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Heritage Intermediate GATE Parent Night Wednesday, February 22, 2012 6:30-7:30pm Heritage Intermediate GATE Parent Night Wednesday, February 22, 2012 6:30-7:30pm.

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Presentation on theme: "Heritage Intermediate GATE Parent Night Wednesday, February 22, 2012 6:30-7:30pm Heritage Intermediate GATE Parent Night Wednesday, February 22, 2012 6:30-7:30pm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heritage Intermediate GATE Parent Night Wednesday, February 22, 2012 6:30-7:30pm Heritage Intermediate GATE Parent Night Wednesday, February 22, 2012 6:30-7:30pm

2 What are the characteristics and needs of a G.A.T. E. student? How is your child being challenged in the classroom? What is M.A.L.L.? Upcoming activities? What can you do to learn more about your child’s needs?

3 Mrs. Sandy Calonge-6 th grade-coordinator Mr. Jim Williamson-6 th grade Mrs. Susan Karikas-7 th grade Mrs. Sandra Zamora-7 th grade Mrs. Christine Herber-8 th grade Mr. Paul Gonzales-8 th grade Mrs. Katherine Ringer-coordinator Mrs. Laura Rowland-administrator Our Great GATE Faculty

4 The Etiwanda School District GATE Philosophy Gifted students need a qualitatively differentiated program which develops skills in independent study, in-depth research techniques, creative thinking, critical analysis and problem solving. Gifted students need to nurture healthy self-concepts and positive relationships, leadership abilities and effective communication skills.

5 Placement Qualified? Students score 96% or greater on the CST and 450 or greater on the scaled score in Math District derived ‘score’ based on multiple assessments for students not qualifying on CST scores.

6 A Bright Child vs. Gifted Knows the answers Is interested Is attentive Has good ideas Works hard Answers the questions Top group Listens with interest Learns with ease 6-8 repetitions for mastery Is pleased with own learning Asks the questions Is highly curious Is mentally and physically involved Has wild, silly ideas Plays around, yet tests well Discusses in detail, elaborates Beyond the group Shows strong feeling and opinions Already knows 1-2 repetitions for mastery Constructs abstractions

7 GATE Strategies and Instruction Our goal is to provide instruction and activities to fulfill the academic, social, and emotional needs of each gifted learner. Per District Board Policy: A cluster grouping is one in which students are grouped within a regular classroom setting and receive appropriately differentiated activities from the regular classroom teacher. (5CCR 3840)

8 Differentiated Instruction

9 Novelty & Complexity A project should be rich in curricular content. A project should reflect something about the student. A project should strengthen the child’s understanding of the topic. The more we tell students what is important to us, the less we know what is important to them. A variety of skills are utilized. Authentic projects are the most complex activities we can give.

10 Depth Allow students to formulate their own solutions. Require students to defend their positions. Encourage students to teach what they know to others. Rate student work on a stricter scale. Rework Near Completion Publishable A Classic

11 Acceleration & Pacing Accessing Prior Knowledge Accessing Learning Styles Would you rather…? Give an oral presentation Work together on a project Interview an expert

12 Divergent & In Depth Thinking Icons of Depth & Complexity Investigations related to theme Class Discussions Graphic Organizers Focused Note Taking/Summarizing Costa’s Levels of Questioning/Bloom’s Taxonomy

13 Classroom Instructional Strategies GATE Clustering Technology Collaborative Learning Flexible Grouping Curriculum Compacting Alternative Assessment Provide Choices and Alternatives Costa ’ s / Bloom ’ s Taxonomy Enrichment

14 Math/Science How we are meeting the needs of our GATE students: Accelerated Pacing “Challenge” problems and questioning which goes beyond basic concept attainment Focused Note Taking (ie. Cornell Notes) Alternative Forms of Assessment besides just written tests Access to Technology (projector lessons, computer use) Websites:,

15 Language Arts/ Social Studies How we are meeting the needs of our GATE students: Accelerated Pacing Student credit for mastered material In-depth discussions Project based/investigative lessons Higher level thinking strategies Incorporating technology to foster learning Focused Note Taking (ie. Cornell Notes)

16   Enrichment through academic and arts programs   Challenging, creative and thought –provoking   Some of the classes offered: Cooking, Chess, Revolutionary War, Robotics, Rocketry/Model Building, Spanish, Civil Air Patrol, and Origami   Per District Board Policy: Enrichment activities are supplemental educational activities that augment students' regular educational programs in their regular classrooms. Students use advanced materials and/or receive special opportunities from persons other than the regular classroom teacher. (5 CCR3840) M.A.L.L. Mentally Activated Learning Labs Before and After School Opportunities

17 Upcoming Events G.A.T.E. link on HIS website G.A.T.E. UCLA- “I’m Going to College” Event Sunday, April 29 th at UCLA College Tour, Track and Field Meet against USC Transportation on your own More information will be coming home in March Please sign up on the clipboard if you are interested.

18 CJUHSD GATE All currently identified GATE students, 7th grade CST 5 on math and/or CST 5 ELA students qualify for GATE. All currently identified GATE students, 7th grade CST 5 on math and/or CST 5 ELA students qualify for GATE. All students who have a GPA of 3.5 or higher will be tested who are not already designated at GATE in the ESD. All students who have a GPA of 3.5 or higher will be tested who are not already designated at GATE in the ESD. If you have students who did not receive the letter that they were supposed to, please provide them with the attached mailing and have them call Brian Dinkelman 909-899-2531, ext. 2348. He will need a transcript or copy of their CST scores and they will be placed in Honors classes. If you have students who did not receive the letter that they were supposed to, please provide them with the attached mailing and have them call Brian Dinkelman 909-899-2531, ext. 2348. He will need a transcript or copy of their CST scores and they will be placed in Honors classes.

19 HIGH SCHOOL Freshmen Etiwanda High School GATE Night Etiwanda High School GATE Night Wednesday, March 7 th, 6:30-8:00pm Wednesday, March 7 th, 6:30-8:00pm West Gym –EHS Campus West Gym –EHS Campus Student and parent MUST attend this informational meeting- Student and parent MUST attend this informational meeting- Failing to attend, NO admittance to GATE Program. Failing to attend, NO admittance to GATE Program. GATE forms to be filled out at this meeting GATE forms to be filled out at this meeting Mr. Brian Dinkelman, 909-899-2531 ext. 2348 Mr. Brian Dinkelman, 909-899-2531 ext. 2348

20 Just for Parents The Survival Guide for Parents of Gifted Kids by Sally Yahnke Walker, Ph.D. by Sally Yahnke Walker, Ph.D. How to Parent So Children Will Learn by Dr. Sylvia Rimm by Dr. Sylvia Rimm

21 Websites California Department of Education: California Association for the Gifted:

22 Questions and Answers

23 For further information: E-mail Or call the school at 357- 1345 Thank you for attending the Heritage Intermediate GATE Information Night!

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