 vote when it concerns your rights) Can it be reconsidered? Some motions can be debated again to give members a chance to change their minds. The motion to reconsider has to come from the winning side.

25 Content by Jennifer Gray How do I present My Motion? 1. Obtain the floor. Wait your turn, rise, say “Mr. (or Madam) President, then you give your name. Then the president recognizes you by repeating it. 2. Make your Motion stay on subject, avoid personal attacks, keep it positive – I motion we DO this (rather than using DO NOT) 3. Wait for your second (Another member says “I second that motion.”)

26 How Do I Present My Motion 4. The chair (president) states your motion and says (“It is moved and seconded that we…..) If there is no second your motion will not be voted on or considered. 5. You can expand your motion. 6. The Chair Poses the question.

27 Methods of Voting Voice Roll Call General Consent (if there is no objection) Show of Hands Ballot

28 Methods of Voting continued A motion to Lay it On the Table Postpone temporary A motion to postpone indefinitely Postpone forever

29 Taps of a Gavel Single Tap – members are to be seated, after adjournment, after you have voted on a business item Two Taps – call meeting to order Three Taps – members stand during ceremonies Series of sharp taps – restore order (get attention)

30 Minutes of a Meeting See the Secretary Record Handout

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