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Towards a Multi-Agency Knowledge Broker Network

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1 Towards a Multi-Agency Knowledge Broker Network
Building a Community Health Information Network with Public Libraries

2 Overview Strategic context
Knowledge into Action supporting 2020 model of care. Public library role in community health and wellbeing. NES-SLIC collaboration - multi-agency knowledge broker network across NHS and public libraries.

3 Strategic context Christie Commission Report (2011) “…need new approaches – characterised by collaboration between organisations and partnerships with people and communities – to make a real difference and to provide positive models for the future.” Public Bodies (Joint Working) Act (2014) “Services should be provided in a way which, so far as possible, is integrated from the point of view of service-users, and…. takes account of the participation by service-users in the community in which service-users live.”

4 2020 Vision 'Our vision is that by 2020 everyone is able to live longer healthier lives at home, or in a homely setting. “We will have a healthcare system where we have integrated health and social care, a focus on prevention, anticipation and supported self-management.”

5 Knowledge into Action delivering 2020 Vision
Industrial Age Medicine Patient with Healthcare Problem Visits Many Healthcare Teams Receives information & treatment 2020 Information Age Health and Wellbeing Practitioners from multiple agencies support individual in their home via visits or telehealthcare Gains information via internet, health record, community networks Individual with Health/Wellbeing Need “Brokering” roles – support people to understand options and make choices.

6 Inverting the model of care
Industrial Age 2020 Information Age Individuals Patient Knowledge into Action Family/ Community Family/ Community Inverting the model of care Primary care Primary care Hospital-based care Hospital-based care Supporting/ Enabling “Doing to”

7 Articulating public library role in community health and wellbeing
“Evidence of a wide range and diversity of health and well being activity in libraries.Despite this level of activity, libraries are not, however, able to articulate their health and well-being contribution particularly well, to either partners or the public.” “The library health and well-being offer should be clearly defined. It should bring together core library activity information and signposting; services to the housebound and visually impaired people; reading groups and creative bibliotherapy.” MLA 2010

8 Speaking Volumes (Carnegie UK Trust)
“An enduring link between public libraries and individual and community wellbeing.” A New Chapter: Public Library Services in the 21st Century, Carnegie UK Trust. Database of hundreds of examples of practice throughout the UK and Ireland Published evidence of impact. Role of libraries in building strong communities – partners in tackling social isolation, disadvantage, fractured communities and ill-health.

9 Library as Social and Learning Hub
Addressing isolation Services for older people, homeless, disabled. Outreach to prisons and care homes Outreach to disadvantaged families Services for linguistic minorities. Community hub Information about services Access to public services, information about volunteering.

10 Library as Social and Learning Hub
Health and healthcare Information about health and health services Reading as therapy Providing community health services in safe environment. Partnership with voluntary sector. Learning and literacy Supporting literacy Digital literacy and digital participation Signposting to adult learning.

11 Scottish Library and Information Council (SLIC)
Independent advisory body to the Scottish Government on library and information services. Leadership focus and support to the Scottish library and information sector. Coordinating and promoting national service developments to benefit Scotland's people and enrich our cultural, educational and economic landscape. Lead and coordinating body for public libraries in Scotland. New opportunities for partnership with NHS.

12 Developing National Public Library Strategy for Scotland
SLIC and COSLA Key themes include: Communities – libraries delivering services that have communities at their heart. • Health – libraries enabling people to make informed choices about health and wellbeing, and work with healthcare partners to deliver outreach initiatives in our communities.

13 SLIC Public Library Improvement Fund 2013: Health and Wellbeing Projects
Angus Council: Take Control of Cancer East Dunbartonshire Council: Keep Well with Your Library Inverclyde Council Alphabet Soup Health Literacy North Ayrshire Council Health and Wellbeing Project

14 NES-SLIC project Jan-Mar 2015
Work with "early adopter" public libraries to support development of multi-agency knowledge broker network: Define and build their "community health information" roles, using relevant sources, methods and tools. Raise awareness among library staff of health information sources and skills Build collaborative relationship with local and national NHS library services Inform development of a plan for wider development during

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