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IT 398/599 Topics in Global IT CDM Japan 2011 : Computer Gaming and Animation in Japan Pre-trip Meeting 2 Sept 30, 2011 (Fri)

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Presentation on theme: "IT 398/599 Topics in Global IT CDM Japan 2011 : Computer Gaming and Animation in Japan Pre-trip Meeting 2 Sept 30, 2011 (Fri)"— Presentation transcript:

1 IT 398/599 Topics in Global IT CDM Japan 2011 : Computer Gaming and Animation in Japan Pre-trip Meeting 2 Sept 30, 2011 (Fri)

2 Today’s Menu 1. Meeting & Assignment Schedule 2. Assign #1-3 Peer Review  “Please Read My Paper” pitches  Reviewer 2 assignment 3. Assign #1-4 Final Paper (individual) 4. Assign #2 Group Paper  Ideas for topics; Discussion on each topic  Sign-up for groups 5. Miscellaneous

3 Upcoming Meetings FFall 2011 [IT 398/599] 1. 9/9 (Fri) – Overview & initial matters, Assign #1 2. 9/30 (Fri) – Various topics on Japanese game/anime 3. 10/28 (Fri) – Group paper (Assign #2) presentations * 11/4 (Fri) -- (this date is tentative) 4. 11/18 (Fri) – Trip logistics ““The Trip” – 11/25 (Fri) to 12/8 (Thu) WWinter 2012 [ANI 390] 1. TBD – Reflections 2. TBD – Final project presentations 3. TBD – Final project presentations

4 Course Assignments  #1 [Pre] Research paper (individual)  #2 [Pre] Research paper (group)  #3 [Pre] Questions to ask at companies (individual)  #4 [Post] Trip journal (individual; UG students only)  #5 [Post] Final paper/project (group or individual, TBD)

5 Assignment & Meeting Schedule Meeting #1 Peer Review#1 Final Paper#2 Group Paper

6 #3 Questions

7 Tentative Trip Itinerary SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 11/2011/2111/2211/2311/24 Thanksgiving 11/25 10:20 am Leave Chicago (JL #009) 11/26 2:30 pm Arrive Tokyo/Narita ---------- Hotel: Keio Plaza (in Shinjuku) 11/27 11/28 11/29 11/30 12/1 12/2 12/3 [A] Robot 12/4 Free Day (in Tokyo) 12/5 ≈ 8:00 am Leave Tokyo for Kyoto (by Shinkansen) ≈ 11:00 am Arrive Kyoto Sightseeing ---------- Hotel: New Miyako (near JR Kyoto station) 12/6 Kyoto Manga museum (with Kyoto Seika Univ. prof.) 12/7 Free Day (in Kyoto) 12/8 ≈ 6:15 am Bus to airport 8:20 am Leave Osaka (JL #3002) 9:40 am Arrive Narita 11:35 am Leave Narita (JL #010) 8:25 am Arrive Chicago 12/912/10

8 Assign #1-3 Peer Review  In today’s meeting:  “Please Read My Paper” pitches  Reviewer 2 assignment  In a review,  Give constructive & helpful suggestions

9 Assign #1-4 Final Paper  Revise the first draft by incorporating changes and adding new content suggested by the reviewers  Refine your writing – Polish the paper  4 page minimum  NOT counting the space taken by figures/tables, or references/bibliography/’Works Cited’ or any non-body content  Single-spaced, with 1-inch margins

10 Assign #2 Group Paper  A group of 3-4 students (so a total 6-7 groups)  Do research on a topic and write a paper together (specifics TBD)  Also do a group presentation in the next meeting (10/28)  In today’s meeting:  General topics are decided  Students sign up for a group/topic Avoid topic similar to individual paper

11 Possible Topics for Group Papers (1) 1. General trend of Anime  Post-Pokemon (global) popularity  Future prospect, directions (including genres) 2. Various issues in Japanese anime  Contents – e.g. Does anime contain too much sex or violence (to the Western people)?  Localization (especially content edits)  Market saturation, Low quality products, Outsourcing  Illegal downloads, Piracy, Fansub

12 3. Cosplay and Japanese Contemporary Fashion & Culture  Any relation? Influence? Future trends? 4. Anime and Japanese Art, History & Culture  Cross-sectional/element analysis  In-depth analysis of specific examples 5. Manga and Japanese Art, History & Culture  Cross-sectional/element analysis  In-depth analysis of specific examples Possible Topics for Group Papers (2)

13 6. Successes & Failures (?) of Nintendo  SOOOO many ways to analyze this company 7. Successes & Failures of Sony/Sega 8. “Yo-Ge” ( 洋ゲ; Western games) in Japan  In-depth analysis of specific examples  Current trends, Future prospect 9. Game Development methods in Japan  Engines, tools, libraries, software dev. Methodologies (e.g. Agile) Possible Topics for Group Papers (3)

14 10. Portable and Mobile games in Japan  DS (& 3DS), PSP (& PS Vita) -- devices and games  Cell phone games, smart phone games 11. Arcade games in Japan  In-depth analysis of specific examples  Current trends, Future prospect 12. Games/Anime and “Cybernetics”“Cybernetics”  AI, virtual idols, virtual creatures, etc.  Current trends, Future prospect Possible Topics for Group Papers (4)

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