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MEET AND GREET NEW SCHOOL CO-LOCATION Office of Campus Governance Spring 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "MEET AND GREET NEW SCHOOL CO-LOCATION Office of Campus Governance Spring 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 MEET AND GREET NEW SCHOOL CO-LOCATION Office of Campus Governance Spring 2014

2 CAMPUS THEORY OF ACTION Well executed campus management creates the necessary conditions for increased student achievement, as well as principal, staff and community satisfaction.

3 Introductions Overview of Co-location Planning Effective Council & Campus Norms Campus Audit Procedures Dispute Resolution Process Shared Space Process Building Tour TODAY’S AGENDA

4 Introduce yourself to the group: personally and professionally What is the mission of your school and what achievement levers are valued? INTRODUCTIONS

5 ActionExpectationsTimeline Panel for Educational Policy (PEP) Vote PEP acts on the proposed co-location 45 days after posting Meet & Greet Facilitated by Campus Governance Introduce the co-located schools to one another, tour the building together, discuss their vision, Review communication protocols and campus policy requirements Begin shared space planning 10 school days post PEP Placement Meeting Facilitated by Office of Space Planning Allocate rooms and divide excess space equitably. For charter co-locations, the space allocations will aligned to the approved Building Utilization Plan or will memorialize proposed revisions. 20 school days post PEP or 10 days post M&G Facility review for 2014 construction planning and charter matching planning New school and DOE Facilities staff will work with the Building Council to schedule access to the building and relevant space during non- instructional hours to assess the physical space and plan facility upgrades. Ongoing OVERVIEW OF CO-LOCATION PLANNING


7 BUILDING COUNCIL: DEFINED A Building Council is a structure for administrative decision-making regarding issues impacting all schools in the building. Council principals are equal partners in shaping the educational environment: administration, communication, culture. There are no “host” schools and all schools have equal rights and responsibilities in campus decisions.

8 Only DOE and Charter Principals/Director of Ops, D75, D79 (invited), and multi-site principals (delegated to AP when necessary) AP’s can be brought in as observers, presenters or to take minutes, etc. NOTE: Parents, UFT reps, CBO’s sit on the SLT ; custodial and safety staff are present only when principals agree they are needed for an agenda item. WHO SITS ON BUILDING COUNCILS?

9 WHAT DOES A GREAT COUNCIL LOOK LIKE?  Trusts each other; equal voices  Develops a compelling shared campus culture  Engages in unfiltered conflict around ideas and then resolves through consensusconsensus  Commits to decisions and plans of actions  Holds one another accountable for delivering against those plans  Speaks with “one voice” externally to staff and community about campus matters

10 CAMPUS COLLABORATION BENEFITS ALL “All of us together are stronger than any one of us; we create something together that was not possible alone.”  Daily advantage from colleague support  Shared expertise and resources  Team wisdom through collective experience  Professional learning community  The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

11 Calendar of annual meetings (bi-weekly typical) Building Survey Principal (Survey, Minutes) Meeting facilitator (e.g., rotations) Distribution of tasks (based on expertise) BUILDING COUNCIL NORMS

12 DISTRIBUTION OF CAMPUS ASSIGNMENTS / SHARED CAMPUS PERSONNEL All school leaders on a campus should accept their share of campus-wide “lead” assignments (such as safety, athletics, extended use permits, campus liaison, etc.) Provisions should be made for all principals to contribute to and sign off on ratings of shared or split-funded personnel (such as the custodian, librarian or lead safety officer)


14 The former ‘Campus Audit Template’ has been streamlined with the ‘Annual Facilities Survey’ into an online tool called the Principals Annual Space Survey or PASSPASS The survey is to be completed collaboratively with all campus principals at the beginning of each school year. Upon completion, the survey should be signed off by all Building Council members, printed, and kept on file for 5 years. ABOUT THE PASS SURVEY

15 PASS SURVEY COMPONENTS Annual Calendar: Includes building council meeting dates decided upon for the school year (normally bi-monthly); BC’s should file meeting agendas and subsequent meeting minutes. School Space Allocation: Includes designated room allocations by school and the documentation of any room swaps. Shared Space Schedules: Includes daily scheduling of shared spaces (library, cafeteria, auditorium, gym, etc.) access and use of the building after hours, on weekends, and in the summer. Shared Staffing/Funding: Includes any shared staff and their shared funding and supervisory agreements, i.e., campus plan for deployment of safety/security staff as well as documentation of any other initiatives that are split-funded. Charters cannot split fund.

16 PASS SURVEY PROCEDURES “Building Survey Principal”: (principal with the highest student enrollment): – Refers to the School Leader who is determined by the PASS system to have editing rights to the PASS survey – Other principals will have viewing rights and will collaborate to complete and certify the survey Meeting Minutes: Building Council and Shared Space Committee Minutes are required to be uploaded regularly into the PASS System. – Building Council meetings are required to occur at least 10x/per school year – Shared Space Committee (only for campuses with charter schools) meeting minutes have quarterly deadlines

17 For questions, contact the PASS Hotline at 718-752-5237 or email PASS Video Training can be found at: HEREHERE ASSISTANCE WITH PASS SURVEY

18  Review committees established on each campus where one or more charter schools are co-located with one or more DOE schools or a D75 program  Comprised of a principal, teacher, parent from each co-located school; AP may serve a delegate for D-75  Purpose is to review the implementation of the Campus Space Plan or Building Utilization Plan with SSC members; the review makes the space allocation and shared space decisions transparent. Principals retain the sole right to make the collaborative space sharing and scheduling decisions on the Building Council, but they review these results with the SSC.  Meet at least 4 times per year & submit meeting minutes into PASS SHARED SPACE COMMITTEES


20 COUNCIL ARBITRATION ASSUMPTIONS  The best decisions are made closest to those implementing those decisions.  When campus principals hold the locus of control equitably, they are more motivated to reach consensus locally.

21 DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCESS CAMPUS DISPUTE Building Council Network Leader Executive Director of Campus Governance Building Council: Principals attempt to reach consensus in BC meeting; request CFN support individually or collectively. CFN Involvement: Network Leader facilitates 1-2 meetings; E.D. of Campus Governance may coach. If conflicts are not resolved, calls E.D. for arbitration. ED Arbitration: will occur thru the E.D. of Campus Governance with the assistance of relevant DOE managers. Superintendents will write letter to file to support the adverse PPR rating.


23 Scheduled 20 school days post PEP (two weeks post M&G) The Borough Director of Space Planning will schedule and facilitate the Placement Meeting with all Principals to allocate rooms and divide the excess space equitably in the building. – Space allocation is based on the proportion of the total students in the building enrolled by each school and/or program, the instructional and programmatic needs of the co-located schools, and the physical location of the space within the building. For all charter co-locations, the space allocations will align to the approved Building Utilization Plan. PLACEMENT MEETING

24 Representatives from DSF and DIIT will participate in the meeting to address facilities needs and requirements such that all schools can provide effective instruction All follow-ups will be memorialized through the Facilities Site Survey filled out by the Borough Director of Space Planning. Following the placement meeting it is expected that the new school can arrange through the building council, appropriate access to the building. PLACEMENT MEETING

25 Terry Byam Executive Director of Campus Governance (212) 374-4142 CONTACT INFORMATION

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