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Organizational Development January 2013. STEM Task Force Recommendations - STEM Council and STEM Hubs -

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1 Organizational Development January 2013

2 STEM Task Force Recommendations - STEM Council and STEM Hubs -

3 Proposed: HB 2636 Supported by STEM Employer Council Forms STEM Council to advise OEIB Establishes STEM fund Requests $50M Provides grants to schools, colleges, universities for STEM Please send input and amendment language to Lita by email

4 OEIB’s Proposed STEM Hubs (From Hilda Rosselli)  Responsible for organizing and directing STEM operations in a region such as:  Operating a regional, flagship, 6-14 STEM Lab school;  Centralizing and organizing existing regional work around STEM;  Enhancing access to existing regional STEM and CTE facilities and learning opportunities for under-represented students and schools by facilitating inter-district usage and transportation agreements; ands  Improving infrastructure, equipment and machinery in existing STEM and CTE facilities to absorb greater numbers of students.

5 Governor’s Office, Rudy Crew and OEIB The need for a more educated workforce… better transference of skills to students to take to the workforce. Outcomes based…. Increase competencies and reduce “the gap” between students at the top VS bottom. PROPOSED funding for “CONNECTION TO THE WORLD of WORK” ($14M) $5.5M STEM Advisory Council : Funding for 3-5 regional STEM Centers (access points) $0.5M Expanding opportunities for middle schools: Show a trajectory – develop passions & identify career options $2.5M Dept of ED Grants to Public schools: Investing in STEM & CTE for minorities, girls and other underserved kids $5M Dept of ED Grants to Consortiums (focus on 9-14): Innovative ways for college credit (CCN, credit by proficiency, etc.) $0.5M Arts and related industries

6 Accelerated Credits: Regional school, college, university collaborations – dual credit, transitions Metrics and evaluation Learning Community & Professional Development [Adopt effective practice models across partner schools] STEM Connector Connecting business and community resources to schools at all levels Lead: Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum Lead: Rotating schools SMS STEM Learning Community Lead: All post- secondary partners will lead their own relationships Lead: WOU? Or Consultant? Is this part of the Learning Community work? Regional STEM Center/Hub Facilitation of network activities, collaborative grants, communications

7 Function Chart More Students excited about STEM More Students excited about STEM Increased science and math achievement Increased science and math achievement Implementation Activities The STEM Hub will facilitate the network, guide the strategy, coordinate grant proposals, and communicate to partners and external constituents. The Partners will identify a lead for each key strategy. Grants and leveraged resources will support all partners to contribute and benefit. SMS STEM Center/Hub Learning Community Common Metrics and Evaluation Professional Development- Coaching or Studio Model STEM Connector Links for Businesses and Programs to Teachers Opportunities for Teachers and Students in Businesses Accelerated Credits Dual credits, high school transition, credit by exam, scholarships

8 Next Steps Shall we form a STEM Hub Leadership Committee to guide facilitation, grant proposals, etc. ? Can we identify chairs or leads for each of the three strategies / committees? Shall we schedule recurring Quarterly Meetings for updates, coordination, reporting? Send input and offer to participate or lead the STEM Hub Leadership Committee or Strategy Committees: To Lita and Deb by Feb 15th

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