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Tier 2 & 3 External Coaches Network Meeting Location Meeting Time October, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Tier 2 & 3 External Coaches Network Meeting Location Meeting Time October, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tier 2 & 3 External Coaches Network Meeting Location Meeting Time October, 2012

2 Meeting Agenda Introductions and Grounding Activity (PLEASE SIGN IN) Coaching Skill (Thoughtful and Reflective Questioning) Review 6 levels of interventions & percentages Teaming Model with Agendas  Teaching and Learning  for district-level capacity & sustainability  External Coach-led Internal Coach mtgs  on-sight school-based team mtg Open networking time

3 Grounding Activity  At your table, discuss what is where your building is with tier 2/3  What is working well?  What needs tweaking?  Share with large group

4 Coaching Skills  Thoughtful and Reflective Questioning was covered in the Tier 1 N200  Review these questions  How could they be helpful as your coaching tier 2/3 interventions?

5 Coaching for Capacity Building Illinois State Board of Education

6 Readiness for Tier 2/3?  Remember to check the website for the Tier 2/3 readiness documents  If your ready for S300-301, T200, T300-301, your district would submit the readiness documents to your TAC.  TAC’s will follow up and confirm next steps with your district

7 Tier 1/Universal School-Wide Assessment School-Wide Prevention Systems SIMEO Tools: HSC-T, RD-T, EI-T Check-in Check-out (CICO) Individualized Check- In/Check-Out, Groups & Mentoring (ex. CnC) Brief Functional Behavioral Assessment/ Behavior Intervention Planning (FBA/BIP) Complex FBA/BIP Wraparound ODRs, Attendance, Tardies, Grades, DIBELS, etc. Daily Progress Report (DPR) (Behavior and Academic Goals) Competing Behavior Pathway, Functional Assessment Interview, Scatter Plots, etc. Social/Academic Instructional Groups (SAIG) Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports: A Response to Intervention (RtI) Model Illinois PBIS Network, Revised August 2009 Adapted from T. Scott, 2004 Tier 2/ Secondary Tier 3/ Tertiary Intervention Assessment

8 What questions do you have?  Use flipchart paper or whiteboard to capture questions from the room…  CICO  SAIG  CICO with ind. Features/mentoring  Brief FBA/BIP  Complex FBA/BIP  Wraparound  Wraparound/RENEW

9 For Review: Data-Based Decision Making Numbers to Keep in Mind 7-15%: Percent of total population expected to need and be supported by Tier 2 interventions 1-5%: Percent of total population expected to need and be supported by Tier 3 interventions 70%: Percent of youth (receiving intervention “X”) that should be responding to intervention Data-based Decision-Rules for ‘determining response’ must be defined  Data sources defining response are efficient Ex. Daily Progress Report (DPR) cards: Student maintains an 80% average on DPR for 4 weeks

10 TEAMING The point of reviewing the teaming structure is to: 1.Check for understanding 2.Plan for training needs 3.Discuss the use of the agendas for tier 2 systems conversations, problem solving meetings and tier 3 systems conversations. 4.Begin discussing family and agency involvement

11 3-Tiered System of Support Necessary Conversations (Teams) CICO SAIG Group w. individual feature Complex FBA/BIP Problem Solving Team Tertiary Systems Team Brief FBA/ BIP Brief FBA/BIP WRAP Secondary Systems Team Plans SW & Class-wide supports Uses Process data; determines overall intervention effectiveness Standing team; uses FBA/BIP process for one youth at a time Uses Process data; determines overall intervention effectiveness Sept. 1, 2009 Universal Team Universal Support

12 Teaming at Tier 2 Secondary Systems Planning ‘conversation’  Monitors effectiveness of CICO, S/AIG, Mentoring, and Brief FBA/BIP supports  Review data to make decisions on improvements to the interventions  Individual students are NOT discussed Problem Solving Team ‘conversation’  Develops plans for one student at a time  Every school has this type of meeting  Teachers and family are typically invited

13 Secondary Systems Team Roles Team Leader: responsible for agenda & facilitation of meeting Intervention Coordinators (CICO, S/AIG community agencies who may be providing or facilitating interventions, etc.): report out on aggregate student data from interventions they facilitate (ex. “50 youth in CICO, 40 are responding”) Action Plan Recorder: a.k.a. note taker Time Keeper: Family Representative: CICO Facilitator: adult who checks students in and out in the morning and afternoon

14 Community-based Service Agencies: How can they contribute? Participate as member of systems team and/or problem solving teams. Contribute to Social/Academic Instructional Groups development and/or facilitate S/AIG’s. ( ex: DPR and classroom generalization techniques.) Useful resource for community-based service linkage and referrals. Skill-based clinicians can contribute to BIP techniques. Provide trainings and individual teacher support. (ex: homelessness, trauma, communication techniques, classroom management, etc..)

15 Activity Have participants move into small groups and address one of the following two points and then share out: 1.Discuss the use of the agendas for tier 2 systems conversations, problem solving meetings and tier 3 systems conversations. 2.Begin discussing family and agency involvement

16 Systems Response Tool  Review the following tool  Share at your table your thoughts:  What are the strengths of this tool?  What questions do you have about this tool?  How do you or how could you use the SRT?



19 Teaching and Learning Examples Teaching and learning examples are a way to document and share your successes with data. Key Features Examples  Disproportionality Gap Shrinks for African American Students  Decrease in ODRs and OSS While Gains Are Made in Student Achievement TA TOPIC

20 1.Identify educational entity (school/district, co-op) and indicate level of implementation (ex: third year of PBIS implementation) and/or Tier 2 2.Indicate ‘problem’ being addressed (ex: disproportionate office referrals for ethnic students) 3.Indicate decision rule(s) used to put student(s) into specific intervention(s) 4.Describe evaluation tool(s) and data used to assess/measure progress (BoQ, TIC, SAS, SSS) Key Features of Teaching and Learning Examples

21 Brainstorming your own T/L example…  Think: individually, reflect from the grounding activity what you excited about, jot down the data you know or the data you need (2 minutes)  Pair: turn to a shoulder partner  Share: Share you idea with your partner and ask for feedback, other ideas you might include, etc. Reverse

22 Activity Discuss how you could use a data stories at the: District Level Building Level Family Level Community Level

23 Networking Teaching & Learning Example  Teams, please model & guide practice or present example Presentation from the Field  Teams, please facilitate presentation as appropriate Reveal & Steal  Teams, please facilitate sharing as appropriate

24 Calendar Items & Updates Upcoming trainings  Teams, please insert upcoming trainings in your area/statewide Upcoming events  Teams, please insert upcoming events in your area/statewide Next meeting dates  Team, please insert next meeting dates in your area Register for trainings online

25 Share out one step you will take when you return to your district as a result of today’s network meeting. Closing Activity

26 Materials Tier 2 Systems Meeting Agenda Tier 3 Systems Meeting Agenda Problem Solving Meeting Agenda Systems Response Tool

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