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Presentation on theme: "SUPPLY DEMAND."— Presentation transcript:


2 Plot the following: Price Quantity Demanded P Qd $9 2 8 3 7 5 6 9

3 Qd D To be on the demand curve a person must be WILLING and ABLE to
Price Quantity Demanded P Qd $9 2 8 3 7 5 6 9 P 9 Qd just a point on the curve. To be on the demand curve a person must be WILLING and ABLE to purchase the product or service. 8 7 6 D is the entire curve. 2 3 5 9 Q

4 Qd D There is an ___________ inverse relationship between price
Quantity Demanded P Qd $9 2 8 3 7 5 6 9 P 9 Qd just a point on the curve. There is an ___________ relationship between price and quantity. 8 inverse 7 6 D is the entire curve. 2 3 5 9 Q

5 D Definitions: Quantity demanded--it is the amount that will be
9 8 7 6 D 2 3 5 9 Q Definitions: Quantity demanded--it is the amount that will be purchased at a specific P. Demand--it is a schedule of quantities of goods and services that will be purchased at various prices at a specified time, all other things held constant.

6 Price DOES NOT CHANGE DEMAND!!!!!!!! Price changes Quantity Demanded
9 Qd just a point on the curve. 8 7 6 D is the entire curve. 2 3 5 9 Q Price changes Quantity Demanded Price DOES NOT CHANGE DEMAND!!!!!!!!

7 Only one variable Qd PRICE PRICE DOES NOT DEMAND!!


And if you don’t memorize these variables, YOU WILL FAIL THIS CLASS!! ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS?

10 Eight Determinants of Demand:
1. # of consumers

11 6 $36.95


13 Eight Determinants of Demand:
1. # of consumers 2. Income--Normal Goods As people’s incomes go up demand for normal goods increases. As people’s income go down, demand for normal goods decrease. 3. Income--Inferior Goods As people’s incomes go up demand for inferior goods decreases. As people’s income go down, demand for inferior goods increases.


15 ______Used Furniture Store
______Lazy Boy Store

16 $25



19 Eight Determinants of Demand:
1. # of consumers 2. Income--Normal Goods 3. Income--Inferior Goods 4. Preferences



22 Eight Determinants of Demand:
1. # of consumers 2. Income--Normal Goods 3. Income--Inferior Goods 4. Preferences 5. Price of related products: Substitutes


24 Eight Determinants of Demand:
1. # of consumers 2. Income--Normal Goods 3. Income--Inferior Goods 4. Preferences 5. Price of related products: Substitutes 6. Price of related products: Complements


26 Eight variables that shift Demand:
1. # of consumers 2. Income--Normal Goods 3. Income--Inferior Goods 4. Preferences 5. Price of related products: Substitutes 6. Price of related products: Complements 7. Expected future P’s by consumers 8. Expected future Y by consumers

27 The price of airline tickets doubles, what
happens to the market for bus tickets? P S Increase in price of related product— Substitute P1 P D1 D Q Q1 Q Your market is: Bus Tickets


29 Plot the following: Price Quantity Supplied P Qs $6 2 7 3 8 5 9 9

30 S Qs Definitions: Quantity supplied--it is the amount that will be
is the entire curve. Qs just a point on the curve. Q Definitions: Quantity supplied--it is the amount that will be sold at a specific P. Supply--it is a schedule of quantities of goods and services that will be sold at various prices at a specified time, all other things held constant.

31 Price DOES NOT CHANGE SUPPLY!!!!!!!! Price changes Quantity Supplied S
is the entire curve. Qs just a point on the curve. Q Price changes Quantity Supplied Price DOES NOT CHANGE SUPPLY!!!!!!!!


33 Only one variable Qs PRICE PRICE DOES NOT SUPPLY!!

And if you don’t memorize these variables, YOU WILL FAIL THIS CLASS!! ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS?

35 Five determinants of Supply:
1. # of suppliers 2. Costs 3. Physical Availability of Resources 4. Technology 5. Expected Future Prices by Suppliers



38 Supply and Demand Questions

39 P How did the terms P’s and Q’s come about? Q In English pubs, ale is ordered by pints and quarts. So in old England, when customers got unruly, the bartender would yell at them mind their own pints and quarts and settle down. It's where we get the phrase "mind your P's and Q's"

40 There are four steps in figuring out supply
and demand graphs: 1. DON’T THINK! 2. Which curve is affected and why? 3. Is it an increase or a decrease? 4. JUST DRAW IT!

