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Please check. APA Tip of the Day: Bibliographies A bibliography is not the same as a reference list. A reference list provides the complete citation for.

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Presentation on theme: "Please check. APA Tip of the Day: Bibliographies A bibliography is not the same as a reference list. A reference list provides the complete citation for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please check

2 APA Tip of the Day: Bibliographies A bibliography is not the same as a reference list. A reference list provides the complete citation for all sources cited in the text of your paper. A bibliography is a listing of all of the sources you consulted in the preparation of your paper, regardless of whether or not you cited them in the text (you should, however, be very diligent to give credit where credit is due). Unless specifically requested to do so, you should not provide a bibliography for academic papers. (Common exception: annotated bibliography.)

3 Announcements 1.Final assignment is due at the BEGINNING of class next week. Do not come late in order to make last minute changes. If necessary, submit it after class, as the assignment will be open until 7 pm on Monday of finals week. 2.If you need to se me for advising, get in ASAP – I will not be available over summer break.

4 Quick questions or quandaries?

5 Social Construction of Disability and the World of Work April 23, 2015 Today’s Readings: Harlan & Robert (1998) AND Wilton (2006)

6 Equal Pay for Equal Work? Workers with disabilities may be paid less than the minimum wage ($7.25/hr*) if employers obtain special certificates from the Department of Labor. *Note: NM minimum wage is $7.50/hr

7 What is a commensurate wage? “A commensurate wage is a special minimum wage paid to a worker with a disability that is based on his or her individual productivity (no matter how limited) in proportion to the productivity of experienced workers who do not have disabilities performing essentially the same type, quality, and quantity of work in the vicinity where the worker with a disability is employed.”

8 Determining the commensurate wage “In order to determine the commensurate wage, the employer must first examine the work to be performed by the employee with a disability, and through the use of an accepted work measurement technique, develop a "standard“ that accurately measures the quality and quantity of that same work when performed by workers who do not have disabilities. Work measurement methods, such as time studies, Modular Arrangement of Predetermined Time Standards (MODAPTS), and Methods-Time Measurement, are used by employers to determine the length of time it should take a worker who does not have a disability to perform an operation, or element of an operation. The commensurate rate is then determined by comparing the performance of the worker with a disability against that "standard.“ In very simple terms, if the worker with a disability is 60% as productive when performing a particular job as is the experienced worker who does not have a disability performing the exact same job, the commensurate wage for that worker with a disability would be at least 60% of the prevailing wage (the wage rate paid to the experienced worker who does not have a disability).”

9 Sheltered Workshops: “A charitable organization or institution conducted not for profit, but for the purpose of carrying out a recognized program of rehabilitation for handicapped workers, and/or providing such individuals with remunerative employment or other occupational rehabilitating activity of an educational or therapeutic nature.” From the state of Kentucky’s government website –

10 Job Coaches A job coach is a person who provides specialized on-site training to an employee who is disabled. Typically, a job coach will help the employee with a disability learn the job, perform the job accurately, efficiently, and safely, and may also help acclimate the employee to the work environment. To hire or use a job coach, one can contact a local state vocational rehabilitation agency. Other social service agencies, such as Goodwill Industries, APSE, and United Way may have job coach resources as well. Information from :

11 Benefits of Sheltered Workshops: Sheltered Workshops provide basic needs for the handicapped and the community including: "Pay Check" allows the handicapped to perform a service for society by earning a portion of their livelihood. "Responsibility" gives them the responsibility of coming to work and doing a job. In the words of a Sheltered Workshop organization – “The Mentally Retarded Citizens of Missouri, Inc.:

12 Benefits, cont. Workers perform a service to competitive industry in jobs that are labor intensive. "Socialization" working side by side with their buddies. In addition it's probably the greatest respite program ever designed for parents and guardians, because they have the peace of mind that their son or daughter is safe, secure and a productive member of society.

13 Problems with Sheltered Workshops Low pay Dead-end placement. Supporters often defend sheltered workshops as a "transitional step" to prepare people to enter the competitive work force. Studies have consistently shown that segregated environments do not prepare people to live, work, or participate in integrated environments. Only 3.5% of people in sheltered workshops move into competitive employment in a given year. (

14 Problems, cont. Incentive to keep the most productive clients. Sheltered workshops receive funding from a combination of public vocational and rehabilitation programs and contracts from businesses. Workshops need to provide products of high quality to survive and continue to receive contracts. Workshops have a built-in incentive to retain the most productive and dependable clients. (

15 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Significantly reduces opportunities for substandard wages. People with disabilities who are 24 and under must receive pre-employment transition services at school and vocational rehabilitation services before receiving employment at substandard wage – “try competitive employment first” policy. This law will take effect July 2016.

16 Whole Group Discussion: How do sheltered workshops and substandard wage contribute to the identity, both emic (insider) and etic (outsider), of people with disabilities?

17 Quick Write: Harlan and Robert (1998, p. 405) asked the following: Who qualifies as a person with a disability? Which requested accommodations are reasonable? What functions are essential in a given job and, therefore, immune to reasonable accommodation requests? How would you answer these questions, and how does your response construct disability? How might an employer’s answers to these questions construct disability in a different way?

18 What is the ADA? The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 is a federal law that gives civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities similar to those provided to individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion. It guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in public accommodations, employment, transportation, State and local government services, and telecommunications. (

19 ADA contd. Title II of the ADA prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities in all programs, activities, and services of public entities. It applies to all State and local governments, their departments and agencies, and any other instrumentalities or special purpose districts of State or local governments. Information from:

20 ADA Regulation about Workplace Accommodations: What sort of accommodations are people entitled do? What sorts of accommodations do people get? In what way do these accommodations contribute to the social construction of disability? Consider both the negative and positive implications.

21 ADA accommodations Under the ADA, employers with 15 or more employees must accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities to allow them to perform the essential functions of the job, unless doing so would create an "undue hardship." Information from:

22 What is a “reasonable accommodation”? “a modification or adjustment to a job, the work environment, or the way things usually are done that enables a qualified individual with a disability to enjoy an equal employment opportunity." From the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's (EEOC) Technical Assistance Manual (

23 ADA accommodations Generally, accommodations must be provided to ensure equal access to the application process, to allow a disabled person to perform the essential functions of the job, and to ensure equal benefits and privileges of employment. For example, an employer may have to provide a reader to a blind applicant to fill out an application form or put in a ramp to allow an employee in a wheelchair to access the workplace. Information from :

24 Workplace accommodations: Reasonable accommodations are neither special treatment nor an employment advantage that is withheld from other employees (Harlan & Robert, 1998, p. 403).

25 ADA Employer Requirements: Employers covered by the ADA must make sure that people with disabilities:  Have an equal opportunity to apply for jobs and to work in jobs for which they are qualified;  Have an equal opportunity to be promoted once they are working;  Have equal access to benefits and privileges of employment that are offered to other employees, such as employer-provided health insurance or training; and  Are not harassed because of their disability. Information from:

26 What actually happens: 68,203 complaints were filed from 1992 to1996 by people with disabilities, alleging violations of the ADA. (Harlan & Roberts, 1998).

27 Official policy vs. daily reality: Employees and employers unfamiliar with policies. Employers’ resistance to recognize disabilities. Knowledge-resource differential. (Harlan & Roberts, 1998)

28 Small Group Discussion: In what ways do workplace accommodations contribute to the social construction of disability? Consider both the negative and positive implications.

29 Please take a minute for the minute paper. And don’t forget to turn your phone back on.

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