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Okaloosa County School District School Advisory Council Training 2015-2016.

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1 Okaloosa County School District School Advisory Council Training 2015-2016

2 Your OCSD SAC Contacts: Debbie Davis 833-3386 Linda Pinkert 833-4208

3 Vision Statement: We inspire a lifelong passion for learning. Mission: We prepare all students to achieve excellence by providing the highest quality education while empowering each individual to positively impact their families, communities, and the world. Vision and Mission:

4 Accountability: We, working in conjunction with students’ families, accept responsibility to ensure student learning, to pursue excellence, and to hold high standards for all. Citizenship: We prepare all students to exercise the duties, rights, and privileges of being a citizen in a local community and global society. Excellence: We pursue the highest academic, extracurricular, and personal/professional standards through continuous reflection and improvement. Integrity: We embrace a culture in which individuals adhere to exemplary standards and act honorably. Personal Growth: We promote the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and experience to develop individuals with the aspiration, perseverance, and resilience to be lifelong learners. Respect: We show regard and consideration for all through a culture of dignity, diversity, and empathy. Leadership: We provide guidance and direction to accomplish tasks while being a moral compass to others. Core Values:

5 Training Objectives: To understand the roles and responsibilities of School Advisory Council members To understand the roles and responsibilities of School Advisory Council members To understand that SAC meetings are subject to the Government in the Sunshine Law To understand that SAC meetings are subject to the Government in the Sunshine Law To be able to actively participate in the School Improvement Process To be able to actively participate in the School Improvement Process To gain a basic understanding of Florida’s Accountability System To gain a basic understanding of Florida’s Accountability System

6 What is a SAC? School Advisory Councils were established by the legislature to expand the role that parents, students, community members and teachers have in making decisions about their schools. School Advisory Councils were established by the legislature to expand the role that parents, students, community members and teachers have in making decisions about their schools. Councils are made up of parents, students, teachers, educational support staff, the principal and community members. Councils are made up of parents, students, teachers, educational support staff, the principal and community members. The SAC must be representative of the ethnic, racial, and economic community served by the school. The SAC must be representative of the ethnic, racial, and economic community served by the school.

7 SAC Responsibilities School Advisory Councils

8 SAC Duties and Responsibilities – defined through statutes Assists in the preparation and evaluation of the School Performance Plan. (SPP) Assists in the preparation and evaluation of the School Performance Plan. (SPP) Decides how school improvement funds are spent Decides how school improvement funds are spent Decides jointly with school faculty how A+ recognition funds are spent – except after Feb. 1 (*funding determined by DOE and may fluctuate, depending on financial status) Decides jointly with school faculty how A+ recognition funds are spent – except after Feb. 1 (*funding determined by DOE and may fluctuate, depending on financial status) Assists the principal with the school budget Assists the principal with the school budget Performs functions as prescribed by regulations of the school board Performs functions as prescribed by regulations of the school board

9 Other Possible Duties of SAC Adoption of school calendar Adoption of school calendar Input into District’s Legislative Program Input into District’s Legislative Program Waivers for school improvement plans Waivers for school improvement plans Monitoring school safety Monitoring school safety Assist in school climate survey Assist in school climate survey Liaison to the community Liaison to the community Involvement in special committees and School improvement Teams – “SIT” Involvement in special committees and School improvement Teams – “SIT”

10 School Improvement Funds… May be expended only on programs and projects selected by SAC May be expended only on programs and projects selected by SAC Are not subject to override by principal or district staff Are not subject to override by principal or district staff May not be used for capital improvements or projects lasting more than one year (However, SAC may approve again in subsequent year) May not be used for capital improvements or projects lasting more than one year (However, SAC may approve again in subsequent year) Up to $5 per un-weighted FTE student * Up to $5 per un-weighted FTE student *