41 What happens to the market for oranges when
there is a frost that hits Florida? S1 P S Decrease in the physical availability of resources. P1 P D Q1 Q Q Your market is: Oranges

42 Decrease in the price of a complement. Your market is:
What happens to the market for downloaded music when the price of an MP3 player or Ipod goes down? P S Decrease in the price of a complement. P1 P D1 D Q Q1 Q Your market is: Downloaded Music

43 What happens to the market for downloaded
music when the royalties paid to the song artist goes up? S1 P S Increase in costs. P1 P D Q1 Q Q Your market is: Downloaded Music

44 The U.S. goes through a boom economy, what
happens to the market for steak? P S Increase in incomes— Normal goods. P1 P D1 D Q Q1 Q Your market is: Steak

45 The price of milk doubles; what happens to the market for cereal?
related product— complement. P P1 D D1 Q1 Q Q Your market is: Cereal

46 U.S. automakers use robots to produce its
cars, what happens to the market for foreign automobiles? P S Price of related product— substitute. P P1 D D1 Q1 Q Q Your market is: Foreign autos

47 The price of airline tickets doubles, what
happens to the market for bus tickets? P S Increase in price of related product— Substitute P1 P D1 D Q Q1 Q Your market is: Bus Tickets

48 You can MAKE MONEY by knowing the laws of supply and demand.

49 Major Drought Hits Brazil






55 You can SAVE MONEY by knowing the laws of supply and demand.


57 when you know the laws of
You can tell what PEOPLE ARE SAYING when you know the laws of supply and demand.

58 Lee Iacocca


60 Zona Zoo                            

61 Zona Zoo

62 Zona Zoo

63 2 students arrested in disturbance at UA game:
1 man Tasered; Zona Zoo seats were oversold (Arizona Daily Star, Sep. 9--Two University of Arizona students were arrested and one was Tasered after being turned away from Saturday night's home football game because UA oversold the student section. An officer was assaulted, police said. The UA sold 11,000 passes for 10,000 seats, a common practice, UA officials said. UA police will meet with the athletics department to determine what needs to be done to prevent this from happening in the future, Mejia said. U of A police should meet with Reff’s ECON 200 class to determine what “needs” to be done to prevent this from happening in the future.

64 P S Zona Zoo P $95 D 10,000 11,000 Q


66 Apple Inc. learned last week how harsh
upset customers can be when it lowered the price of its $599 iPhone by $200, angering the loyal fans who paid full price when the trendy product was launched in June.

67 P $599 $399 D 1 million Q Q

68 Job losses push U.S. closer to recession; first drop in four years
Published: Saturday, September 08, 2007 P S P P1 D D1 Q1 Q Q G & S

69 Faculty at U of A






75 Questions for Supply and Demand Homework Exercise Skip Questions 5 and 6.

76 Assume that the economy of the country of Alpha is experiencing increasing unemployment. Steak is considered a normal good in Alpha. Using the supply and demand graph illustrate the impact of the increasing unemployment on the market for steak in Alpha.

77 Assume that the economy of the country of Alpha is experiencing increasing unemployment. Hamburger is considered an inferior good in Alpha. Using the supply and demand graph illustrate the impact of the increasing unemployment on the market for hamburger in Alpha.

78 The country of Alpha experiences an increase in immigration that leads to an additional one million consumers. What will be the affect on this immigration on Grog the popular drink of Alpha. Illustrate the impact on price and output using a supply and demand graph.

79 A plague has a devastating impact on the population of Alpha
A plague has a devastating impact on the population of Alpha. Illustrate using a supply and demand graph how this will impact the market for chicken.

80 Consumer and Producer Surplus

81 Area of consumer surplus Area of producer surplus $15 S $14 $13 $12
$11 $10 $9 $8 P $7 Area of producer surplus $6 $5 $4 $3 $2 D $1 Q 8

82 Price Ceilings and Price Floors

83 Price Ceilings

84 P S Pc are set BELOW the equilibrium price. $1,600 P is the highest price that can be charged in the market. Pc D Q Q Fair market price of apartments in NYC is $1,600 NYC has rent controls which are price ceilings. Where do you think price CEILINGS are set? BELOW or ABOVE the market price?

85 P S $1,600 P $1,200 Pc D Q Q Rent controls are a price set by the government to keep prices of apartments down. In NYC the government sets the HIGHEST PRICE that can be charged for a one-bedroom apartments at $1,200. Landlords cannot charge above this price.

