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Resource Form SharePoint Contact Information PCV Contact Name: Karin N. Jones Group Number: 38 Resource Information Title:

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Presentation on theme: "Resource Form SharePoint Contact Information PCV Contact Name: Karin N. Jones Group Number: 38 Resource Information Title:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Resource Form SharePoint Contact Information PCV Contact Name: Karin N. Jones Group Number: 38 Email: Resource Information Title: Author(s): Karin N. Jones Topic: Minimum Wage in the U.S. guest lecture Description: This is the presentation for the guest lecture I gave on Minimum Wage in the U.S. to university and college students. It has a MS Word document with notes that goes along with it. Document Type: Presentation Date Developed: March 2011 Please review the documents you intend to submit and certify that they do not include any of the following by indicating “NO”: Overt remarks about the political affairs of the host country No Disparaging remarks about the host country no Comments that are culturally insensitive no Information that could pose a security risk for a PCV no Remarks of matters of concern to PC or US foreign policy no Comments on matters that may impair the effectiveness of PC or PCVs no

2 Karin N. Jones Community Development Volunteer Peace Corps Ukraine Minimum Wage in the United States

3 Introduction Initial attempts to establish a minimum wage Introduced in 1938 by President Roosevelt Why is it needed?

4 The Fair Labor Standards Act What is it? What does it do? Protect American works from exploitation Create mandatory federal minimum wage Incorporates worker’s protection laws

5 Minimum Wage Exceptions Workers with disabilities Full-time students Youth under age 20 Tipped employees Student learners

6 Who Must Pay Minimum Wage? Covered enterprises More than $500,000 in business per year; Operate a hospital, home for aged, disabled, or mentally ill; Schools; or Activity of a public agency. Other people covered by the FLSA Engaged in interstate commerce Domestic services

7 Minimum Wage in the U.S.

8 Minimum Wage History


10 Minimum Wage Purchasing Power

11 Real Value of Minimum Wage



14 Can You Live on Minimum Wage? Assume Earn minimum wage Working 2000 hours per year Tax deduction of $5,450 Income tax rate of 10% Rent of $500/month

15 Minimum Wage and Poverty


17 Who Earns Minimum Wage? Young (under 25) Women Less educated Part-time Industries Leisure and hospitality States with highest proportion Texas Alabama West Virginia

18 US versus EU Minimum Wage

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