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Overview of Hungarian research in the standardization of undersea feature names Mátyás MÁRTON – Gábor GERCSÁK Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Hungary.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of Hungarian research in the standardization of undersea feature names Mátyás MÁRTON – Gábor GERCSÁK Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Hungary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of Hungarian research in the standardization of undersea feature names Mátyás MÁRTON – Gábor GERCSÁK Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Hungary 23 May 2008

2 Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics

3 Major points of the paper Beginnings in Hungary Research team at the university Research philosophy Research topics Papers and publications Cooperation with publishers Plans and visions

4 Landlocked Hungary L. Balaton Danube Budapest

5 Beginnings in Hungary Participation in the UN conferences on geographical names (1970s) Opening international opportunities Initiative to standardize the undersea feature names in Hungarian (1979) Hungarian delegate in the Commission on Marine Cartography of the ICA (1989)

6 Research team on geographical names Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. M. MÁRTON, Habil. Team: cartographer, geographer, geophysicist, linguist Three members in the Hungarian Commission on Geographical Names Teaching committments Undergraduate research programmes

7 Research philosophy Hungary: landlocked since 1920 Responsibility of cartographers in making schoolbooks, atlases or scientific papers Inter-disciplinary and international approach Respect of the linguistic, geographic and cartographic traditions of Hungary Contracts with publishers International relations Beautiful Hungarian Map competition

8 Research topic I: generic terms

9 Research topic II: specific terms

10 Research topic III: Projections for ocean maps

11 Research topic IV: Representation of the continental relief Elevation steps are the same both on the continent and in the sea

12 Research topic V: Representation of the undersea relief Elevation steps are the same both on the continent and in the sea

13 Research topic VI: History of mapping

14 Research topic VII: Hungarian names in English Alföld Great Alfold Great Hungarian Plain Great Plain Hungarian Great Plain Hungarian Plain Plains of Hungary The Great Plains

15 Major papers and publications Dutkó, A.: The gazetteer and electronic atlas of undersea features Gercsák, G.: Using Hungarian geographical names in English language publications Hargitai, H.: Planetary Maps: Visualization and nomenclature Márton, M.: Representation of undersea features in small scale maps Márton, M. – Gercsák, G.: Marsigli's map of the Gulf of Lion

16 Cooperation with publishers I.

17 Cooperation outcomes I: changes in Hungarian names Due to the false interpretation of the origin: Atlantis (Atlantisz)-fenékhegy (Seamount named after a ship and not the sunken continent) Northwind- (Északi szél) hátság (Ridge named after a ship and not the northern wind) Natal (Natali)-fenékhegy (Seamount named after a ship and not the South African province)

18 Cooperation outcomes II: changes in Hungarian names Due to the false interpretation of the name: Podvodnyik (Podvodnyikov)-medence (The -ov ending expresses genetive and is not part of the name of the basin) Newfoundlandi (Új-Fundlandi)-Nagy-padok − Grand Banks of Newfoundland (Wrong splitting of the name „New” Foundland)

19 Cooperation outcomes III: changes in Hungarian names Due to inconsistent usage: Nansen (Gakkel)-hátság (The Russian name was only locally used for the ridge) Északi- (Norra) Midsjö-pad [bank] Déli- (Södra) Midsjö-pad Nagy- (Great) Sole-pad Kis- (Little) Sole-pad (Adjectives referring to location and size are translated)

20 Cooperation with publishers II.

21 Cooperation with publishers – III.

22 Cooperation with publishers IV.

23 Plans and visions − I Revision of the chapter on the seas in the Hungarian Great Atlas of the World

24 Plans and visions − II English−Hungarian version of B−6 (in manuscript, approved by the Hungarian Commission on Geographical Names) Multilingual version of B−6 (English−Russian, −French, −Spanish and −Hungarian versions on the web page of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics under construction)

25 „Moat” in the multilingual B-6

26 Explanatory figure to „moat”

27 Plans and visions − III Collection of the names of seas and undersea features from maps and gazetteers for a multilingual gazetteer

28 Collection and coding of the names for a multilingual gazetteer Gazetteer of the Arctic Ocean

29 I.1. Barents-self [Hungarian] Barents Shelf [English 3/403; 6/76] Barentsschelf [German 1/6; 2/146,400; 4/10] Barentsův šelf [Czech 1/D.8.4.] I.1.-1. Északi-foki-selfmedence [Hungarian] Nordkapbecken [German 5/161] I.1.-1.1. Fugløyi-pad [Hungarian] Fugløy-pad [Hungarian 1/56] Fuglöybanken [English 2/5.01 (from Norwegian)] lavice Fugløy [Czech 3/46] Map codes and geogaphical names on the shelf in various languages with reference to sources

30 Plans and visions − IV Preparation of the Hungarian version of Limits of Oceans and Seas (SP–23)

31 MSc degree thesis of a student: to translate SP − 23 into Hungarian, edit it in Mapinfo and make it available on the web page of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics

32 Plans and visions − V. Working out the computer technology for the 3D production of globes Virtual Museum of Globes (the detachable geophysical-structural globe of the Earth) Virtual Globes Museum:

33 Thank you! 고맙습니다 Köszönöm!

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