86 < P Anytime Qd > Qs there is a SHORTAGE in the market. S $1,600
$1,200 Pc D < Q Q Qs Qd Q Looking at the graph, what occurs when the price is set BELOW the equilibrium price when a PRICE CEILING is set? The Quantity Demanded > the Quantity Supplied

87 This is the number of apartments landlords are willing to supply at this price (Qs). This is the number of people willing to rent apartments at this price (Qd). P S $1,600 P $1,200 Pc D Q Q Qs < Q Qd This is a SHORTAGE.

88 P S $1,600 P $1,200 Pc D Q Q Qs < Q Qd _________ is looking for an apartment in NYC.

SELLER CAN SELL THE PRODUCT. P S $1,600 P $1,200 Pc D Q Q Qs < Q Qd

90 Garth Brooks' Concert

91 Price Floor

92 WHY? $169 $69 To fly from Chicago to Minneapolis it cost In 1975
San Fran. $169 Chicago $69 Los Angeles To fly from Los Angeles to San Francisco it cost WHY?

93 Roughly the same number of people were flying
This is INTERSTATE travel. Minneapolis San Fran. This is INTRASTATE travel. (inside the state) $169 Chicago $69 Los Angeles Roughly the same number of people were flying between these two destinations and roughly the same number of airplanes were flying these two routes. So why such a difference in the prices of these airfares? What is different between these two routes?

94 P S Pf P D Q Q Interstate travel was regulated by the Civil Aeronautics Board. It set the prices for flights traveling across state lines. It set a PRICE FLOOR. Where is a PRICE FLOOR set? Above or BELOW the equilibrium price? ABOVE.

95 P S Pf P D Q Q Why is it called a price FLOOR if it is set ABOVE the equilibrium/market price? Because it is the LOWEST price that can be charged by law.

96 P S $169 Pf $69 P $169 D $69 Q Q Which route is the market price and which route is the PRICE FLOOR? The market price is $69, the price charged between Los Angeles and San Francisco. The PRICE FLOOR is $169, the price charged between Chicago and Minneapolis.

97 $169 $69 P S Whenever there is a PRICE FLOOR the Quantity Supplied is
greater than the Quantity Demanded. $169 Pf $69 P D Qd Q < Qs Q

98 < $169 $69 Qd of seats Qs of seats P S $169 Pf A price floor
causes a SURPLUS in the market. $69 P D Qd < Q Qs Q

99 P S $169 Pf $69 P D Qd Q < Qs Q What price did the airlines charge customer flying from Chicago to Minneapolis? $169 If airlines couldn’t compete by price since they all charged the same price, how did airlines compete? Service: Best food, bigger seats, prettiest flight attendants.

100 Surplus of seats Airlines competed by available because
Surplus of seats available because of the price floor. Airlines competed by serving better food. Prettiest stewardess


102 As deregulation of the airline industry took
place in 1978, what happened to the price floor? P S $169 Pf $69 P D Qd Q Qs Q

103 As deregulation of the airline industry took
place in 1978, what happened to the price floor? P S $169 Pf $69 P D Qd Q Qs Q The price floor is eliminated, lowering the price to the market price. This gets rid of the surplus. People get to fly for lower prices, but the airplanes are now more crowded.

104 The government of Alpha imposes a per-unit tax on Brureff soda
The government of Alpha imposes a per-unit tax on Brureff soda. Given that Brureff has a relatively elastic demand, illustrate the impact of this tax on price and quantity using a supply and demand graph.

105 The government of Alpha imposes a per-unit tax on Brureff soda
The government of Alpha imposes a per-unit tax on Brureff soda. Given that Brureff soda has a perfectly inelastic demand, illustrate the impact of this tax on price and quantity using a supply and demand graph.

106 Coffee and cream are complementary goods
Coffee and cream are complementary goods. An unexpected period of bad weather adversely affects the coffee bean crop. Use a supply and demand graph to illustrate the affect of this bad weather on the price and quantity of coffee.

107 Coffee and cream are complementary goods
Coffee and cream are complementary goods. An unexpected period of bad weather adversely affects the coffee bean crop. Use a supply and demand graph to illustrate the affect of this bad weather on the price and quantity of cream.

