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CODE 2 Cogeneration Observatory and Dissemination Europe Kick-off meeting 10-11 July 2012 WP6 Communication and dissemination 10-11/07/2012COGEN Europe.

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Presentation on theme: "CODE 2 Cogeneration Observatory and Dissemination Europe Kick-off meeting 10-11 July 2012 WP6 Communication and dissemination 10-11/07/2012COGEN Europe."— Presentation transcript:

1 CODE 2 Cogeneration Observatory and Dissemination Europe Kick-off meeting 10-11 July 2012 WP6 Communication and dissemination 10-11/07/2012COGEN Europe

2 Communication and Dissemination This WP will allow for the widespread diffusion of the project findings. Target audiences: EU and national policy-makers and decision-makers Potential and existing users in industries (food/drink, paper/pulp), hospitals, regions/cities and SMEs (project developers, contractors, small users) Manufacturers Energy agencies Cooperation will be sought with: European industry associations Cities and regions interests groups National COGEN Associations Manufacturers of cogeneration equipments, including micro-CHP Bio-energy interest groups SMEs representations 10-11/07/20122

3 Communication and Dissemination Using common corporate design: The existing CODE logo will be used and updated Where needed templates will be developed to ensure a coherent approach (e.g. WP6 presentations, WP4 workshop documents, press releases, etc) Main tasks: Task 1. Development of a Communication and Dissemination Plan Task 2. Project website Task 3. Three events in Brussels Task 4. Identification of nationally recognised energy though leaders Task 5. Additional communication activities 10-11/07/20123

4 Communication and Dissemination Task 1 Communication Plan Description: The plan specifies the activities on EU and national level and will assign tasks and goals to each partner It will contain a detailed description of the goals, dissemination tools, target groups, multipliers, time frame, impact and evaluation To be reviewed every 6 months Special attention to reach SMEs Outcome: D6.1 – Communication and Dissemination Plan (M2) Action: Discussion on this Plan (content, task division, etc) 10-11/07/20124

5 Communication and Dissemination Task 2 Project website Description: To contain description, latest information, all public deliverables, etc Members area for exchange of documents, ideas etc. Partners and key stakeholders will be asked to make a link on the website to the CODE2 website Outcome: D6.2 – Project website (M3) Action: Discussion on website: a new website to be developed or continue with CODE website? Special features for ‘new’ website? 10-11/07/20125

6 Communication and Dissemination Task 3 Events Description: Two high-profile events in Brussels: 80 participants at each event consisting of EU policy-makers, industry associations, cities/regions associations and academics. To be held in the EP with support from a key MEP One Final Dissemination Workshop in Brussels: 80 participants consisting of EU and national policy-makers, industry associations, potential customers, academics, investors, regional interest groups and SMEs. Focus will be to showcase the final European Cogeneration Roadmap Outcomes: D6.3 – Two annual high-profile events in Brussels (M12 and M25) D6.4 – Final Dissemination Workshop in Brussels (M30) Action: none 10-11/07/20126

7 Communication and Dissemination Task 4 Energy experts Description: For the seven pilot Member States 1-2 nationally recognised energy thought leaders will be identified whom the project will seek to engaged in the project activity and who will be made more aware of CHP in general. Task for the five Regional Leaders Outcomes: Regular interaction with 7-14 well-known national energy figures Action: Discussion on identification and approach 10-11/07/20127

8 Communication and Dissemination Task 5 Additional communication activities Description: All partners will be involved in the following activities: Dissemination at relevant European projects Cooperation with multiplier organisations At least 25 presentations at relevant events At least 10 articles for trade and technical press Six translated Roadmaps to be communicated to relevant national stakeholders – task for five Regional Leaders Summary info pack to be produced: general power-point project presentation, single page summaries, fact cards, project brochure/leaflet, etc Outcomes: D6.5 – Report on the impact of the dissemination activities (M30) Action: Discussion on these activities 10-11/07/20128

9 Communication and Dissemination To discuss today D6.1 – Communication and Dissemination Plan (M2) D6.2 – Project website (M3) Ideas how to specifically reach SMEs XL lists with your cogeneration experts Production of the summary info pack – what should be in it The use of press releases (launch of project, around workshops and events)? Other ways to promote the project and the outcomes? 10-11/07/20129

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