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Milwaukee County 4-H Leaders Council: Board of Directors Orientation.

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Presentation on theme: "Milwaukee County 4-H Leaders Council: Board of Directors Orientation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Milwaukee County 4-H Leaders Council: Board of Directors Orientation

2 Overview of Agenda -Board Purpose - Charter overview - SMART Goals as educational goals for the charter -Board Structure - Business Meeting Etiquette -Financial Management Practices -Officer’s Overview/Individual Officer Responsibilities per the Bylaws - Misc. and General Board Questions

3 Leaders Council: Purpose Statement A resource to youth throughout Milwaukee County that will … 1. Form an association of adult 4-H (volunteer) leaders and older 4-H youth members (ninth grade and up) 2. Encourage leader training and guidance. 3. Supplement and enhance 4-H youth education and development programs at the local, county, state and national levels.

4 SMART Goals  Specific  Measurable  Attainable  Realistic  Timely

5 Draft of SMART Goals for Charter from August 2014 Meeting  Marketing 4-H- Five new 4-H members join by marketing through five activities. A marketing committee led by youth and junior leaders. Time frame: September 2015  Increase participation on adult board by increasing communication with all at- large members.  Offer new/existing/old programs that interest youth.  Multiple ways of communicating about events/understanding of those events. Know success through-participation. * Vote on board educational goals.

6 Leaders’ Council Structure  Membership open to any volunteer leader and older youth enrolled in Milwaukee County 4-H Youth Development Programs.  Board of Directors  1 adult and 1 older youth (9 th grade or older) team per 4-H Club or Group 4-H Chapter nominates representatives at the club or group level.  4 At-Large Adult Positions Must be certified adult volunteer leaders.  4 At-Large Youth Positions Must be enrolled as a 4-H youth member with the 4-H Council.  Committees- Adult and Youth Members from the Council, Staff, and general community can join committees. Leadership must be provided by a 4-H adult volunteer and youth member.

7 Expectations of Board Members – Part 1  Attend each monthly meeting. 12 Leaders Council: Board of Director meetings per year 6 – Business Meetings for making decisions 6 - Education Meetings to cover topics of interest for the leaders council 1 - Annual Meeting will full membership. 60 days prior to June 30 th. 10+ - Events, fundraisers, and other activities per year organized by the Council.  Submit officer reports (Secretary’s minutes/Treasurer reports), committee reports, funding requests, etc. to the President at least 10 days in advance of the business meeting.  Ask questions, participate in discussions, and volunteer for leadership opportunities.  Join a committee and provide leadership for the committee or Council actions.

8 Expectations of Board Members - Part 2  You represent the interests of others.  Meetings and actions of the board are transparent to the membership. Decisions and opportunities are regularly communicated to the membership. (Unless a closed executive board meeting is called or confidential situation arises.)  Be examples of proper meeting etiquette for other youth/ adult members and guests in attendance. *-Etiquette Quiz

9 Business Meeting Etiquette  Business Meetings should last between 1.5 to 2 hours.  Time Management Strategies to follow: -Inform the board members ahead of time. - Arrive early and prepared. -Avoid planning action items during meeting. Keep these for committee meetings.  Do not interrupt.  Abstain from electronics.  Wait your turn.  Pay attention.  Be patient and calm.

10 Business Meeting Etiquette  Attend the entire meeting.  Seek consensus. Conflicts are necessary when reaching a consensus.  Deal with conflict directly. It is okay to disagree but it must be done politely.  Apologizes are always in order.  Respect and be loyal to the decisions of the group. “We are a team.”  Never try to come to consensus outside the meeting. Everyone should be at the decision-making table.

11 4-H Youth Development Funds  4-H Youth Development educational programs funds All 4-H funds are public funds and must be publicly accountable.  Financial Year is July 1 st to June 30th  Methods for transparency:  Annual audit with 4-H Charter Application used to file taxes by the 4-H Educator.  Funds are spent based on decisions made by the board of directors and/or Council Membership.  Handling Cash: 2 or more people should count and record the count before deposit. Cash should be deposited the appropriate bank account. As soon as possible. No more than 5 business days after the event.  Create a records trail for funding requests and expenses.  Document donations, expenses, and fund requests using forms in your binder.  Submit reimbursement requests for approved spending with receipts.  Treasurer submits digital reports in advance of the bi-monthly business meetings.