11 School Recognition Funds Expenditures are jointly decided by school staff and SAC Expenditures are jointly decided by school staff and SAC Can be used for faculty and staff bonuses, non-recurring educational material and equipment expenses, and/or temporary personnel to improve or maintain student performance Can be used for faculty and staff bonuses, non-recurring educational material and equipment expenses, and/or temporary personnel to improve or maintain student performance Decision must be made by Feb. 1 or funds are dispersed as bonuses to only classroom teachers currently employed Decision must be made by Feb. 1 or funds are dispersed as bonuses to only classroom teachers currently employed Up to $100 per FTE (Actual amount depends each year upon the General Appropriations Funding) Up to $100 per FTE (Actual amount depends each year upon the General Appropriations Funding)

12 SAC Bylaws School Advisory Councils

13 SAC Meetings… Florida Statues (ss. 1001.452) require each SAC shall adopt bylaws establishing procedures for: Florida Statues (ss. 1001.452) require each SAC shall adopt bylaws establishing procedures for:  At least 3-days’ advance notice in writing to all SAC members of any matter that is scheduled be voted on  Requiring a quorum of at least 51% to be present before a vote may be taken by the school advisory council  Scheduling meetings when parents, students, teachers, business persons, and members of the community can attend.  Replacing any member who has two unexcused consecutive absences from a SAC meeting that is noticed as per bylaws.  Recording minutes of meetings.

14 SAC Bylaws (required by law) Name of Council Name of Council Purposes, Basic Policies, Governance Purposes, Basic Policies, Governance Duties & Obligations – address: Duties & Obligations – address: School Improvement Funds School Improvement Funds A+ Funds A+ Funds SPP SPP School annual budget: procedure for “assisting” School annual budget: procedure for “assisting” Member Composition Member Composition Positions, duties, procedures for elections and term of office Positions, duties, procedures for elections and term of office Procedures for appointing members, removing members, replacing members Procedures for appointing members, removing members, replacing members Nomination Committee (optional) Nomination Committee (optional) Duties, Meetings & Quorum of Executive Board Duties, Meetings & Quorum of Executive Board Emergency decision procedures Emergency decision procedures

15 SAC Bylaws, continued Decisions/Meetings Decisions/Meetings Advance Notice of Vote/Meetings Advance Notice of Vote/Meetings Sunshine Laws Sunshine Laws Special or AD hoc Committees Special or AD hoc Committees Quorum > 50% Quorum > 50% Amendments or Revisions of Bylaws Amendments or Revisions of Bylaws Fiscal Year, Parliamentary Authority Fiscal Year, Parliamentary Authority

16 Florida Sunshine Law School Advisory Councils must abide by the Government in the Sunshine Law

17 Sunshine Law Requires… SAC meetings are public meetings and subject to the Sunshine Law ss.286.011(1) SAC meetings are public meetings and subject to the Sunshine Law ss.286.011(1) Reasonable Notice Reasonable Notice Open to public Open to public Held in public locations Held in public locations Minutes recorded and open for public inspection Minutes recorded and open for public inspection Open voting---no secret ballots Open voting---no secret ballots

18 SAC Membership School Advisory Councils

19 SAC Members(Voting) SAC members are elected from their peer groups; SAC members are elected from their peer groups; - teachers elect teachers, staff elects staff, parents elect parents and students elect students. SACs must consist of the principal and an appropriately balanced number of teachers, staff, parents, community members & students. “Technical center & high school advisory councils shall include students and middle & junior high school advisory councils may include students.” SACs must consist of the principal and an appropriately balanced number of teachers, staff, parents, community members & students. “Technical center & high school advisory councils shall include students and middle & junior high school advisory councils may include students.” SACs must represent the ethnic, racial and economic makeup of the community served by the school. To achieve this, members may be appointed. (MIS Form 1411) SACs must represent the ethnic, racial and economic makeup of the community served by the school. To achieve this, members may be appointed. (MIS Form 1411) In addition, the majority of SAC members (over 51%) must not be employed by the school district. (Senate Bill 1908) In addition, the majority of SAC members (over 51%) must not be employed by the school district. (Senate Bill 1908)

