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FLC Website — Overview Brent Jacobs February 13, 2007.

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1 FLC Website — Overview Brent Jacobs February 13, 2007

2 FLC Website Statement of Issue Faith currently has an excellent website, but it needs a thorough review and possibly redesign to ensure that we are maximizing its potential. Comment: As with Faith Alive, it looks like a small church website, but needs to look like the large church that we are.

3 Original Website Questions The FLC website is basically a one-person operation (many thanks to Keith Bauer) – we also have a youth website – Jeremy Rodriquez What is the purpose of the website? Website content – need a thorough review by all members of the Council to determine completeness and identify areas for improvement Solicit suggestions from membership (survey) What percent of our members can access it (see survey results) Traffic statistics – who is using it Can it be found by search engines?

4 Original Website Questions Add Council member pictures and emails addresses (?) we can use a church email address for each councilor to protect individual private addresses – reflecting capability of server will forward message “Meet Our Staff” provides a great example of how a Council page could be constructed – staff could tell us how much “junk” email they get if that is a concern Move toward a “delayed” webcast of one or more church services Youth website Staffing – does Keith need help and, if so, how do we go about supplying it

5 Original Website Questions Benchmark with other web sites – how do we compare Community of Joy, Glendale, AZ Community of Joy, Glendale, AZ Saddleback Church, Lake Forest, CA Saddleback Church, Lake Forest, CA Overall design of FLC website – do we need to make some changes – many areas lack design appeal Sermons and FA on website, what else is needed and other links on church website – source of income for youth or other projects

6 Original Website Questions Need to allow plenty of lead in time as some changes will take time to effect – start early A redesign will require expertise in this area – could utilize volunteers to assist Keith or to just do the work themselves

7 FLC Website – Plan Review Formulate initial plan for changes/improvements (August 2006) Gather suggestions from council and members Gather suggestions from council and members See what is possible. Work with See what is possible. Work with Keith Bauer – internet possibilities and limitations Church staff – capabilities, commitments, etc. Formulate final plan and present to council for review and approval (January 2007)

8 Need for a Professional Website Designer The present website has served Faith well, but changes are desired to enhance the website The desired changes to the website are anticipated to require a professional level of expertise or at least a professional consultant to work with volunteers Consult with Keith Bauer to confirm this assumption Consult with Keith Bauer to confirm this assumption Time and cost estimates needed needed Schedule for making changes By May 2007 desired (discussion) By May 2007 desired (discussion)

9 Visibility Need to greatly improve Faith Lutheran Church's visibility to those searching the web FLC does not show up anywhere near the top when searching the web FLC does not show up anywhere near the top when searching the web Need to determine appeal priorities Need to determine appeal priorities Who we want to reach Who we want to reach How we want to reach them How we want to reach them What percent of our members can access it? Many can, Some do, Some can’t, Some won’t Many can, Some do, Some can’t, Some won’t Employ traffic statistics Who uses the website? Who uses the website? Monitor over time before and after changes Monitor over time before and after changes

10 Website Content Recommendations outlined in the November 2006 presentation Further content decisions need to be made in an organized, consistent manner Ongoing activity Ongoing activity Small committee approach recommended Small committee approach recommended Solicit suggestions from membership (survey) Solicit suggestions from membership (survey) Need more input from council Ensuring that current, useful information is available on the website is paramount

11 Website Design Faith Lutheran Church will need to develop own website identity Input from staff, council, members Input from staff, council, members Input from professional website designer Input from professional website designer Good ideas for desired features illustrated by several other benchmark web sites Community of Joy, Glendale, AZ Community of Joy, Glendale, AZ Saddleback Church, Lake Forest, CA Saddleback Church, Lake Forest, CA

12 Website Features Obtain input / advice from Web designer Special graphics and animation Special graphics and animation Sound files Sound files Video files Video files Security features Security features Website committee to determine Links / cooperative arrangements with other websites / services Links / cooperative arrangements with other websites / services

13 Website Management Recommend combination of periodic professional, staff and regular volunteer inputs Resources needed for regular input/ maintenance: Professional services Professional services Office staff Office staff Training required Equipment / software per webmaster recommendation Volunteer Volunteer Training required Equipment / software per webmaster recommendation

14 FLC Website Professional services needed to Design Design Launch Launch Change Change Manage Manage Protect Protect Staff / Volunteers needed to Load and Update information on website Load and Update information on website

15 Need for Media Staff Member Delayed webcast of a service (9:30??) requires someone to tape and upload to website shortly after service is concluded As sanctuary projector becomes integrated into services, someone needs to be in charge of operation and coordination Website needs to be continuously updated (at least Monday – Friday) Could a new half-time staff person do this

16 Moving Forward …… Forming Committee Who ? Who ? Continued involvement by Keith Bauer desired Several other names mentioned Volunteers welcome Obtain and evaluate quotes for website services Obtain and evaluate quotes for website services Finalize details of initial website modification Finalize details of initial website modification Continue to guide website operation Continue to guide website operation Process and Procedures Business aspects Issue resolution Etc. Goal: Modified website operating in May 2007

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