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Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center Brian Polagye NW National Marine Renewable Energy Center Tidal Hydrokinetic Energy Overview Western Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center Brian Polagye NW National Marine Renewable Energy Center Tidal Hydrokinetic Energy Overview Western Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center Brian Polagye NW National Marine Renewable Energy Center Tidal Hydrokinetic Energy Overview Western Energy Institute Fall Meeting September 11, 2009

2 Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center Overview Tidal Hydrokinetic Power Like a wind turbine……but underwater 001,09-11-09,WEI.ppt

3 Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center 002,09-11-09,WEI.ppt Overview Tidal hydrokinetic power is not… High Cost Large Environmental Footprint Tidal BarrageWave Power

4 Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center 003,09-11-09,WEI.ppt Overview Visual NIMBYSubmerged UnpredictableDeterministic CO 2 EmissionsNo Emissions Intermittent Environmental Impact Comparisons Intermittent Unknown Impact Tidal PowerOther Options

5 Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center Resource Devices Environmental Effects

6 Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center 004,09-11-09,WEI.ppt Resource Intermittent Predictability  Deterministic: prediction, not a forecast  Intermittent: four cycles each day of varying strength

7 Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center 005,09-11-09,WEI.ppt Resource Spatial Variability

8 Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center 006,09-11-09,WEI.ppt Resource United States Resource  Requires narrow channel connecting two (large) bodies of water  Utility-scale resource in Alaska, Puget Sound, Maine  Technically recoverable resource estimated ~9 GW average electrical power

9 Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center Resource Devices Environmental Effects

10 Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center 008,09-11-09,CNO.ppt Devices Industry Status  Many device concepts and laboratory tests  Very limited at-sea testing ―Long regulatory process ―High execution cost/limited funding to field test  Two existing (or nearly complete) field test centers ―European Marine Energy Center (Orkney Islands, Scotland) ―Fundy Demonstration Project (Nova Scotia)

11 Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center 007,09-11-09,WEI.ppt Devices Common Elements  Gearbox-generator Foundation  Penetrating pile(s)  Gravity anchor Mooring  Rigid (pile or truss)  Compliant (chain or cable) Power train  Direct drive generator Rotor Power take-off

12 Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center 011,09-11-09,CNO.ppt Devices Clean Current Race Rocks pilot project  3 m diameter  48 kW @ 2.5 m/s

13 Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center 009,09-11-09,CNO.ppt Devices Verdant Power KHPS (Kinetic Hydropower System) Roosevelt Island Tidal Energy project  5 m diameter  54 kW @ 2.5 m/s

14 Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center 012,09-11-09,CNO.ppt  6 m diameter  128 kW @ 2.5 m/s Devices Open Hydro EMEC pilot test

15 Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center 010,09-11-09,CNO.ppt  16 m diameter (x2)  1.4 MW @ 2.5 m/s Devices Marine Current Turbines SeaGen Strangford Lough commercial prototype

16 Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center 013,09-11-09,CNO.ppt Devices Key Technical Challenges  Reliability – unplanned maintenance incurs high cost  Survivability – harsh operating environments  Biofouling – biologically active environments  Deep water installation – most sites deeper than 40 m

17 Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center Resource Devices Environmental Effects

18 Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center 016,09-11-09,CNO.ppt Noise Artificial reef Wake EMF Fouling paints Rotating machinery Species avoidance Species aggregation Scour and sedimentation Sensory disruption Low-level toxicity Strike ChangeEffect Environment Disruption in immediate vicinity of turbine Local changes to physical environment Near-field Effects

19 Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center 017,09-11-09,CNO.ppt Environment Near-field Instrumentation 300 kHz ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler - velocity) Lead Weight (600 lbs) CTD (conductivity, temperature, and depth) Hydrophone (background noise) T-POD recorder (porpoise clicks) Acoustic release (redundant recovery) VEMCO recorder (tagged fish species)

20 Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center 014,09-11-09,CNO.ppt Tides (amplitude and timing) Transport (amplitude and timing) Power Dissipation Kinetic Power Density Nearshore ecology Flushing, sedimentation Mixing Resource intensity ChangeEffect Environment Increased flow resistance due to power extraction Wide-area changes to tidal regime Far-field Effects

21 Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center 015,09-11-09,CNO.ppt Environment Far-field Effect Example M2 amplitude change (mm) Tidal range impact of 145 MW plant

22 Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center 018,09-11-09,CNO.ppt Environment Species impact (fish, marine mammals) Changes to physical environment (sedimentation, dissolved oxygen) Changes to tidal regime (transport, range, mixing) ? ? Cost-Benefit Evaluation

23 Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center NW National Marine Renewable Energy Center Wave: Tidal: Partial funding for this work is provided by the US Department of Energy Questions?

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