20 SAC Membership FAQ Is the principal a voting member? Is the principal a voting member?YES Can the assistant principal be a member? Can the assistant principal be a member? An assistant principal can and probably should attend meetings and give input, but may not be a voting member of SAC What is the allowable % difference between school community composition and SAC demographic composition? What is the allowable % difference between school community composition and SAC demographic composition? DOE recommends a maximum of 10%. DOE recommends a maximum of 10%. In case of an audit, documentation will be required showing every effort was made to achieve compliance. In case of an audit, documentation will be required showing every effort was made to achieve compliance.

21 SAC Membership FAQ continued Can a parent who is employed by Okaloosa County School District serve on SAC as a parent at their child’s school? This parent may serve as a member of SAC but must be reported for official membership purposes in the most appropriate category on the membership form (MIS 1411) as a teacher, support employee, or principal.

22 A SAC Member’s Role Attends meetings & training Attends meetings & training Uses state & district goals as guiding principles Uses state & district goals as guiding principles Assesses school data, surveys Assesses school data, surveys Assists in the preparation & evaluation of the SPP Assists in the preparation & evaluation of the SPP Determine & prioritize the needs of the school Determine & prioritize the needs of the school Develop strategies for improvement Develop strategies for improvement Decides how to measure results of the SPP Decides how to measure results of the SPP Assists in development and implementation of SPP Assists in development and implementation of SPP Assist in preparing the school’s annual budget Assist in preparing the school’s annual budget

23 The SAC Chair/Co-chairs Knowledgeable about SAC duties & responsibilities. Knowledgeable about SAC duties & responsibilities. Establishes an agenda Establishes an agenda Prepares for meeting; notifies members of meeting & training opportunities Prepares for meeting; notifies members of meeting & training opportunities Facilitates the meetings (co-chair or vice chair fills absence) Facilitates the meetings (co-chair or vice chair fills absence) Keep to task, maintains order, involves members  Repeat all motions before vote  Involves members & establishes subcommittees Signs School Performance Plan Signs School Performance Plan

24 The Principal Responsible for school administration Responsible for school administration Assesses school data, surveys Assesses school data, surveys Facilitates SAC recommendations in development & implementation of SPP Facilitates SAC recommendations in development & implementation of SPP “Shall provide leadership in the development or revision and implementation of a school improvement plan” ss.1001.42“Shall provide leadership in the development or revision and implementation of a school improvement plan” ss.1001.42 Ensure that all school reports are accurate and timely, and must provide the necessary training opportunities for staff to accurately report attendance, FTE program participation, student performance, teacher appraisal, and school safety and discipline dataEnsure that all school reports are accurate and timely, and must provide the necessary training opportunities for staff to accurately report attendance, FTE program participation, student performance, teacher appraisal, and school safety and discipline data Ensures proper SAC elections & appointments Ensures proper SAC elections & appointments Keeps SAC informed of activities & policies of the school Keeps SAC informed of activities & policies of the school Encourages participation & problem solving & teamwork Encourages participation & problem solving & teamwork Part of the SAC team Part of the SAC team

25 The SAC Secretary Determination of a quorum for meetings Determination of a quorum for meetings Accurate recording of SAC business Accurate recording of SAC business Maintains up-to-date records of minutes Maintains up-to-date records of minutes Keeps records of attendance Keeps records of attendance Duties at the meeting: Duties at the meeting:  Reading or providing minutes  Taking accurate minutes

26 The SAC Secretary… continued Tasks after the meeting: Tasks after the meeting:  Writing the minutes promptly  Noting status of previous minutes  Dispatching correspondence  Dispatching the minutes for agenda prep  Notification of elections or appointments  Sending copy of all minutes and agendas to district contact

