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NHD History Fair Project zDue January 20 th, 2014.

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2 NHD History Fair Project zDue January 20 th, 2014

3 Theme: “Rights and Responsibilities in History” zAll History Fair assignments and information will be posted on my class website under the NHD tab. z is the National History Day Fair website and will also be a valuable resource. zSeminole County History Fair February 22 nd (our school fair will be 3-4 weeks before)

4 Theme: “Rights and Responsibilities in History” zIn your project, you need to y Explain the who, what, when, & where and why about your topic yExplain the topic’s relationship to the theme yExplain how the topic impacted (changed) history, significance

5 What your Project Needs to Include Theme: “Rights and Responsibilities in History” zTitle zThesis (topic, main idea) statement zHistorical context: short explanation of the history of your topic zTheme relationship explanation zImpact or significance in history zAnnotated bibliography (list of resources) zProcess paper (description of how you did your research)

6 How You Present Your Information Theme: “Rights and Responsibilities in History” zYou choose the format that you present what you learned yExhibit (Mini museum display) yWebsite

7 Student Project Examples zLook on NHD website under Creating an EntryCreating an Entry zStudent Project ExamplesStudent Project Examples

8 Exhibit z1 or 2 Students z“Mini museum display” zFree standing board

9 Clear Title

10 Sub-Titles

11 An exhibit can include a Model.

12 Addresses the theme

13 Exhibits can be up to 6 feet in height.


15 Audio/Visual equipment can be used.


17 An exhibit does not have to be on a display board.


19 Website z1-2 Students zIncorporates words, images, videos, and audio to tell your story. zViewer navigates her/his way through the site. z2011 National Winners: You must have home access to a computer to make a Website project!!!

20 Checklist zPresentation (ex., web, doc., paper, perf.) y Title yThesis yHistorical context (Timeline) Explain the who, what, when, & where and why about your topic yExplain the topic’s relationship to the theme yConclusions/Impact: Explain how the topic impacted (changed) history, significance yRules: word count, size, time limit, etc. z“Paperwork” yTitle Page: Name, title, category yAnnotated Bibliography (primary sources listed 1 st ) yProcess paper (answer 4 questions, ≤500 words)

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