12 Financial Management Practices*  Must raise funds and spend them in a 12 month/1 year time frame. Excess funds are housed in a savings or foundational account for investment and growth.  2 -3 Board of Directors members on the bank accounts. 4-H Educator is a authorizer of signers to the account. Needs to include one youth and adult representative.  Capital purchases of $500 or greater must be approved by the 4-H Educator.  Funds can be housed in the following institutions: -FDIC/NCUA Insured Banks - County UW-Extension Account -Wisconsin 4-H Foundation - State UW-Extension Account *See Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development Policies and Wisconsin 4-H Financial Handbook for more details.

13 Council’s Elected Leadership/Officer Roles  President  Vice President  Secretary  Treasurer  Parliamentarian  Committee Chair

14 Presidential Role  Sets general direction and supervision for the affairs and property of the Council.  Sets business meeting agendas and sends out information to Board of Directors/Council Membership approximately 7 days prior to the meeting. Send to out the general membership via email by  Participate in pre-business agenda setting meetings with UW-Extension Staff.  Designate Chairperson of Committees.  Recognize speakers fairly  Keep board meeting on track gently Focuses on topic at hand Controls interruptions Sets the pace  Responsible for meeting’s effectiveness  Speaks least & last  No more authority than any other Director!!!  Voting: Breaks ties if more than 12 board members are in attendance. Can vote when less than 12 members are in attendance.

15 Vice President Role  Work closely to support the President in their variety of roles.  Participate in pre-business agenda setting meetings with UW-Extension Staff.  Assume Office of President in the event of an absence and/or disability.  Work closely with all committees leadership by overseeing al committee actions. President and Vice President will keep each other informed.

16 Role of Secretary  Board Meeting Documentation  Write minutes of each board meeting Document attendance Document each decision, including vote (but not deliberations)  Minutes must be approved by vote, usually at the next board meeting Then, send the approved minutes 10 days after the meeting to Milwaukee County UW-Extension Office for publishing on the website. Send to  Review for accuracy including votes on all motions (names of who motions, a count of how many people agreed/disagreed)  Keep approved minutes, signed and dated  Keep copies of records, books, and papers related to the business of the Council. It may be keep in the locker in the Resource Room.

17 Office of Treasurer  Submits a Treasurer’s report 10 days prior to President the business meeting.  Keeps and accounts for all monies, credits, and property of the council.  Record all transactions of the money received and earned.  Money to be tracked in Leaders Council bank and financial accounts with institutions.  Oversees the audit committee’s recruitment and operations. Submits the audit to the Council and UW-Extension Office.  Holds access to the financial accounts including a debit card, check book, etc.  Deposits all funds for the Council in bank accounts. Fundraising committees should give funds to Treasurer.  Issues payments for all bills. * Scenarios

18 Misc. Topics  UW-Extension Office Policies  Key Card Access to UW-Extension Office- Board recommends five 4-H leaders for access. Director of UW-Extension approves access to key card.  Room Reservation Requests-Submit with requests 5 business days in advance by email to Include Today’s Date, Event Name, Event Type, Event Date(s) and Times, Description, event organizer’s email address and phone  Mass Email Blasts/Website Publications-Send requests to at least 3 days in advance. Place proper title in the subject line of the email.  Newsletter Article-Submissions due the 15 th of every other month (February, April, June, August, October, December). Email articles to  Who should be on the bank account? Traditionally, it is the President, Vice President, and Treasurer.  How many debit cards does the Council on the bank account? Who should have access? The Treasurer is the only person with access, now.

19 Resources Amy Palec. (2004). Mind your Manners. Retrieved from Garden Isle Racing Association. Board Orientation. Milwaukee County 4-H Leaders Council. 2014. Milwaukee County 4-H Leaders Council Bylaws. University of Wisconsin- Extension. 2014 Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development Policies.

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