108 The two favorite juice drinks in the Alpha economy are reffberry and fruitbru. Consumers enjoy both drinks but some have a slight preference for reffberry while others have a slight preference for fruitbru. The makers of reffberry have invested in new technology that increases their productivity. This technology is not yet adaptable for the production of fruitbru. Use a supply and demand graph to illustrate the impact of the new technology on the reffberry market.

109 The two favorite juice drinks in the Alpha economy are reffberry and fruitbru. Consumers enjoy both drinks but some have a slight preference for reffberry while others have a slight preference for fruitbru. The makers of reffberry have invested in new technology that increases their productivity. This technology is not yet adaptable for the production of fruitbru. Use a supply and demand graph to illustrate the impact of the new technology on the fruitbru market.

110 Gasoline powered autos and electric powered autos are substitute goods and have relatively elastic demands. Assume that the price of gasoline increases by 30 percent. Use a supply and demand graph to illustrate the impact of this increase in the price of gasoline on the market for gasoline powered autos.

111 Gasoline powered autos and electric powered autos are substitute goods and have relatively elastic demands. Assume that the price of gasoline increases by 30 percent. Use a supply and demand graph to illustrate the impact of this increase in the price of gasoline on the market for electric powered autos.

112 A major news source reports an outbreak of salmonella affects the peanut butter snacks industry. Use a supply and demand graph to illustrate the immediate impact on price and quantity of this news

113 In the past, the cost of Private University is $45,000 per year and the cost of State University is $17,000 per year. Both universities have a fixed number of seats available for the coming school year. Both schools have excellent academic reputations. A major recession occurs. Assume that both universities have tuition costs that are influenced by the number of applications they receive. Use a supply and demand graph to illustrate the impact of the recession on price and quantity for Private University.

114 In the past, the cost of Private University is $45,000 per year and the cost of State University is $17,000 per year. Both universities have a fixed number of seats available for the coming school year. Both schools have excellent academic reputations. A major recession occurs. Assume that both universities have tuition costs that are influenced by the number of applications they receive. Use a supply and demand graph to illustrate the impact of the recession on price and quantity for State University.

115 The domestic steel industry of Alpha competes with imported steel from the country of Tucumcari. Assume that the government of Tucumcari increases subsidies to its steel industry. Use a supply and demand graph to illustrate the impact of the subsidies on steel made in Tucumcari.

116 The domestic steel industry competes with imported steel from the country of Tucumcari. Assume that the government of Tucumcari increases subsidies to its steel industry. Use a supply and demand graph to illustrate the impact of the subsidies on the price and quantity of steel made in Alpha.

117 The domestic steel industry competes with imported steel from the country of Tucumcari. Assume that the government of Tucumcari increases subsidies to its steel industry. Use a supply and demand graph to illustrate the impact of the subsidies on the wage and quantity of workers in the market for steel workers in Alpha.

118 The pork industry is dominated by large corporate farms that pollute the underground water table with waste material from the slaughter of pigs. The farms ignore this pollution. Use a supply and demand analysis to illustrate the impact of this avoidance on the pork industry.

119 Assume that the favorite dating activity of teenagers is going out to dinner. The second favorite dating activity of teenagers is going out for ice cream. Assume that because of a recession there will be far fewer jobs available for teenagers this summer. Use a supply and demand graph to illustrate the impact of fewer jobs on the price and quantity of the typical dinner meal at a restaurant.

120 21. Use a supply and demand graph to illustrate the effects on price and quantity of milk from the following simultaneous events:

121 A. The government provides additional money for college scholarships directly to high school seniors.

122 Masons take a 25% cut in pay

123 Shifts in both Supply and Demand What happens to Price and what happens to Quantity?

124 P S S P1 Quantity will definitely increase. P1 P D1 Price is Indeterminate D It will either go up. Q Q1 Q1 Q Increase in demand Increase in supply

125 P S S P1 Quantity will definitely increase. P1 P D1 Price is Indeterminate D It stayed the same. Q Q1 Q1 Increase in demand Increase in supply

126 P S P1 Quantity will definitely increase. S P P1 D1 Price is Indeterminate D It went down. Q Q1 Q1 Increase in demand Increase in supply

127 What happens to the price and quantity if there
is an increase in demand and a decrease in supply? Price definitely goes up; Quantity is indeterminate

128 What happens to the price and quantity if there
is a decrease in demand and an increase in supply? Price definitely goes down; Quantity is indeterminate

129 What happens to the price and quantity if there
is a decrease in demand and an decrease in supply? Price is indeterminate; Quantity will definitely decrease

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