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In these slides there are a few ideas to inspire you or Easter evangelism.

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Presentation on theme: "In these slides there are a few ideas to inspire you or Easter evangelism."— Presentation transcript:

1 In these slides there are a few ideas to inspire you or Easter evangelism.

2 Re-create Palm Sunday

3 Easter prayer breakfast

4 Good Friday procession

5 C onfess our sins H ope for the future O pportunity to share the good news C elebrate the victory of the resurrection O bedience to God’s call in our lives L ove for ourselves and our neighbours A wareness of the needs in our community T hank God for all he has done E ncourage others USE CHOCOLATE!

6 There are some great Easter tracts, here is one website:

7 Advertising is important, see this website for some good materials

8 A community funday – including an Easter egg hunt!

9 Decorate the cross with flowers and put it outside.

10 There are lots of other good resources – here is one obtainable from

11 Have a ‘cracking’ good time sharing the Easter story with others.86/HOPE_Together.aspx

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