27 Other SAC Officers, optional SAC Treasurer SAC Treasurer  Keeps track of School Improvement Funds SAC Corresponding Secretary SAC Corresponding Secretary  Letters and other correspondence Parliamentarian Parliamentarian  Time-keeper, Robert’s Rules of Order...determined by your SAC’s needs

28 SAC Minutes Required by FL Sunshine Law + Statutes Required by FL Sunshine Law + Statutes Should be brief yet accurate Should be brief yet accurate Are public record Are public record

29 SAC Minutes Include: Kind of meeting, name of council, date, time, and place Kind of meeting, name of council, date, time, and place Attendance, determination of quorum, and any member replacement Attendance, determination of quorum, and any member replacement Call to order, name of presiding officer and recorder Call to order, name of presiding officer and recorder Agenda and previous minutes Agenda and previous minutes Motions and votes (include election info) Motions and votes (include election info) Any correspondence (attach) Any correspondence (attach) Hour of adjournment and next meeting date, time, place Hour of adjournment and next meeting date, time, place “Submitted by,” sign and type name, position. “Submitted by,” sign and type name, position.

30 SAC Documents of Record List of meetings for the year List of meetings for the year Bylaws Bylaws Membership Roster Membership Roster MIS 1411: Membership documentation form MIS 1411: Membership documentation form Agendas Agendas Minutes Minutes Copies are kept on file at the school and at the District Office

31 Send… signed bylaws signed bylaws signed MIS 1411- due by Sept. 25 signed MIS 1411- due by Sept. 25 via courier to: Debbie Davis Central Administrative Complex Membership Roster- due by Sept. 25 Membership Roster- due by Sept. 25 List of meetings List of meetings Dates/times/locations Dates/times/locations Agendas Agendas Minutes Minutes via e-mail to: Debbie Davis davisdeb@mail.okaloosa.k12. davisdeb@mail.okaloosa.k12.

32 Membership Roster List as Parent, Community, Teacher, Staff, Student, or Principal AND IF APPLICABLE, indicate SAC office OR non-voting status. Be sure to list School Name

33 MIS 1411 >50% Non School District Employees  Report only your voting members here Use the most recent demographic data and maintain a record of pull-date Principal and SAC Chair must sign and date

34 Before submitting documents … Before submitting documents … Include year and school name Include year and school name Verify numbers of peer group with membership roster and make sure the total is an odd number ≥ 17 Verify numbers of peer group with membership roster and make sure the total is an odd number ≥ 17 Percents of each ethnic category must agree as closely as possible to school/community percentages and each column should total 100% Percents of each ethnic category must agree as closely as possible to school/community percentages and each column should total 100% Sign and date Sign and date

35 Ethnicity of School and Community Student Population Or Community Population ml###

36 School Advisory Council District Requirements Each School Advisory Council must consist of: At least 17 members an odd number of members

37 Agendas and Minutes Please submit to the District in a timely manner Please submit to the District in a timely manner List school name in the heading List school name in the heading List school name in subject line on all e-mails List school name in subject line on all e-mails

38 School Performance Plan

39 Made up of goals and objectives established for the school and determined by needs of the school based on data Purpose: To increase student performance Purpose: To increase student performance Includes: instructional strategies, data, and measurable goals Includes: instructional strategies, data, and measurable goals

40 Role of the School  Under the principal’s leadership, develop a School Performance Plan with objectives in ELA, social studies (secondary), mathematics, and science.  Allocate school resources based on these objectives.  Closely monitor the effectiveness of the plan during the year using internal assessments to determine student gains.  Adjust strategies, if needed, in order to reach objectives.

41 Role of the District  The District will provide schools with a timeline and training on the School Performance Plan process.  The District has created district-wide goals and will provide professional development and support aligned to these goals.  Directors of Curriculum and Instruction will work with principals throughout the year to monitor the effectiveness of school plans.

