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Human Nervous System Most Remarkable Communication Center

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1 Human Nervous System Most Remarkable Communication Center
Regulates the actions of organs Monitors the senses Controls one’s thinking, learning & memory capacity Specialized nerve receptors in sensory organs of eyes, ears, nose Constantly send data to brain at 300 mph

2 February 2, 2010 New Notebooks… Get ‘er done!!
Please turn to page 973 Draw a neuron on the left side… Label it please… Notes 36.1

3 Nervous System!! Chapter 36

4 Neurons – nerve cells which conduct impulses thru/out body - can be 1 m long in humans
Composed of 3 parts: 1. Cell body – contains the nucleus, interprets 2. Axon – carries impulses away from the cell body 3. Dendrite – receive stimuli and conduct towards the cell body Synapse – space that separates neurons from each other, a chemical neurotransmitter is released that bridges the gap and is unidirectional

5 1. The basic unit of the nervous system = neuron?
Dendrites receive stimuli Nerve cell body @ nucleus transmits the stimuli Axon transmits the impulse to another dendrite

6 myelin - covers the axon (white matter) allows impulse to “jump”
Resting neuron has a polarized membrane “– “ inside the cell, “+”outside the cell, that can transmit an electrical charge or impulse Depolarization - increase in Na+ inside cell give it a positive charge (wave) moves at speeds > 130m/sec myelin - covers the axon (white matter) allows impulse to “jump” gray matter - found in CNS brain, spinal cord

7 Axon ending: terminal bud
Transfers the electrical nerve impulse By chemical neuron-transmitters From one neuron to the next

8 Nerve depolarization is all or none principle

9 What is the function of the nervous system?
To receive information from a sensory neuron To process info by the brain & spinal cord To respond by an effectors (muscle/gland)


11 The Central Nervous System:
1) Spinal Cord 2) Brain medulla for breathing cerebellum for balance cerebrum for higher thinking bw

12 Central Nervous System (CNS)
Central Nervous System (CNS) - brain and spinal cord, receives and processes info and makes appropriate response 1. Cerebrum - 2 hemispheres, intelligence, memory, verbal, language, senses, “bridge connection” 2. Cerebellum - controls balance, posture, coordination 3. Medulla Oblongata – involuntary responses like heartbeat, breathing

13 Right versus left Cerebrum

14 Peripheral Nervous System
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) - all nerve pathways from the CNS to rest of body 1. Somatic Nervous System – voluntary system, connection between spinal cord cranial & spinal nerves, skin Reflex - automatic response to a stimulus, sensory neurons, spinal cord, motor neurons

15 R-SIM Reflex arc pathway . . .
receptor neuron receives the stimuli S sensory neuron passes the impulse on I interneuron at the spinal cord processes M motor neuron acts

16 Autonomic Nervous System
2. Autonomic Nervous System - carries impulses from the CNS to internal organs, involuntary controlled by the hypothalamus (BP, stomach movements, body temp, homeostasis) a. Sympathetic Nervous System - fight or flight b. Parasympathetic Nervous System – rest/relaxing

17 The Autonomic Nervous System

18 Sensory neurons or“receptors” receive a stimulus from:
eyes - sight ears - hearing nose - smell skin - touch mouth - taste

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