42 SPP Components  District Vision, Mission, and Core Values  School Profile  Community and Parent Awareness  Supporting Data  District and School Focus (ELA, social studies, math, science) and Objectives  School Action Plan  Professional Development  Steps for Implementation  Implementation Monitoring  Evaluation

43 Community and Parent Awareness

44 Supporting Data  Student achievement data is provided for each subject area  Annual Measureable Objectives are used to create learning goals  REMEMBER: Education programs are based on student performance data.

45 District and School Focus  Each school must address ELA, social studies (secondary), mathematics, and science.  The SPP allows for variance reflecting each individual school’s areas of strength and weakness.  Schools should build upon strengths and put strategies in place to improve upon weaknesses

46 Action Plan  Organized by focus areas  Includes – Professional Development – Steps for Implementation – Implementation Monitoring – Evaluation

47 The District SPP template reports: Compliance to SAC guidelines Designation of SAC funds SAC approval of the SPP SPP Template

48 School Performance Plan is…  The guiding document for a school's major initiatives for school performance  Created by teachers, faculty members, and administrators  Approved by the School Advisory Council (SAC).

49 Accountability Update School Grades In 2014, the Florida Department of Education chose new statewide assessments to ensure accurate measurement of student knowledge. A newly-adopted school grading system will simply and clearly convey the achievement level of Florida’s schools and lead to improved student outcomes.

50 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014 Spring 2016: FSA administered for the 2 nd time Fall 2015: Standard setting begins to establish cut scores for the FSA Spring 2015: New Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) administered Spring 2014: FCAT 2.0 Administered Fall/Winter 2015: Baseline School Grades released based on FSA results and new cut scores Summer 2014: School Grades released with current formula and accountability measures Summer 2016: School Grades released with consequences Assessment and Accountability Transition

51  Florida Standards Assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics (FSA) replaced FCAT 2.0 in reading/writing and mathematics for grades 3-8  Florida Standards End-of-Course Assessments (FSA EOC) replaced former NGSSS EOC Exams in Algebra 1 and Geometry  Florida Standards End-of-Course Assessment (FSA EOC) has been added for Algebra 2 FSA Portal: Florida Assessments 2015 - 2016

52 Science Grades 5 and 8 Civics End-of-Course Exam U. S. History End-of-Course Exam Biology 1 End-of-Course Exam Florida Bureau of K-12 Assessment: assessment/ assessment/ Florida NGSSS Assessments 2015 - 2016

53 2014 - 2015 The school grade is based on the percentage of total points earned Each component is worth up to 100 percentage points Provisions that may raise or lower a school’s grade beyond what the percentage of points would indicate are eliminated (no additional requirements; no additional weights/bonus; no automatic adjustments) Writing is included within the English/Language Arts components Elementary School Grades Model

54 Middle School Grades Model 2014 - 2015 The school grade based on the percentage of total points earned Each component is worth up to 100 percentage points Provisions that may raise or lower a school’s grade beyond what the percentage of points would indicate are eliminated (no additional requirements; no additional weights/bonus; no automatic adjustments) Writing is included within the English/Language Arts components

55 High School Grades Model 2014 - 2015 The school grade is based on the percentage of total points earned Each component is worth up to 100 percentage points Provisions that may raise or lower a school’s grade beyond what the percentage of points would indicate are eliminated (no additional requirements; no additional weights/bonus; no automatic adjustments) Writing is included within the English/Language Arts components Additional graduation rates (At-Risk and 5-year), college readiness measures (based on SAT, ACT, and PERT), and a stand-alone acceleration participation measure are eliminated from the model

56 For more information regarding school grades visit:

57 Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead

58 Resources… Public Meetings and the Sunshine Law Public Meetings and the Sunshine Law 8525791B006A54E4 8525791B006A54E4 8525791B006A54E4 8525791B006A54E4 The Continuous Improvement Management System (CIMS) FL Assoc of School Advisory Councils FL Assoc of School Advisory Councils

59 Questions??? Contact your District SAC Administrator: Debbie Davis

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